Rogue Darkness by Dianne Duvall

“The smart thing to do,” he growled as he took a step toward her, “would be to wait and let Aidan put himself out there as bait next week.”

“We already covered that. If Becca just disappears—”

“I don’t care!” he shouted. “I don’t care if a week’s delay might make it harder to find out who’s behind this. I don’t care if Nick screws up again if he takes your place. I care about you! I care about your safety! I care about your life! And you almost died two nights ago! Do you not get that? You almost died!” Unable to stand still, he paced the small room. “Do you have any idea what seeing you crumpled at the base of that tree was like for me? It wasn’t just that the vampire had severed your artery. It wasn’t just the horrifying amount of blood gushing out of you. I thought you’d broken your neck! And yeah, I’m a healer. But the wounds I healed on Krysta always involved simple things like a broken arm or cuts and gashes. Do you know how complicated healing damage to a spinal cord is? It’s like fixing fucking brain damage!”

Nicole watched him mutely.

“I’m not as powerful as the elder healers, Nicole. Like most gifted ones born in the past century, I’m fortunate to have any healing ability at all. When I lay hands on you, I don’t always see what needs to be fixed and know exactly how to fix it the way elders do. I have to know everything about anatomy first. I have to know how a surgeon would repair the damage in an operating room so I can consciously mimic that with my healing gift. I’m learning everything I can from Melanie as quickly as possible, but I still didn’t know enough. If you’d stopped breathing, I didn’t know if performing CPR until Seth arrived would help you or kill you. I didn’t know if I’d be able to make your heart continue to beat if it faltered. And Seth’s healing abilities don’t extend to fucking resurrection!” he ended in a roar.

Breathing hard, frustration coursing through him, he stopped a foot away from her.

Nicole continued to stare up at him, unspeaking. And as she did, tears welled in her eyes.

“Oh hell.” Remorse filling him, he closed the distance between them and drew her into a hug. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell. I just…”

“Care about me,” she finished for him.


Sliding her arms around his waist, she hugged him tight. Tears dampened the front of his shirt. “You care about me,” she whispered.

Something about the way she said it made him wonder: Was he the first person who had ever told her that?

Cradling her close, Sean cupped one hand over her soft hair. “Yes,” he confessed. “I care about you.” His heart began to pound as he decided to take the leap. “I care for you far more than an immortal should care for his Second.”

Chapter Ten

Nicole’s eyes, which she’d closed as she rested her head against Sean’s chest, flew open.

I care for you far more than an immortal should care for his Second.

Was he saying…?

He stroked her hair, every movement conveying affection.

Tilting her head back, she stared up at him.

Sean’s eyes glowed vibrant amber, as they had since he’d begun his rant. Anger tended to do that. But did something else illuminate them as well? Another strong emotion perhaps?

“I don’t want to lose you,” he said softly.

She drew her tongue across suddenly dry lips. “You won’t.”

He shook his head, unwilling to be drawn back into an argument.

Good. She wasn’t either.

When his gaze dropped to her mouth, excitement skittered through her.

His eyes brightened. His head dipped.

Oh crap. Nicole’s breath caught as Sean’s lips brushed hers. Considering how angry he’d been moments ago, she would’ve thought any kiss he’d deliver would be rough, almost punishing. But it wasn’t. It was gentle. Almost tentative, as if he were waiting to see whether she would rear back and object.

When she didn’t, he deepened the contact, those soft lips tempting and tantalizing hers, awakening hidden desires until she fisted her hands in the back of his shirt and tried to urge him closer.

Sean didn’t comply. He retreated instead, enough that she had to relinquish her hold on him.

In the absence of his touch, cold seeped in, along with fear that he regretted the brief intimacy.

Reluctantly, Nicole looked up at him.

Luminous amber caught and held her gaze. Much to her relief, neither anger nor regret lingered in his beautiful eyes. Only desire blazed in them now.

Cupping her face in both hands, he stared down at her with an intensity that heightened her awareness of him. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted to do that?”

She shook her head. He’d kissed her twice in recent weeks. Once in the bar, and again when he’d said goodnight outside Becca’s residence hall, when he’d pretended to be her boyfriend.

But he made it sound as if he’d wanted to kiss her before that.

Unable to deny the impulse, Nicole tucked her index fingers through the belt loops on his cargo pants to keep him close. “Why didn’t you?” she asked softly.

Much to her surprise, he didn’t hesitate to respond. “Because I knew with you, one kiss would never be enough. I would always want more.”