Rogue Darkness by Dianne Duvall

Nicole smiled as Sean loaded his plate with a second helping of eggplant parmesan. “Worked up an appetite, did ya?”

He grinned. “In the most amazing way possible.”

“Hell yes.”

After adding some of Cliff’s chunky pasta sauce, Sean winked. “I also figured I should load up on carbs to refuel me for the rest of the night.”

She pointed her fork at him. “I agree with that assessment. Eat up.”

He laughed.

They had made love again after his proposal.

A thrill danced through her. Sean had proposed!

Then they’d enjoyed a long, leisurely soak in his whirlpool tub, laughing and talking while rain drummed on the roof and windows. A doozy of a storm had rolled in, creating so much thunder that she’d been tempted to call David’s place and see what Seth and Leah were up to.

Much to Seth’s dismay, his ability to control the weather got away from him whenever he and his mischievous wife engaged in passionate endeavors. It had become fodder for many jokes and a great deal of teasing in the Immortal Guardians’ family.

Since Cliff and Emma wouldn’t return until tomorrow, Nicole and Sean had donned less clothing than usual after their bath. Sean wore a pair of boxer briefs and a T-shirt that showed off a muscled form drool-worthy enough to appear in an underwear ad. Nicole wore a tank top and pajama shorts. She didn’t think herself nearly as drool-worthy, but Sean sure seemed to like it.

Stomach still growling, she shoveled another forkful of pasta into her mouth. Sex with Sean had left her ravenously hungry.

“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured.

Cheeks as full as a chipmunk’s, she covered her mouth and laughed. As soon as she finished chewing and swallowing, she shook her head. “And you’re crazy as a bag of ferrets.”

Sean grinned. “Crazy for you.”

Nicole liked this flirtatious version of him. She liked everything about him and found it hard to believe that he wanted to marry her. That he wanted to spend eternity with her.

That he loved her.

Sean had seen her at her worst. Many times. After living together as long as they had, he could enumerate every one of her imperfections and knew well her stubborn streak.

Yet he loved her.

Did Sean know he was the first person to make such a claim? The first person ever to love her?

They chatted between bites. Neither mentioned work or their impromptu skydiving. Instead, they just let the conversation take them wherever it willed. Sean relayed much of the little chat he’d had with Cliff, Bastien, and Zach at the barbecue.

Both were laughing when a loud pounding shook the front door.

Instantly sober, they looked at each other, then shoved their chairs back and ran for the armory. Sean got there first and returned in a blink. “Here.” With a katana in one hand, he offered her a tranq gun and a 9mm with the other.

“Thanks.” One challenge Nicole had faced during her special ops training was learning how to shoot accurately with a weapon in each hand, something that required her to strengthen her arms and spend what felt like thousands of hours practicing.

But she’d aced it.

Taking the tranq gun in her left hand, she palmed the 9mm with her right and followed Sean to the front door.

More pounding threatened to break it.

“Are you getting that feeling?” Sean dipped his head and looked through the peephole.

“No.” She bit her lip. “This may not be the best time to tell you, but I often don’t if my safety is at risk.”

He gave her an incredulous look. “Are you kidding me?”


Scowling, he motioned for her to lower her weapons. “We’re gonna talk about this later.” Unlocking the front door, he tugged it open.

Jared stood on the front porch. Though sheets of rain poured down behind him, not a drop of water dotted him. He must’ve teleported. Clasping his hands behind his back, he issued them a nod. “Forgive me for interrupting. I thought I would drop by and see if Tessa is ready to return to network headquarters.”

Sean sent Nicole a look full of confusion.

She frowned. “Tessa isn’t here.”

Jared’s eyebrows rose. “She’s already left then?”

Sean shook his head. “She was never here. We haven’t seen her tonight.”

A ripple of apprehension passed over Jared’s handsome features, furrowing his brows. He glanced away. “When we were at Duke, she told me she intended to visit you,” he murmured. “Perhaps the rain changed her mind.”

Sean propped his katana in a corner and opened the door wider. “Would you like to come in?”

Jared didn’t respond. Reaching into his coat, he drew out his cell phone.

Nicole shivered as a cold, damp breeze buffeted her. With it came a feeling of foreboding.

Jared’s fingers flew over the phone’s screen before he brought it to his ear. He frowned. “She isn’t answering.”

Nicole looked from one man to the other as concern welled within her. “Maybe she’s in the shower? She could’ve headed back to the network when the rain started.”

Jared dialed another number. “Todd, is Tessa at network headquarters?” Whatever Todd said lured a curse from Jared as he disconnected the call. “I’m going back to Duke.”