Empire of Sin (Empire #2) by Rina Kent

The raging, bitter fucker who also hates himself. That’s the one thing we had in common when we got close, and no matter how much he’s hid that fact, it’s still a huge part of who he is.

“Shut the fuck up, Knox.” There’s a warning in his clipped tone.

Bloody fantastic. Now, we’re getting down to business.

“It hurts, doesn’t it? Being hit upside the head by the truth. Being reminded that you can have any woman except the one you really want, because she only ever used you, right? You were nothing to her and always will be.”

His fists clench at his sides and I expect him to punch me. I’m waiting for him to make the first move so I can pummel him to the ground. However, his lips curve, and the holes in his cheeks appear grotesque as he smirks. “Just like you’re nothing to Anastasia, you mean? She threw you away the first chance she got. And guess who she chose? Moi.”

I lunge at him and he’s waiting with a raised fist. I punch him first and he punches back just as hard. I might’ve been the one who was working out on the bag, but his hits are fueled with as much adrenaline as mine.

It’s like he’s waited for this moment to release all the pent-up energy that’s been growing inside him as well.

I tackle him to the ground, but before I can pin him down, he rolls us around and kicks me in the balls.

“Motherfucker!” I curse, grabbing the throbbing area and stare up at him, because he’s standing, panting, his eyes shadowed. “That’s a fucking low blow.”

“Just like bringing her up. Do that again and your dick will be next.”

“Not if I kill you first.”

“You can try. Doesn’t mean you’ll succeed.”

I crawl to a sitting position, wincing at the pain in my balls. The fucking bastard got me good.

As much as I want to rearrange his features and sell them for parts, I know he meant it about my dick. He can be a raging arsehole when provoked and I definitely did that by mentioning his Achilles’ heel.

So unless I break his dick first, he’ll come after mine.

Besides, it’s like all the destructive energy I stored inside is slowly deflating. All I’m left with is a bitter taste at the back of my fucking throat.

I stare up at him—or, more accurately, glare. “Just tell me why, Daniel. Why her?”

“No reason.”

“Either you tell me or I swear to fuck I’m going to find the blonde from your past and fuck her, then send you the pictures.” I wouldn’t, because that would mean touching another woman besides Anastasia, and as much as I want to strangle the fuck out of her, I don’t want any other woman but her.

However, my words get me the intended reaction. He grabs me by the shirt and hauls me off the ground. “Don’t you fucking dare.”

“Why? I thought you were over her, or is that another lie?”

“I’m going to fuck up your life, Knox.”

“You do that while I’m busy fucking her into oblivion.”

“Shut the fuck up or I’ll fuck Anastasia for real.”

I’m about to punch him to death when his words register. He said for real, as in, it didn’t happen.

“You didn’t do anything with her, did you?” I ask slowly, the haze dissipating from my vision.

“I will in about half an hour if you don’t stop being a dick.”

“Like fuck you will.” I stand to my full height and push him away. “Why did you make me believe something happened?”

“I didn’t make you believe something happened. You painted that whole scenario yourself. I specifically told you I didn’t come on to her, but you weren’t listening.”

“Why did she say she came on to you?”

“Hello? She obviously realized I’m a catch.”

“Daniel,” I warn.

“Why don’t you ask her?”

“Well, I’m asking you.”

“Even if I knew something, why would I spill the beans? You get fewer brownie points for being a bloody fucking wanker. Not only did you believe I would do such a thing to you, but you also brought her up. We agreed to never fucking do that.”

“What did you expect me to do? You were lying to me.”

“I was cooperating for your bloody sake, but fuck you.”

“My sake? What is that supposed to mean?”

“She said she’s doing this for you.”

“For me?”

“That’s all I’m telling you. You’ll have to find out everything else from her.”

It still feels wrong that she even went to him instead of coming to me and I want to punch him to death for that reason alone, but I suck in deep breaths to conjure some much-needed calm.

Anastasia has a lot to answer to, and a lot to learn, like the fact that she can’t take any other man’s side but mine. Or tell me it’s over.

She can do whatever the fuck she wants, but only while she’s with me.

“Where did you see her last?” I ask Daniel.

“At the firm, but I wouldn’t look there or at her flat.”

“Why the fuck not?”

He sighs, long and deep. “Because she said she’s going back to where she came from.”