Inferno - Chelle Bliss by Chelle Bliss

Aunt Fran laughs. “Lunch with three beautiful women isn’t such a bad way to spend an afternoon.”

My grandmother moves back to the stove as I take a step closer to Opal. She stares up at me, holding her breath, not moving a single muscle. I want her to be at ease. Being in a house with my aunt and grandma has to have her on edge.

I bend my neck as I reach for her face, cupping her cheek. “I’m glad you’re here,” I whisper against her skin before I place my lips ever so lightly on her cheek.

“You are?” she whispers, looking more than surprised.

I nod, staring into her blue eyes. “I was going to call you today, but this is way better.”

“Why don’t you kids sit, and we’ll serve you,” Grandma says as she stirs something on the stove.

“What’s this we?” Aunt Fran asks from her comfortable chair.

“Get your ass up, Fran. Let the kids have a moment without you listening to their every word.”

“I can hear them from there too, Mar.”

“Fran,” Grandma warns, and Fran scrambles to her feet but not without grumbling a few curse words under her breath.

I haven’t let go of Opal’s face, and I can’t seem to make myself either. “How did they get you here?”

“Fran called.”

“Fuckin’ Tamara,” I mutter, shaking my head, finally dropping my hand. “I’m sorry my cousin gave out your number.”

Opal smiles, and the sight of her happy face makes my heart pick up a few paces. “It’s okay. I like Fran.”

“Damn right,” Fran mumbles from the kitchen island.

“You’re asking for trouble,” I tell her, smiling back at this woman who hasn’t left my mind since the day she walked into the shop.

Opal blushes and looks at my aunt and grandma. “You’re really lucky, Stone.”

“I guess I am, baby.”

“Okay, kids. Take a seat.”

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, readying myself for what’s about to come.

“It’s okay,” Opal reassures me, brushing her fingertips against the bare skin of my forearm. “Relax, big guy.”

“Don’t be so dramatic. You’re just like your daddy,” Aunt Fran says, carrying a bowl of pasta to the table. “It’s only lunch with two old ladies—and one really young and beautiful one, too.”

“It’s not like we called the priest to have you married off before dessert,” Gram adds.

Opal giggles, and the sound is so glorious my cock instantly jumps to life.

Bad timing, buddy.

Ain’t shit going to happen right now. My gram and Aunt Fran, the world’s two biggest boner killers, will make sure of that.

“You two sit by each other,” Gram says, knowing well I can’t and won’t argue with her.

I pull out a chair for Opal, and she gracefully slides into place. “Thank you,” she whispers.

I give her a chin lift before sitting down next to her. “You sure this is okay?” I ask her.

“It’s great,” she tells me with a nervous smile.

I’m sure lunch with two virtual strangers is anything but great for her. We watch as Aunt Fran and Gram carry bowl after bowl and plate after plate to the table.

“Who can eat all this food?” I touch my silverware, trying to stop myself from touching Opal. “This is a feast. Not a lunch.”

Gram glares at me. “Hush.”

“Do you always eat like this for lunch?” Opal asks my gram.

“No, sweetheart. This is a special occasion.”

Oh boy. Here we go. The two old birds are colluding with each other, trying to bring us together.

“And what’s the special occasion?” I ask, challenging my grandmother’s statement.

“It’s Fran’s birthday.”

I stare at her, knowing damn well Fran’s birthday is not even in this month. If I were alone, I’d call bullshit, but I’ll let her have this one…for now.

“Oh. Happy birthday, Fran. Do you and Bear have something fun planned for tonight?” Opal asks my aunt.

Fran smirks. “Child, you don’t even want to know what we have planned for tonight.”

I almost choke on the water I decided to sip at the wrong moment. “Aunt Fran,” I cough out, pounding on my chest.

Opal laughs. “Oh wow. You lucky woman.” She winks at Fran.

If I could crawl under the table and die, I would. I don’t want any images of Bear and Fran having sex running through my mind in any capacity.

“Bear’s a beast,” Fran adds.

The water threatens to come back up, but somehow, I keep it down. “Stop,” I tell Fran. “It’s too much.”

Fran gawks at me from the other side of the table. “Stone, someday you’re going to get old, and if you’re lucky, your parts will still work too.”

Fuck me. “My parts will always work.”

Gram and Fran laugh in unison.

“That’s precious,” Gram says, patting my hand. “Age has a way of giving everything a mind of its own.”

“So, Opal,” Fran says, and nothing that comes out of her mouth that starts with “so” is ever good. It’s her opening line to being nosy. “How’s work going? What do you do again?”