Empire of Hate (Empire #3) by Rina Kent

I feel no different from young Nicole who spouted nonsense left and right. And that’s dangerous.

That would lead me down a destructive path similar to the one from back then.

“I see.”

He’s still speaking in that toneless way, no inflection whatsoever. His face is just as closed off, an absolute mask that I can’t read what’s lurking behind.

A metaphorical weight squeezes my windpipe, and panic starts to settle in. For all of my brave talk, I can’t lose this job.

Maybe if I close my eyes and pretend—

No. Nope. That’s not going to happen.

“Daniel, I—”

“Start by making me dinner,” he cuts me off. “You’ve been doing it for a week anyway. I should’ve suspected it from the Lolli name. Bit predictable, no? You had to include your lollipops.”

My lips fall open, then closed. “Start? And then what?”

“We’ll figure it out along the way.”

“I told you I’m not going to sleep with you.”

“It’s called fucking. I doubt any sleeping will be happening. And we’ll see about that.”

“No, we won’t. Why the hell do you even want me?”

His lips press in a line, but that slight show of affection quickly disappears. “No reason. It’s just a business transaction.”

I wish I could throw him over the balcony from this height and watch his gorgeous face get smashed to pieces. I hate how small he can make me feel.

How insignificant.

“Business or not, I won’t be doing it. The sleeping or the fucking.”

“You said a crude word. That’s progress.”

“That’s a warning. Don’t come near me.”

“Not while you’re so uptight about it, but you’ll come around.”

“No, I won’t, Daniel.”

“It’s sir to you.” He opens the balcony door. “And I’m hungry. Make the dinner quick.”

I wish I could make his death quick, but oh well, it doesn't work that way in real life.

Jayden is waiting for us inside. He was pretending to do homework and play with Lolli earlier while he watched our every move.

Or Daniel’s, to be more specific.

He approaches us while carrying Lolli as a weapon, which she can be under certain circumstances. “Are you going to let Nikki keep her job?”

“Depends on how well she does. And stop calling her that, it’s juvenile.”

“Maybe if you stop having her call you sir. It’s demeaning.”

I suppress a smile, impossibly proud of my baby brother. The little rascal is so mature for his age.

Daniel raises a brow. “Jay, was it?”

“Jayden. You didn’t get the okay to call me Jay.”

“Not asking for it in this lifetime.”

My brother lifts his shoulder. “Your loss. When I become something important in the future, you’ll want my favor.”

“Doubt it.”

“I’m going to make dinner,” I announce, putting a halt to their bickering.

“Is he invited?” Jay cocks his head to Daniel like he’s a fly that won’t go away.

Daniel fixates him with a stare. “It’s one of the conditions for her keeping the job.”

“Nikki’s food is a luxury that not just anyone can afford.”

The corner of Daniel’s eye twitches and I’m not sure if it’s displeasure or amusement. “I can.”

“Do you pay her extra for it?”

“He does,” I answer on Daniel’s behalf as I put on my apron.

“How much extra? As much as the expensive restaurant you dine at?”


“Well, it’s the same level. He has to pay well.”

“I will.” Daniel slides his gaze to me. “Double Katerina’s.”

My fingers pause on the strap and I stare at him, dumbfounded. Did he just say my food is worth double what Katerina—a professional chef with a few restaurant chains under her belt—cooks?

“Not enough?” Daniel muses. “Triple it then.”


“Still not enough?”

“No, it’s fine,” I choke on the words.

“Silly.” Jay scrunches his nose at me. “You could’ve gotten more. Never say it’s enough.”

“That’s right. You’re intelligent,” Daniel tells him.

“I know.”

“How well do you do in school?”

“Genius level. Other kids can’t keep up with me.”

Daniel raises a brow. “I see arrogance runs in the family.”

My brother crosses his arms over his chest after releasing a fussy Lolli. “How well did you do in school?”

“Not well, but that doesn’t matter since I became a partner at twenty-nine. You just have to use the system to your advantage and fuck it over.”

“And how do you do that?”

“By continuing to be smart about it. You have the brain; just direct it toward the right path.”

I stand there in awe about the conversation between them. They’re even sitting down now, on the shabby sofa that seems so small with Daniel occupying it.

Lolli hops between them and, surprisingly, Daniel pets her. No clue why I thought he’d be indifferent to animals. Probably because he never had pets.