Blood of My Monster (Monster Trilogy #1 ) by Rina Kent


I try to stand up on unsteady feet, but even I am aware that I can barely stay upright. Fighting and landing punches is impossible. We’ve been going at this for so long and my fist has never connected with any part of his body, let alone his face.

Hell, he doesn’t even look tired or like he’s exerted any amount of energy.

Damn it. This is so embarrassing.

“Sir, you can’t go inside.” Viktor’s urgent voice booms through the space.

I’m not sure if I should be alarmed or thankful for the interruption. Aside from when Rulan and his men died, I haven’t sensed an air of urgency like I do right now.

Even Kirill, who didn’t change his expression the entire time he was beating me up for sport, grows taller, more imposing, and larger than life. I take a peek at the newcomer while catching my breath.

It’s none other than Damien. All alone.

As Maksim outlined, it’s virtually impossible to find any of the Bratva leaders on their own. One, assassination attempts are real.

Two, they generally don’t want to die.

Three, and most importantly, having bodyguards is the most logical and secure thing to do.

I’m starting to really believe that Damien has a screw loose somewhere, because he’s solo. I doubt Viktor and the others could’ve stopped his guards if they’d come along. Usually, bodyguards, especially the inner-circle ones, are ready to die for their bosses.

Damien spins around to face Viktor. “You. Stop following me like a fucking lost puppy before I kick you.”

Viktor doesn’t reply, but he looks at Kirill. “I’m sorry, Boss. I couldn’t stop him.”

“Blah fucking blah.” Damien slides in front of Kirill, wearing a manic grin. “Hi, motherfucker.”

“Care to explain the reason behind your unwanted presence?” Kirill asks point-blank.

“Now I understand who taught your guards their sense of hospitality. I must say, zero out of five, strongly fucking not recommended.”

“Still doesn’t answer my question.”

Damien pushes me out of the way. “You, pretty boy, get out of here.”

Did he just call me a pretty boy…?

Kirill doesn’t move, but it’s almost as if he grows more intimidating with his harsh eyes alone. When he speaks, though, he sounds absolutely collected. “Damien. You have exactly three seconds to tell me why you’re here before I throw you out. One…three.”

Damien grins and widens his eyes. “Why else? To fight. of course.”

“What makes you think I want to waste my time fighting you?”

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. You were fighting with the useless pretty boy who can’t pull a punch to save his fucking life, and you call fighting me a waste of time? What the, and I can’t stress this enough, fucking fuck are you on about?”

“I refuse.” Kirill pushes past him and heads toward the house.

Damien follows after him. “Come on, you know you want to.”

“No, I don’t.”

“What if I pay you?”

“Not interested.”

“What if we bet on something?”

“Still not interested.”

“Even profit?”

Kirill gives him the side-eye. “How do you even know the meaning of that word?”

“Couldn’t give a fuck about it, to be honest, but I’m good at it, and I know you understand its value.”

Kirill continues walking without saying anything. Damien follows him inside, seeming so pleased with himself.

“You okay, Sash?” Maksim wraps his hand around my shoulder in a bro hug, forcing me to stop staring at the house.

“Uh, yeah. Sort of.”

“If it’s any consolation.” Yuri joins my other side and hits me on the back. “None of us can win against Boss. He’s just…made of stone.”

“Yeah, don’t sweat it, Sasha,” another guard says.

“You held out pretty well in front of his alien stamina,” one more says.

They all either pat me on the shoulder, ruffle my hair, or hit me on the back. The latter does more damage to my aching body, but I smile through it.

Suddenly, all the embarrassment and weakness I felt earlier gradually disappears. I haven’t known these guys for a long time, but they’ve slowly but surely become like a family to me.

“Let’s get you something to eat.” Maksim and Yuri drag me in the direction of the kitchen.

“Is Damien really here just to fight?” I ask Maksim. “Or does he have an ulterior motive?”

“I was wondering the same thing,” Yuri says thoughtfully. “If it were any of the other Bratva members, I’d be certain they were here to spy, but according to the data I gathered about Damien, I’m pretty sure he’s really here to fight after he had a taste of Boss’s strength the other day.”

“Yeah,” Maksim adds. “I’m gonna throw a wild guess and say he’s not sophisticated enough to be a spy.”

“He could do it unknowingly, though,” Yuri says, his tone of voice changing. “There’s absolutely no trustworthy people in the organization. They all want to be at the top, whatever it takes.”

Kirill included.

He’s at the top of the list of people who would use any methods to reach his goal.