God of Malice (Legacy of Gods #1) by Rina Kent

Killian kicks the door shut and advances toward me with a dark expression. “Shut the fuck up, Glyndon. You don’t want to provoke me when I’m stopping myself from going back down there and murdering my own brother and cousin for getting so close to you.”

I swallow, the gravity of the situation making my heart skyrocket. “You wouldn’t, right?”

“You tell me since you’re the one who thought it was a wonderful idea to flaunt yourself in front of them.”

“I only wanted to leave.”

“You don’t get to leave when you’re sleeping in my fucking arms, Glyndon. I let my guard down because you were with me, but I should’ve known better than to trust a conniving little rabbit. Maybe I’ll chain you to me now. Put a bell around your fucking neck so I can hear you leaving. Or maybe a Taser so no one touches you while I’m not there.” He runs a hand through his hair. “Fuck. I’m going back, after all. Fucker Nikolai didn’t bleed.”

He turns around to leave and do what he promised.

And while I don’t really care about Gareth or Nikolai, I don’t want anyone’s blood on my conscience.

Besides, this is what he looks like when his control is confiscated. It’s the first time I’ve see him out of sorts and knowing I’m the reason fills me with a strange type of empowerment.

He’s cold, calculating, allows no emotions in his armor, but he gave me this power over him.

Unintentionally, but it’s there and I want it.

“Killian, wait,” I whisper before I can think properly about my words.

He tilts his head in my direction with his hand on the doorknob.

I tap the mattress. “Let’s go back to sleep.”

He narrows his eyes. “What the fuck are you playing at now?”

“Nothing, I just want to sleep.”

“You’re more readable than a newspaper, and you want me to believe that you have no ulterior motive behind your unusual request?”

“No,” I say it, and I believe it, too. “Please.”

He watches me for a beat, his body still turned to the door, and I think he’ll ignore me and proceed with whatever violence plot he has, but he releases the doorknob and stalks in my direction.

My heart nearly drops to my stomach as he removes his trousers and slides to my side, then pulls me atop of him.

“Leave again and I will fucking tie you to me,” he whispers against my forehead.

“I won’t,” I murmur back and resist the urge to kiss his chest. What the hell?

It’s just an unnatural reaction to the fact that he allowed himself to be stopped by me.

There’s absolutely nothing more to it.


Killian’s lips meet my forehead and I’m pretty sure something jostles in my heart when he murmurs, “That’s my girl.”



“You’ll be late anyway, so how about we go back to my very logical idea of staying in bed all day?”

I stare at Killian from my position in the passenger seat of his car. “Are you kidding?”

He taps his finger on the steering wheel. “It’s strange how I rarely joke, but you choose to think that anyway. We need to work on your denial issues.”

I roll my eyes and stare out the window.

“Did you just roll your eyes?”

“And what about it? We need to work on that, too?”

“Yes. That’s an extremely juvenile gesture.”

“Wow. Look at you being all proper. The queen is searching for her etiquette instructor.”

“Doubt she needs one anymore.”

“That was sarcasm.”

“I know.” He offers me one of his rare smiles. “I also know you use it when you’re nervous. It’s useless to keep worrying about being late to class since you will be anyway.”

My lips part.

I’m well aware of his observational and emotion-reading skills, but I’m not ready to experience them over and over again.

“I’m not like you. I can’t help but worry, genius. Also, Professor Skies already thinks I’m mediocre. I don’t want to give him a reason to hate me more.”

He taps his index finger against the steering wheel again. “Is this the same professor who encourages your being bullied?”

“He doesn’t encourage the bullying…”

“But he doesn’t stop it either,” he finishes for me.

I don’t speak, and he obviously takes it as confirmation.

There’s an uncomfortable silence in the car, accentuated by the throbbing between my legs.

Earlier, I woke up with Killian’s very hard cock nestled between my thighs.

He definitely intended to thrust inside me. When I told him I was still sore and probably wouldn’t be able to move today, he said, “That’s one more reason to stay in bed all day.”

“Killian, no. I have classes. Not to mention, my friends must be worried sick about me.”


“Does that mean you won’t fuck me?”

“Depends. Will you put my cock in your mouth and suck me off like a dirty little slut?”

I swear my pussy throbbed at the easy way he says crude things like that, but I still cleared my throat. “What will I get in return?”