Say Goodbye (Romantic Suspense #25) by Karen Rose

            “It’s not a stash,” Graham said. “A stash is a baggie or two of weed. This is a shipment. There had to be thirty pounds of coke in that box that was labeled Smithy Tools. It was under a stack of other boxes.”

            “DJ’s hiding it if he’s labeled the box as something else,” Hayley murmured. “The others don’t know he’s dealing.”

            “I bet Pastor knows.” Graham started massaging her back again.

            She nearly moaned because it felt so good. “That’s a sucker bet. Pastor knows everything that happens here. What are you thinking about?”

            He leaned in again, whispering in her ear. “Using that coke to buy our way out of here.”

            Hayley jerked out of his reach, staring at him. He wasn’t joking. In fact, he looked grimly sober. “What the hell, Graham?” she hissed.

            “Shhh,” he admonished. “You’re going to get us both thrown in the box.”

            She covered her mouth, but her eyes were filling with tears. “You can’t. You’ll get caught.”

            “And if I don’t, that bitch is going to steal your baby.”

            Hayley blinked, sending tears down her cheeks. Quickly she wiped at them with the scratchy woolen sleeve of her homespun dress. “I don’t want you hurt.”

            “If I do it right, I won’t be.”

            “You heard Tamar. People are watching you. They know you’ve been exploring.”

            “We need a diversion.” He glanced down at her stomach. “Tonight you’re going to pretend to go into labor. If I get caught, I’ll say I was trying to get blankets or towels or something.”

            “No,” she whispered. “I can’t let you take that risk.”

            “You can’t tell me what to do. Technically—here in this hellhole—I outrank you.”

            He smirked, but Hayley didn’t think it was funny. “You’re going to get killed.”

            “We need to get out of here,” Graham said stubbornly. “And we’re running out of time.”

            She closed her eyes. “I know.”

            “Then you’ll pretend?”

            “Yes,” she breathed wearily. “Of course I will.”

            He squeezed her shoulders. “Good girl.”

            She leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder. “I’m scared, Graham.”

            “I know.” He slid his arm around her, giving her a quick hug. “I’m going to fix this.”

            Hayley’s tears kept falling, because she wasn’t sure if this situation could be fixed. She was trading the safety of her brother for the safety of her baby. Graham thought he was tough stuff, but he’d never be able to defend himself if all the men of Eden decided to teach him a lesson.

            He pressed a kiss to her temple, something he hadn’t done in so long that she was momentarily stunned. “You’ll have to name Jellybean ‘Grahamina.’ Like Wilhelmina, but not.”

            She laughed, a watery sound. “You’re insane. And I love you.”

            His answer was another hug and then he was on his feet. “Lie down and rest. I’ll get you something to eat. What do you want? Jerky, jerky, or jerky?”

            Jerky had been a staple for the last week. Luckily, the women had put up canned goods last fall, so they weren’t starving yet, but she was really getting tired of jerky. “Jerky.”

            He exaggerated a bow. “Your wish is my—” Then he straightened abruptly at the shout from somewhere toward the front of the cave system. “What the . . . ?”

            Hayley struggled to stand, but Graham motioned for her to stay put. Worried, but unable to stand on her own, she complied.

            “I’ll see what’s up,” he said, then disappeared around the curtain that provided all the privacy they were allowed.