God of Malice (Legacy of Gods #1) by Rina Kent

I want to sink my nails into the uncomfortable part of him and wrench it out because I know it’s probably the only real him I’d ever see.

Now, I’m beginning to think that Killian has Gareth on his shit list because of his father.

The more Gareth is favored by their dad, the more he targets him.

Not that it’s right, but it’s a defense mechanism.

Like the way Lan becomes more insufferable the more Mum babies Bran.

“You must’ve gotten the wrong idea. Most parents don’t hate their children.”

“Keyword being most. Now, drop it.”


“I said. Drop. It.”

The dark undertone leaves no room for negotiation, but before I can think of a way to circle back to the subject, he asks in his nonchalant voice, “Back to the topic at hand. Do I have your admiration?”

“For what?”

“For being a first-class genius.”

My chest squeezes and I hate that I’m delighted that he wants my admiration.

I hate that it’s the first thing that comes to mind.

“More like, you tried to cunningly get admiration. Sorry to break it to you, but you need to try harder.”

A smirk lifts his lips. “Always up for a challenge.”

“Is that what I am to you? A challenge?”

“Maybe. Maybe not.”

I groan. “You know that’s not an answer. Are you doing it on purpose?”

He grins. “Maybe. Maybe not.”

“Ugh. You’re a bloody wanker.”

“Ah. Don’t. You know I get turned on by your foul mouth. Especially with that sexy little accent of yours.”

I purse my lips, then glare at him, which only widens his grin.

We arrive in front of the dorm and he parks, then stares at me. “Okay, okay, I’ll be nice and answer your question. You are a challenge, little rabbit. The worst of all, the most infuriating of all, but most importantly, the most entertaining of all.”

My stomach sinks and a horrible, ugly feeling claws up my throat. It takes me a moment to try and breathe normally.

To try and not be affected.

To try and not let his words hold weight.

But it’s useless. They’ve already grown roots and begun to ramify in chaotic patterns.

“Glad I could be your entertainment,” I bite out.

“Lose the long face and the sarcasm. And who’s the one who was preaching about always wanting the truth not two minutes ago? I could’ve lied to you, but I didn’t.”

When I remain silent, his voice darkens to an edge I’ve never heard before. “Do you want me to lie to you? Do you want me to wear a mask around you, pretend to be someone who’ll be accepted by your pretty little morals, is that it, Glyndon? Because I can be your fucking Prince Charming, knight in shining armor, and dream fucking fantasy all rolled into one while I fuck up your life.”

“I don’t want anything from you.” I open the car door and basically run inside.

He calls my name once, with an edge, but I ignore him, glad that the doorman won’t let him in without a pass.

My heart is beating faster with each step I take. It’s thumping, roaring, and pulsing in my ears in a creepy rhythm.

I have to lean against the wall for a beat to catch my breath.

Damn him.

And damn me for allowing him to have this type of effect on me.

Entertaining challenge.

Screw him.

I fish my phone out of my bra for the card I have there and pause at the number of notifications on the screen.

Ava: Where are u?

Cecily: Answer us.

Remi: Are you shagging? Yes or no. Or moan in a VM and we’ll take it as a yes and leave you alone.

Annika: What are the possible reasons Creighton left me on Read the last…five times I texted him? A, he hates my guts. B, he’s like that with everyone.

Annika: Please vote B. My pride is still bruised from when he said I talk too much. Do I talk too much?

Annika: I mean, I know I do, but not that much, right?

Annika: Where are you, Glyn? We’re worried.

Bran: Call me when you see this.

I swipe the card and pause when a text swipes on my screen.

Lan: Where the fuck are you?

I swallow.

While Bran and I talk and meet up almost every day, Lan and I don’t share the same relationship. It can only be bad news if he’s searching for me.

“There she is!”

I startle at the entryway when I’m surrounded by three girls in their PJs, definitely waiting to ambush me.

There goes my plan to sneak in, change my clothes, take my books, and leave.

Walk of shame it is.

“Hi,” I say with enough awkwardness to spur second-hand embarrassment.

“Don’t hi us.” Ava crowds my space, watching me with narrowed eyes. “You left us last night, and we barely slept, worried sick about you just to find out you were getting the D.”

I choke on my spit. “W-what?”

“Are you okay?” Cecily strokes my arm.

“I don’t know.” I honest to shit mean it.

“I wouldn’t know either with Kill. You could either be in for the roller coaster of your life or we’ll find you in a ditch somewhere. No in-between.” Annika gathers me in her arms. “Hugs. I’m here.”

“Don’t go consoling her.” Ava wrenches Annika from me. “She has a lot of explaining to do.”