Inferno - Chelle Bliss by Chelle Bliss

“Why do we like them so much?” I ask them.

They have more experience with handling the other sex than I do. Lord knows I wasn’t exactly skilled in my selection process before I met Stone. Even then, I didn’t pick him as much as he picked me, or I fell into his lap.

“I didn’t want to like Mike. God, he was so arrogant.” Mia laughs.

Fran gives her an enthusiastic nod. “He was full of himself his entire life.”

“The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree,” I add, thinking about Stone’s unwavering confidence. Instead of being annoyed by it, I’ve been drawn to his attitude.

“Stone’s humble compared to his father. Mike was a world-class MMA fighter at the time.”

I can see that about him. The man is a giant.

“How did you two meet?” I ask her, genuinely curious.

“He came into my ER after a match.”

“Was it love at first sight?”

She shakes her head and laughs again. “I hated violence and thought his career was the worst thing ever. I wanted nothing to do with him.”

“How’d that work out for you?” Fran teases her.

“The man is relentless.” Mia shrugs both her shoulders with a hint of a smile. “Thank goodness for it, too. I would’ve missed out on a beautiful life.”

“That’s so sweet,” I whisper, a little envious of the life she’s led and hoping I can have the same.

“Two beautiful children, a husband who adores me, and a family that would move heaven and earth for me. I don’t know what I did to get so lucky.”

“You’re a good person, Mia. Maybe one of the best of us. Although Opal’s pretty damn sweet herself. She might give you a run for your money in that department.”

“You think I’m sweet?” I ask Fran, my body a little warmer from her kind words.

“Baby—” she reaches out and places her cool hand over mine “—sugar has nothing on you.”

I snort. “I do have a mean side.”

Fran draws her hand away from mine and leans her body toward me, placing her elbow on the table. “What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done?” she asks as she props her chin in the palm of her hand.

“Oh,” I mutter, not having expected her to want details. What an idiot. Why did I have to open my big mouth? “I’d have to think about it.”

Laughter bubbles out of Fran. “If you have to think about it, then I am right—you’re nice to your core.”

“We can’t all be the perfect amount of sugar and spice as you, Fran,” Mia tells her, joining in on the laughter.

Fran sobers. “There’s no sugar in me, Mia.”

I lift my hand, smiling. “I disagree. You’ve been nothing but kind to me.”

Fran turns her gaze toward me with a soft smile. “You’re special, kid.”

“You pretend to be grouchy and sharp, but we all know the truth about you, Fran,” Mia adds.

Fran’s hands move to the table, and her fingers glide over her silverware. “Only to the people I love, and even then, it can get dicey at times.”

“Got room for one more?”

I turn my head at the sound of the familiar voice as my heart starts to pound uncontrollably in my chest. “Stone, what are you doing here?”

“Baby,” Mia says.

“We always have room for you,” Fran tells him and motions for him to sit down.

“I was starving and couldn’t pass up eating with my three favorite ladies.”

I’m both happy and pissed. I’m happy he’s here because I love being around him, but I’m also pissed because he couldn’t let me out of his sight for a few hours.

The man doesn’t seem to understand boundaries and the fact that I can take care of myself in many situations without needing a personal bodyguard.

“You missed us,” Fran says, touching her chest with one hand. “We’re flattered.”

“Of course,” he tells her, lying through his perfectly straight and white teeth as he makes himself comfortable in a chair next to me.

“Where’s Bear?” Fran asks, craning her neck to look around the outdoor patio. “Did he come too?”

Stone shakes his head, blowing out a breath. “He got called back to ALFA for some emergency meeting, but he said he’d be back in a few hours. Figured it was my opportunity to dip out and enjoy a meal with the ladies in my life.”

“That man loves his job.” Fran smiles when she talks about her husband. Every damn time. She’s so in love with him, and it’s impossible not to notice. But it’s entirely mutual.

“I had a cancelation,” Stone adds, grabbing a menu that was left on a nearby table, “and had a few hours to kill.”

“And you thought you’d come babysit?” I ask him, feeling a little spicier than normal.

“Oh boy,” Mia mutters under her breath.

“Here we go,” Fran says, leaning back in her chair and staring at us. “I’m here for this show.”

“No show,” I tell them, gazing right into Stone’s eyes. “I want him to admit that he’s here to watch over me because he doesn’t think I can take care of myself.”

Stone’s jaw ticks, but his eyes hold mine without a single tell. “I know you can watch over yourself, Opal, but why would you want to when I can do it too?”