Munro (Immortals After Dark #18) by Kresley Cole

            “Will you let me guide you? Only until such a time that I prove unworthy of your trust?”

            The wolf seemed to weigh this proposition.

            Ren couldn’t believe she’d once thought a Lykae’s beast was evil. It was merely a being that wanted to survive and protect its own.

            Like anyone.

            “The way ahead is clear, sweet beast. Shall we go onward?” Ren closed the distance between them until its breath warmed the tender skin of her wrist. She held her own breath as long moments passed. . . .

            The wolf licked her palm.

            Relief soughed through her, and she dared to pet its sleek muzzle. “We’ll do so well together. Thank you for this gift.”

            Ears twitching, the she-wolf turned her head back to the woods. Two identical copper pups and a large golden male awaited her at the edge of the forest.

            Ren’s lips curved into a smile. “Go, sweet beast. Go be with them. I’ll see you at the next full moon.”

            When the wolf loped off to join her family, the beast went quiescent inside of Ren.

            As easily as the final note of an echo.


            Munro sat beside the bed, holding his sons while waiting for his mate to wake.

            As Kereny had instructed, he’d placed them at her breasts, and they’d latched on like pros. He’d cleaned the laddies, then haphazardly swaddled them.

            Now they slept in his arms as the defense of Glenrial raged on at the settlement walls. Though he’d been concerned about how the loss of oxygen might affect their sons, his Instinct told him that they were perfectly healthy.

            They had full heads of black hair, his eye color, and Kereny’s soft, olive-toned skin. They’d been born with tiny black claws and their eyeteeth. Which was normal for pups.

            In all the strangeness over the hectic last few hours, two moments stood out. Right after their birth, each of his sons had caught his eyes, firmly holding Munro’s gaze. The first time could be explained away, but then his second son had done the same. Outside of matehood, he’d never known that bonding could be so absolute.

            Both of those locked gazes had struck home in Munro’s heart, just as their mother’s blade once had. Now his heart was divided between overwhelming love for them—and fear for Kereny. He needed to hear her thoughts and to see her eyes get lively as her temper flared. He wanted to debate with her and make love to her. What if she never returned to him?

            “Bràthair, where are the wee beasties?”

            Munro whipped his head around to find Will and Chloe entering the room. “What are you two doing here? I thought you’d be sleeping off your full moon.”

            “It was a memorable night,” Will said, giving his mate a heated look. “But I had a feeling something was amiss with my twin. When no one answered their phones, we hitched a Luber.”

            Chloe went to the bedside and brushed Kereny’s hair from her forehead. “How is she?”

            “She’s regenerating. But exhausted.”

            “Let’s see them,” Will said, reaching for a lad.

            Chloe gave a soft squeal and reached for one herself.

            Munro grudgingly handed over his boys. He could’ve held them forever.

            The wee bairns squirmed, let out a couple of chuffs, then fell back to sleep for their aunt and uncle.

            Chloe gazed down, her eyes flickering green with emotion.

            Will’s flickered blue with alarm. “Scared I’ll drop him or something,” said the Lykae who once threw a tank at Order soldiers. “What happened here?”

            Munro gave them the highlights, then said, “The fork-in-the-road foretelling is in play.”

            “She can do this,” Chloe said. “She’s so strong.”

            When more howls sounded outside, Will said, “Bowen and Mariketa arrived no’ long ago. She’s going to try to sedate the newlings, so we can transport them to Kinevane’s dungeon.”