Inferno - Chelle Bliss by Chelle Bliss

“I hate you all,” I grumble under my breath as I climb to my feet.

I’m not expecting anyone to drop by today, and I run through a list of people it could possibly be. But the only person I didn’t consider is standing in the waiting room with a smile on her face.

“Ma,” I say, scrunching up my face like she’s an illusion. “What are you doing here?”

She points to the door as Fran walks inside. “Giving this old bag a ride.”

“Honey, you’re not too far on my heels,” Fran says back to her before turning her attention to me. “I wanted to take my girl to lunch and shopping.”

“She can’t go.”

Ma rocks back at my words. “Excuse me?”

“Men,” Fran mutters, rolling her eyes.

“I know Dad and Bear filled you in on everything that’s happening. She needs to stay here.”

Ma stands and makes her way toward me. “Says who?”

I touch my chest and pull my head back. “Me.”

Ma tips her head back and laughs. “Your dad said the threat was against you and not Opal.”

“Doesn’t matter.”

Fran cranes her neck toward the back. “Where is she, by the way?”

I pitch my thumb over my shoulder. “In the office, but she’s working.”

“Everyone needs to eat,” Fran explains, like I’ve somehow missed a lesson on how to be human or a meal.

“I’m well aware of that, Auntie, but we just got here, and she needs to get some things done for Tamara.”

Ma sighs. “He’s probably right, Fran. We should let her get some work done. You know how swamped Tamara’s been.”

“Yeah,” I say.

“Well, how about dinner?” Fran asks my ma.

“What time are you working until?” Ma asks me.


And here we go. There’s their opening. I already know I fucked up as soon as the word left my mouth.

“We’ll be back in a few hours to grab Opal. She can’t sit here until ten,” Ma says, “We’ll bring her back here afterward if it’ll make you happy.”

None of this makes me happy. Not having a madman after me. Not having my mother and great-aunt take my girl out to dinner. Not having Opal in my presence at all times. It’s all fucking miserable.

I rub the back of my neck, wondering how I can put an end to this. “It’s not a good idea.”

Ma touches my arm, giving me the same look she did when I was little and was fucking up. “You can’t hover over her forever. We’d never let anything happen to her.”

“I know,” I grumble. “I trust you with my life.” I don’t want to tell her that I’m not sure if I trust her and Fran as a combo with Opal’s. Fran has a way of being a distraction but means no harm. She’s also usually the first one to stir the pot when things are going down. I swear she likes to see shit go haywire.

“We’ll be back at six. No arguments,” Ma says with a squeeze of my arm. “She’ll come back to you in one piece.”

I want to argue, but I keep my mouth shut. Opal loves my family, and it’s only fair that everyone gets to know the amazing woman I can see in her. She has no one, and this is her chance to have everything, which includes me.

“Fine,” I sigh.

The front door opens, and we all turn toward the rays of sunshine spilling through the opening. I see a large shadow, followed by my uncle’s grouchy face.

“Bear?” I ask, shocked to see him here.

“Hey, kid,” he says to me as he slides in next to his wife and places his arm around her shoulder.

She glances up at him, looking like her existence hangs on his every word. “Hey, handsome. Are you coming shopping with us?”

Bear shakes his head. “Working, babe.”

“Damn. Where you headed?”

He looks right at me, and my blood boils. “Here.”

“Here?” she asks, dropping her voice. “Why?”

“Bullshit,” I mutter, reaching into my back pocket for my phone. “I’ll take care of this.”

“Make all the calls you want, son. I’m not going anywhere,” Bear says to me before giving Fran a kiss on the forehead. “I’ll be home late tonight.”

Uncle Thomas picks up on the second ring.

“Why’s Bear here?”

“Hello to you too, kid,” Thomas replies.

“Hello, Uncle Thomas. Can you explain why Bear is here?” I say as sarcastically as I possibly can.

“Because you can’t look over your shoulder and tattoo.”

“I hate when you make sense.”

“He’ll stay out of your way. You won’t even know he’s there.”

“Unlikely.” I stare at my uncle Bear as he stares back at me with a shit-eating grin.

“Just roll with it for a few days,” Thomas tells me. “After that, we’ll reevaluate.”

“Oh my God. Hey,” Opal says, walking into the waiting room behind me. “This is such a surprise.”

Fran rushes away from Bear’s side and moves straight to Opal. “Oh, honey. You’re positively glowing.”

“Anger has a way of doing that,” Rebel mumbles, but no one else seems to hear except me.