Empire of Sin (Empire #2) by Rina Kent

“You shut the fuck up. I’ll be with you in a second,” Knox enunciates from between gritted teeth before narrowing his eyes on me. “And, you. Go.”

“No. You have no right to do this. I already broke up with you.”

He grinds his back teeth together, then drags in a long inhale. “I never fucking agreed to that.”

“That doesn’t mean it isn’t true.”

“That’s exactly what it fucking means.” He shakes me by my arm, his voice becoming guttural and asphyxiating. “You’re mine, and no one touches what’s mine. You don’t let anyone put their hands on you or it’ll be the last time they touch anything.”

My breath hitches and it’s not only due to the raw possessiveness in his tone, or that his heat nearly melts me. It’s that I feel his words instead of merely hearing them.

They sneak beneath my skin and flow into my bloodstream faster and thicker than blood. I’m speechless in the wake of their intensity.

Completely and utterly helpless.

His fingers dig further into my skin as if driving the point home. “I mean it, so don’t make me act on it.”

“I also mean it. We’re over.” I sound calm and composed, even though a war is bursting through my limbs, destroying me from the inside out.

“Anastasia…” The thickness in his voice nearly makes me crumble.

I’m so weak for him, I realize. So damn helpless in front of these golden eyes that hold the world in their depths. A world I recognize myself in. A world I never wanted to leave.

Every part of me is urging me to explain, to throw myself in his arms and cry.

But that will only hurt him.

And me.

“Let me go,” I murmur.

“Not in this fucking lifetime.”

“Let me go, Knox. Just let me go!” I’m two seconds away from crying, from ruining the fragile façade I’ve been wearing since he came in.

“Not going to happen.”

Daniel steps to my side, still wiping the blood from his nose. “She said to let her go.”

“You keep your mouth shut and send any goodbye messages before I fucking murder you.”

“Knox…” Daniel grabs his arm and shakes his head, speaking slowly though with a firm edge that I’ve never heard from him before, “Let her go. You’re hurting her.”

I don’t know how he noticed it when I’ve been hiding my reaction, but his words prompt Knox out of his haze. He focuses on where his fingers are digging into my arm and releases me with a jerk.

I wince, not because of the pain, but because he’s no longer touching me. I prefer the pain over completely losing his touch.

The pain means he’s there, but its absence is no different than being abandoned.

Daniel sniffs, the blood still coating his nose. “You need to calm the heck down, mate.”

Knox raises his fist and punches him in the face and he jerks back, cursing.

“Fucking fuck, Knox. What the bloody hell is wrong with you? This face is real estate!”

He completely ignores him, his attention solely on me. His hazel eyes are dark and unreadable, a bit scary, even. “This isn’t over.”

The staring contest continues for a few more seconds, or maybe minutes, before he turns and leaves.

As soon as he’s out the door, my feet falter and I nearly drop to the floor.

Oh, God.

Is it supposed to feel this miserable? As if something is tearing up my insides and leaving them out in the open?

The door I’ve been staring at since Knox left is blocked when Daniel stands in front of me. “Are you okay?”

I internally shake my head and focus on him. On the blood that’s trailing down his chin and dripping onto his white shirt and the lapel of his jacket. “I should be the one asking you that. I’m so sorry.”

“He’ll be the one who’s sorry when I sue him for assault.”

“Please don’t do that.”

“You’re still defending him after he fucked up my face? The same face that’s worth millions of dollars and on the cover of countless magazines?”

“I’m really sorry. I’m sure he didn’t mean to.”

“You must really love him if you’re apologizing on his behalf after you clearly broke his heart.”

A ball the size of my fist thickens in my throat. “It’s…complicated.”

“I can see that. He called you Anastasia and I assume it’s not because of some role-play kink I didn’t know he had. Is that why you asked me to come in here? And what’s with the coming on to me bullshit when we both know it’s not true?”

I bite my lower lip. I really didn’t mean for Knox to catch us, not that there was anything going on. I only spilled my water on Daniel and I was trying to wipe it off when Knox walked in.

Daniel dabs the back of his hand against his nose before his scrutinizing attention falls on me. “I might not look like it, but I don’t allow anyone to use me, especially when it comes to hurting my best friend.”

“I’m not using you…I just wanted to ask for your help.”

“Concerning what?”

“Knox’s safety. If you care about him, don’t explain this situation to him. Let him believe that I came on to you.”