Rogue Darkness by Dianne Duvall

The confession made her burn. With her, he’d said. He would always want more with her.

The words hinted at a longing for something deeper than friendship.

A longing she shared.

Her heartbeat quickened even more. “Do you? Want more?”

After a last, affectionate brush of his thumbs against her cheeks, he dropped his hands to her hips. His heated gaze traveled slowly down her body, as arousing as a touch, then returned to meet hers. “I want it all,” he proclaimed, his voice hoarse with need.

A sensual shiver shook her. The hunger conveyed by those four short syllables fueled her own and silenced any doubts the stringent rule-follower inside her tried to raise. Nothing was more important than this. Not her job with the network. Not staying in Reordon and Seth’s good graces.

Nothing was more important to her than Sean.

Rising on her toes, Nicole slid her arms around his neck and leaned into him. “I do, too.” She combed her fingers through his hair, her nails lightly raking his scalp. His breath caught when she pressed her hips to his, delighting in the hard bulge that strained against his zipper. “So let’s take it.”

His eyes flared brighter. Then he dipped his head and claimed her lips in a kiss so carnal she gasped. Locking a hard arm around her, he slid his hand down over her ass and urged her tighter against his erection as his tongue stroked and teased hers, flooding her with heat. He was so hard, his touch bold and aggressive, firing her need.

Fisting his free hand around her ponytail, he tugged her head back. Nicole moaned when he abandoned her lips and trailed a path of hungry kisses along her neck.

He drew in a deep breath. “I love your scent.” Even his voice turned her on, so deep and hungry. Capturing her earlobe between his teeth, he gave it a little nip. “It’s even better when you want me.”

Nicole had never wanted anyone more. “Sean.”

Releasing her ponytail, he drew his hand down her back, around to her front, and palmed her breast. Sensation shot through her when he teased the stiff peak through the fabric of her shirt and bra, skimming his thumb across it and delivering a delicious pinch.

She moaned and rocked against him, wishing no clothing separated them.

“Tell me you want me,” he all but growled.

“I want you,” she said breathlessly, practically climbing him in an attempt to get closer.

Stepping back, he yanked the tail of her shirt out of her pants. “I want to see you.”

Nodding eagerly, she held her arms up and helped him rid her of the shirt. She would’ve regretted wearing the plain sports bra if he’d paid any attention to it but didn’t think he even noticed as he tugged it off.

Nicole stood before him, bare from the waist up, pulse thumping in her ear.

“You’re beautiful,” he told her hoarsely.

Warmth suffused her. Sean had an amazing body. She’d seen him in his underwear enough times to know that every muscle was honed to mouthwatering perfection. That he found her trim, athletic form and modest breasts equally appealing pleased her immensely.

Sean cupped her breasts and drew his thumbs across the sensitive pink peaks. “So beautiful.”

Need rose. “Take your shirt off,” Nicole ordered, and started tugging at the fabric.

“Hell yes.” The shirt was gone in a blink. Then his hands returned to her breasts as she admired him.

Dark hair coated his muscled pecs, trailing down washboard abs. Holy crap, he was ripped. She rested her hands on his pecs, caressed, and explored. When she toyed with his nipples and delivered light pinches, Sean groaned and tweaked hers again.

He tried to draw her closer, but Nicole resisted. Smiling, she slid one hand down his stomach, admiring and fondling his eight-pack abs. When she reached the waistband of his cargo pants, she kept going, molding her hand to the large bulge below.

“You’re so hard for me,” she whispered.

He groaned, pushing into her touch. “Yes.”

He was big, too. She stroked him through his pants.

His breath whooshing out, he took her lips in another ardent kiss, devouring her hungrily as he stroked her breasts. Fire thrummed through Nicole. Releasing him, she drew a knee up and draped it over his hip. Both moaned when her core came into contact with his hard cock.

Sean slid both hands down to her ass. “Wrap your legs around me.” As soon as he lifted her, she did so. More moans and hungry kisses followed as she rocked against him. He felt so good, his hard body pressed to hers. Nicole wanted him so badly that she was already close to coming.

Sean moved forward, hands hungrily roving her back. Tearing his lips from hers, he glanced over her head… and stopped short. “What the hell is that?” he blurted.

Startled by the dismay in his voice, she looked behind her and found nothing amiss. “What’s what?”

“That.” Holding her with one arm, he motioned toward the corner.

She frowned. “The bed?”

“That’s a bed?” he asked with so much consternation that she laughed.


It was a single bed, typical of those found in many dorm rooms. And to a sizeable person like Sean, who was accustomed to sleeping on a significantly larger Alaskan King mattress, it must seem miniscule.

It was also high enough off the ground to accommodate dresser drawers beneath it. Nicole had to use a little footstool Becca kept beside it to get up on it.