Blood of My Monster (Monster Trilogy #1 ) by Rina Kent

There’s no need to ask Viktor about Kirill’s whereabouts. I spot him in the middle of the fighting rings, watching the matches with a critical gaze.

He’s in his usual black pants and white button-down that’s rolled to his elbows. He appears pensive with his arms crossed and his glasses sitting up on his nose, giving him a dangerous edge.

This is why I’ve been trying to avoid him since that night. Hell, I’ve been trying to minimize our time alone since he found out my actual gender.

I just can’t stop looking at him the moment I see him. There’s no end in sight for my strange awareness whenever he’s around.

Upon noticing me, Kirill pauses, and I swallow thickly before striding toward him with mock confidence.

I take refuge in the fighting sounds of the other guards and the fact that Kirill and I aren’t alone, so no funny business can happen.

He steps into one of the sectioned rings on the floor and I follow him inside it.

My feet come to a halt in front of him, and I have to look up because he’s stupidly tall. “You asked for me?”

“Yes.” He uncrosses his arms, letting them fall to either side of him. “This is the next step of your training.”

“Next step?”

“You didn’t think the training you received at camp was the end of it, did you? That was merely muscle strengthening.” He runs his gaze over me in a mechanical manner that feels like fire. “You still have a long way to go.”

“Is it…because Damien’s punch knocked me unconscious?”

“It’s because he was able to land a punch when you were supposed to be detaining him. You’re a good sniper, but you won’t always have a gun on you. In the case of hand-to-hand combat, you’ll be greatly disadvantaged and possibly killed in the span of seconds. We need to fix that. On guard.”

“What type of training is this?”

“Simple.” He beckons me over with two fingers. “Punch me.”

“I…can do that?”

“No, but you can try.”

“What are you talking about? Of course, I can punch you.”

A slight twitch lifts the corner of his lip. “Try then.”

“What do I get if I manage to do it?”

“Any reward you pick.”

“You’re underestimating me, aren’t you?”

“Maybe you’re the one overestimating yourself.” He beckons me again.

“One punch, right? Anywhere?”

“In the face.”

“I’d hate to ruin your handsome features.”

A rare smirk curves his lips. “You find me handsome?”

Shit. “It’s…common sense.”

“Uh-huh. Don’t worry, Sasha. You’ll do nothing to my handsome features. Now, are you going to stand there all day?”

I don’t waste time and lunge at him. Not only does he duck, but he also hits me in the back, knocking me down on the mat with effortless ease.

Pain throbs along my lower belly and back, but I manage to get up again. Kirill stays put, his expression as calm as a monk.

Okay. I didn’t think this would be easy, but then again, while I personally witnessed Kirill being an excellent sniper, I don’t know much about his combat skills. He did throw me against the wall when I was attempting to protect him from Karina. He also hit Damien and inflicted damage, which means he does have strength.

He just chooses not to show it.

“Again.” Another beckoning with two fingers.

That motion is starting to piss me off.

I summon all my strength and sprint toward him at full speed. My feet give out from underneath me, and I end up on the ground with a more painful thud than earlier.

He didn’t even let me come close this time. I glare up at his neutral expression, and now, I do wish to inflict damage on those features.


I stand up on wobbly feet and fling off my jacket, toss it out of the ring, then roll the sleeves of my shirt up.

Kirill’s face remains the same. Timeless and emotionless. It doesn’t change. Not when I let out a battle cry and raise my fist, not when I attempt to punch him, and certainly not when he throws me against the ground. Again and again and again.

One hour later, I haven’t managed to touch him, let alone punch him.

My shirt sticks to my back with sweat. I’m breathing so heavily, I’m nearly wheezing, and my organs feel rearranged from the number of impacts I’ve taken.

He doesn’t do it in a way that would inflict permanent damage, but he’s so firm in his subduing methods that I feel each and every one of them.

Other guards surround us, having finished their individual training.

“You’ve got this, Sasha!” Maksim’s voice comes from behind me.

I look in his direction and give him a thumbs-up. Yuri, who’s standing by his side, doesn’t have the same encouraging expression.

He shakes his head at me as if telling me to give up. That no one here can take on Kirill. But that’s the thing. I just refuse to give up.

“Again.” There’s a harshness in Kirill’s tone this time. More than usual.

When I go for him, he all but sends me flying across the ring. A collective “Ahh” comes from my colleagues as pain explodes all over my side.
