Inferno - Chelle Bliss by Chelle Bliss

I run my fingers back and forth through my hair on a long exhale. “Fine. I’ll tell Opal about everything tonight, and you let us know if he gets released. We’ll figure it out then, okay?”

“You got it, kid.” Thomas finally looks pleased, which, for him, means he isn’t brooding for once. “We’ll start making moves on our end, lining shit up just in case, and you inform Opal and make some plans of your own. He gets released, we’ll meet up and hammer out the final details until we know he’s no longer a threat. Got it?”

“Ridiculous,” I mutter, earning myself a glare from Uncle James. “Yeah. I’ll tell Opal and make some decisions.”

“Good.” Uncle James smiles.

“Should we keep this between us, at least for now?” I ask, glancing back and forth between them.

“We’ll talk that over. Anyone around you could be at risk, so we must do what’s right if you’re not willing to leave town.”

“I’ll tell everyone at the shop.”

James nods. “I’ll tell your parents and the others, but I don’t think we should worry your grandparents yet.”

“Are people going to keep that secret?” I ask with a raised eyebrow. “You know how they are.”

“This is one secret they’ll keep. When someone’s in danger, it’s amazing how quickly their lips snap shut and stay that way.”

“If you say so, but since everything has been calm with no threats in forever, you don’t really know that that’s true.”

James smiles. “There’ve been threats, and the fact that you don’t know about them means everyone kept their damn mouths closed.”

I’m shocked back into my chair. “Really? Who?”

James shakes his head as he shifts around the papers on his desk. “It’s not important.”

“Whatever,” I mumble. “Someday I want the full story on the family.”

“It could fill books, Stone. Way more books than you could ever imagine,” Thomas states. “Now, we have other shit to do today.”

That’s my cue to leave. “Thanks for filling me in on everything. I’ll handle my shit on my end.” I stand, ready to figure out how I’m going to protect both of us and put an end to Jeff.

“Don’t do anything stupid,” Uncle Thomas says like he’s reading my damn mind.

“Never,” I lie. “I always use my head.”

Uncle Thomas’s lips flatten. “No, you don’t. It’s not genetically possible.”

“Watch your back,” James warns.

“Always,” I promise them.

Angel’s on her feet before I make it to the waiting room. “Everything okay?” she asks me with a nervous smile.

“Yeah. I think so. They’ll fill you in later, Auntie.”

She pulls me into a hug, longer than the one she gave me when I arrived. “You take care of yourself, kiddo. Don’t be a stranger.”

I pull back, looking at her beautiful face framed by her signature red hair. “I see you every weekend.”

She laughs. “I know, but it’s good to see your face in this office. It’s a nice change of pace from the usual guys.”

“I’ll drop in more often,” I promise her, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Anything to brighten your day.”

“You’re the best, Stone.”

“I know,” I tell her, getting a smack on the arm and a round of laughter.

“Totally Gallo,” she mumbles.

“That ain’t no lie,” I say, giving her a wave over my shoulder as I stalk toward the entrance and push into the damp, hot air, ready for whatever’s about to come.



“What if he succeeds?” I ask Stone as he pulls my tank top over my head, trying to alleviate my stress by getting me naked.

It’s working too.

Every spot his hand touches pushes the fear further from my mind. His lips drive away all the worrisome thoughts that have been cycling through my brain since he filled me in on the threats to his life.

“He won’t,” he murmurs against my neck as he slides his palms up my sides.

I shiver as his fingertips brush against my spine. “How do you know?”

“Shh,” Stone says, nudging my hair back with his face to get better access to my neck. “Forget about him.”

I’m not really thinking about Jeff, but about us and how we’re going to get through this with my ex coming after us. I wonder if he’ll ever forget I exist and move on with his life. I thought he had the first night when I went to get my things, but I was completely wrong.

Stone’s fingers find the back of my strapless bra, making quick and easy work of the clasps. The restrictive material falls to the floor, and I let out a little moan from the relief. “I like you better without that,” he says and cups my breasts. “You should never cage them. Not for me.”

“They’re kind of required for society,” I tell him, grasping his biceps to steady myself and stay standing.

“Society is bullshit. They’re too beautiful. Too soft,” he whispers as his lips trail down the front of my throat, heading toward my breasts.