Inferno - Chelle Bliss by Chelle Bliss

“I never did until…”

“Until us?” He raises a single eyebrow, waiting for my confirmation.

I swallow, remembering all the feels he’s kicked up in me since the day he pushed Jeff out of the shop. I was immediately drawn to Stone, wanting nothing more than for him to be in my life. I fought every feeling I had, thinking it was too early or that I wasn’t worthy.

“There was something about you that drew me in.”

“My good looks have a way of doing that to people.”

I laugh at his egotistical nonsense. The man is the most confident person I know, and I love that about him.

“But do you think there are people who are meant for each other?” he asks again.


“Do you think we were meant for each other?” I ask.

“I think if I could have created someone for me, I would’ve created you.”



“Hey,” I say, walking into ALFA and seeing my aunt Angel’s smiling face.

“Hey, sunshine. What brings you by?” She stands and rounds her desk to come toward me.

“Uncle James called and asked me to drop by.” He was cagey on the phone, wanting to see me in person, which is completely unlike him.

Other than today, I’ve come to ALFA maybe five times in my entire life. Always with my father when he wanted to drop in and see what his brothers were up to. I think he secretly wanted to get into some shit with them because he is such an adrenaline junkie. I’m surprised he didn’t go into the same line of work, but I’m pretty sure my mom made certain that didn’t happen.

“Oh,” she says as she embraces me, followed by a light kiss on each cheek. “That’s strange.”

“Yeah,” I say with a hint of laughter because it’s not only strange, it’s suspicious as hell. “They treating you right around here, Auntie? If not, we could use your skills over at Inked to keep everything in order.”

She pats my arm as she laughs. “Honey, the men around here would crumble if I left. Everything would seize up and stop working. Don’t even get me started on their inability to find anything, even if it’s marked clear as day.”

I laugh too, but I’m guilty of the exact same thing. It has to be tied to male hormones or how our brains are structured. We’re definitely missing something that most women seem to have in spades. “The offer is always open.”

“Stone?” My uncle’s voice booms down the long hallway.

My smile dies. “He doesn’t sound happy.”

Aunt Angel swats her hand toward the hall. “The man’s been sporting a sour puss all day. But you know James. He’s all bark and no bite.”

“Is he?” I don’t want to tell her I’ve heard way too many rumors about him and Uncle Thomas to believe they’re all made-up. They have a dark past that’s been swept under the rug and forgotten about by everyone in their lives. “You sure about that?”

Angel laughs again. “Yes, honey. He’s like a giant golden retriever.”

I want to argue and pick another breed. One that lures you in with its good looks before snapping off your fingers with its powerful jaw.

“Now, go,” Angel says, shooing me in the direction of the offices. “Don’t leave without saying goodbye.”

I give her a quick nod, not waiting around another minute before stalking down the hallway to Uncle James’s office. When I push open the door, Uncle Thomas is sitting across from him, and they’re each staring at papers inside manila folders.

“Hey, kid. Take a seat,” James says, pointing to the seat next to Uncle Thomas.

“Hi,” I say, sounding like a freaking idiot. “What’s up, guys?” I don’t wait to be told again because the look on Uncle James’s face is pure business. “Long time no see.” I can’t help myself with the stupid words. I’m used to sitting with them to watch a football game, but this is something else entirely.

“I got a call last night,” Uncle James says, placing the folder on his desk and giving me his full attention.

I glance to my side, but Thomas isn’t looking at me. He’s too busy flipping papers.

Uncle James clears his throat, wanting my attention, and I give it to him. “A buddy of mine in the police department called because your name came up more than a few times.”

I swallow as dread comes over me. “Am I in trouble?”

Uncle James leans back in his chair and rubs his hands together. “No, son. A few of their residents,” he says, as if he isn’t talking about inmates at the county jail, “heard rumblings from another resident that there was a threat on your life.”

I jerk my head back, surprised by this news. I wouldn’t say I’m shocked. I think there’re a lot of men out there with a hard-on for me. Either I stole their girl, or I beat their ass and they can’t think about anything else except payback. “Me? Who?”

He reaches for the folder again. “Jeff—” he pauses, staring at the paperwork “—Shepard. You know him?”

My blood runs cold. “That’s Opal’s ex. Fuck him.”

Those words draw Uncle Thomas’s attention. “Interesting.”