Empire of Hate (Empire #3) by Rina Kent

“Daniel!” I shake my head.

“It’s sir to you.”

“You’re no longer my boss.”


My heart skips a beat and I hate it. I hate how I’m irrevocably out of control when it comes to Daniel and his words and his actions and his presence. But what I hate the most is that there isn’t a way to tame or tamp down my reaction to him.

It’s always meant to cross every line.

Every limit.

Every logical barrier.

“You said you’ve known Nikki for a long time,” Jay says in a contemplative tone. “That means you can let her keep her job.”

“Again, it depends.” Daniel continues staring at Jay as if he’s contemplating what to do with him, and I’m not sure why the mama bear in me is demanding I protect Jay from his watchful gaze.

But I don’t need to, because the blue of his eyes slides to me, slowly, suffocatingly. “A word.”

I glance down at Jay, then back at Daniel again. I wish I had the luxury of telling him he can shove it where no one can see, but I don’t, so I motion at Daniel to follow me onto the small balcony and shut the door behind us, locking out a curious Jay inside.

It isn’t until I’m nearly chest to chest with Daniel that I regret my choice of place.

His bergamot, lime, and male scent envelop me with intrusiveness that steals my breath.

I can’t help noticing how a few rebellious strands of his hair have left the rest and fallen over his forehead. Or how his suit looks as perfectly pressed as it did this morning.

His face, however, appears blank. It’s nothing like the savage devil who fired me without listening to anything I had to say, but it’s not welcoming either.

The rusty railing digs into my back in my hopeless attempt to keep as much space between us as possible. It’s disastrous enough without us having to touch.

Daniel cocks his head toward the glass door. “Is he mine?”

I nearly choke on my spit. “W-what?”

“Is the boy mine?”


“Is he yours, then?”

“What the hell, no! He’s my brother.”

“Official papers indicate as such, but maybe you had your mother adopt him to take the heat off you?”

“She was in prison, Daniel. How could she adopt anyone?”

“Just putting all the possibilities out there considering who his legal fucking father is.” His eyes darken and his posture turns as rigid as the metal at my back. Heat creeps up my cheeks, and it’s entirely due to the damn audacity of this man.

“Jayden’s father and everything about him is none of your business.”

“Are you sure you want to put it that way? I heard you’re in the middle of a custody suit and need a steady job as much as scientists need to start searching for a stupidity cure.”

“How did you…? Wait, was it Aspen?”

“Doesn’t matter. Your employment status does.”

I bite my lower lip but remain silent.

He watches me for a beat, maintaining merciless eye contact as if his reason for living is to make me squirm. I don’t, holding my own and staring right back.

It’s exhausting, though. Being Daniel’s target, his nemesis, his enemy has always been so fucking tiring and I’m not sure just how long I’ll be able to take this.

How long before that final nail is dug into my coffin?

Daniel raises a brow. “Aren’t you going to convince me to take you back?”

“Are you willing to be convinced? I thought I was incompetent and the worst assistant you’ve ever had.”

He lifts his arrogant damn nose in the air. “I’m in the mood for charity. So thank your lucky stars and start the convincing session. In case you’ve forgotten, my time happens to be the goose that lays golden eggs.”

“Why don’t you spare us both the trouble and tell me what you want? Surely you came all the way here for something.”

A small smile grazes his lips and a hint of his dimples appear on both his cheeks. “You were always a clever little minx.”

“Glad to shatter all the blonde stereotypes.”

“Not all.” He watches me closely. “What are you willing to do to have the permanent assistant position as well as legal advice?”


“Including becoming my sex toy?”

My heart drops to my knees and I clutch the railing behind me in a death grip. “N-not that.”

His face remains unchanging. “Why? You have a boyfriend who would oppose the idea?”

“I oppose the idea. I don’t want to sleep with you.”

Or anyone for that matter.

“Why not?”

“It’d kill our professional relationship.”

“We never had any sort of professional anything, Nicole.”

“I just…can’t do it.” Please don’t make me do it.

I nearly beg but swallow the words at the last second.

“Do I disgust you that much?” There’s no accusation in his tone. It’s flat, almost deadpan.

“Maybe tales of your endless shagging does.”

“You might want to wipe that jealousy off your face. You’re drooling with it.”

“You’re the last man I would feel jealous of, Daniel. You’re nothing but a mere blip in my past.” Lies, lies, and more lies.