Munro (Immortals After Dark #18) by Kresley Cole

            Chloe said, “It sounds like they’re going to need some help.” The fierce cambion looked excited by the prospect. “We should go check out the situation.” She nuzzled the babe’s nose.

            Will asked Munro, “What about Kereny? Do you need us to help protect the lads?” He’d grown a touch more at ease cradling his nephew.

            Munro gazed at his mate. Protect them from her?

            Logic told him to use caution here, but he believed in Kereny. I will never doubt her again. “We’ll be fine. Go.” He gladly took his boys back in his arms.

            As Will and Chloe charged out to join the fray, Munro murmured to his sons, “Your mam is resting now, but she canna wait to see you.” Voice gone gruff, he said, “She’s adored you since you were both merely a whisper from the Instinct—”

            “Matei Theodan and Dùghlas Andriu.”

            Munro jerked his head up. “Kereny?”

            “I told you I’d know our sons’ names when I saw them together.”

            Munro’s breath lodged in his throat as her thick lashes lifted to reveal her gaze.

            Bright copper. Her stunning eyes were focused and aware. Yet not surprised.

            “You’ve done it, lass. You’ve bloody done it.”

            Then Kereny MacRieve—the eternal love of his life and mother of their bairns—gave him a cocky wink. “Like I said, Munro, this bitch doesn’t miss.”


            a little over a month later

            “How do I look?” Ren gave a twirl in place to show off her new red dress with a hem that went—gasp!—above her knees. She’d gone shopping at a second-hand boutique with Chloe and Loa. The dress was from another era, a vintage throwback. Like me. The fit was snug and showed off her enhanced cleavage (thank you, nursing!).

            Munro’s eyes went heavy-lidded. “You look like you want to go back to bed instead of to a party.”

            “I think we’re committed to attend since we’re the guests of honor.” They were moving to Conall tomorrow, so the pack was hosting a going-away bash.

            The new house and stables were already complete, thanks to Lykae builders who could work around the clock and lift a roof with one hand.

            For the festivities tonight, Munro was dressed casually in jeans and a T-shirt, because he planned to play rugby later. Will had promised a bruising matchup: demons versus wolves. No tracing allowed.

            Munro’s only accessory? A contraception cuff.

            Though the clan would be slow to embrace magic as they had before, it was indeed a slippery slope.

            Munro reached his strong arms out to draw Ren close, as if he couldn’t touch her enough. She would find his gaze on her throughout the day, golden eyes soft with love or smoldering blue with desire.

            “Committed? This is the Lore,” he murmured. “The rules say there are no rules.” He kissed her lustily—until laughter sounded from downstairs.

            Rónan, Ben, Chloe, and Will were all cracking up. The babies must have done something amusing.

            Ren asked, “Do you think Rónan’s making the twins race again?” Though just over a month old, Dùgh and Mat were already crawling. Any contests between the identical twins usually ended in a tie.

            “Likely. I admire the spirit of competition, but he ought no’ to wear the tykes out before the big party.” Munro was a protective papa, and doting as well. He wanted to be a part of every diaper change, burping, and bath.

            Between the two wards, Chloe and Will, and all the pack, Ren could hardly spend enough time with her little pups. But she was always nearby, watching out for them—a protector with her entire world to protect.

            “We should head down,” she said. “We might not get many opportunities for parties in the coming months.” They had Sentinel work to do. She cast him a hungry look and said, “Afterward, you can take me to the bayou.” They’d spent this month’s full moon there. Ren’s beast had been a delight. “It’s my favorite spot in all of Glenrial.”