Rogue Darkness by Dianne Duvall

“We haven’t seen her,” Sean added. “She never came by.”

Jared’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down in a hard swallow as he stared at Seth. “She isn’t answering her phone. Is she dead? Did vampires kill her?”

Seth closed his eyes.

Silence reigned, broken only by the storm that raged outside.

Nicole held her breath.

When Seth concentrated, he could sense every Immortal Guardian on the planet and determine each one’s location. It was why—unlike Zach and Jared—he didn’t need to follow a phone signal to teleport to them.

His brow furrowed. “I can’t sense her.”

Anxiety flooded her.

Jared stared at Seth as if he didn’t want to believe it. “She’s gone?” he asked in a soft, tortured voice.

Seth opened his eyes. “No. I would’ve felt it if she died. I just can’t sense her. Something is blocking me.”

Aidan abruptly appeared, his hands on Cliff’s and Emma’s shoulders.

Both mortals were armed and garbed like Seconds.

Aidan took in everyone’s expressions. “Tessa’s missing?”

Seth nodded. “I’m going to Duke with Jared. She was last seen there.” He motioned to Nicole, Sean, Cliff, and Emma. “Take them to David’s place. Have Darnell call a meeting. Then round up every Immortal Guardian and their Second in the area.”

He and Jared vanished.

“Huddle up,” Aidan ordered, face grim.

Nicole swiftly took Emma’s hand while Sean gripped Cliff’s shoulder.

The room darkened and fell away as weightlessness engulfed her. This time, it didn’t frighten her. She was too worried about Tessa.

Seconds later, Nicole found herself back in David’s office.

Darnell sat at his desk, his brown eyes glued to the large desktop screen while his fingers flew over the keyboard. Unlike Nicole, he didn’t jump at their abrupt appearance. But he rose when he saw their expressions. “What happened?”

“Call a meeting,” Aidan told him. “Let everyone know I’m coming to get them.”

Darnell snatched his cell off his desk. “I’ll send a group text.” His thumbs darted over the screen. “Done.”

Aidan teleported away and returned a second later with Dana at his side. Dipping his head, he pressed a quick kiss to her lips, then vanished again.

Dana swept them all with a worried look. “What happened?”

Darnell nodded, seconding the question.

“Tessa’s missing,” Nicole told them. “And Seth can’t sense her.”

Dana paled. “Does that mean she’s…?”

Darnell shook his head. “Seth would’ve felt it if she’d died.” He turned to Nicole and Sean. “Fill me in.”

Dana left them and went to arm up in the armory while they gave him a swift rundown.

“Has anyone contacted Chris yet?” Darnell asked.

Nicole glanced at Sean. “I don’t know. I don’t think so.”

Darnell reached for his phone again.

Sean met her gaze and jerked his head toward the door.

Nicole followed him to David’s enormous living room, which—for once—was empty.

“Aidan is teleporting everyone directly to the armory,” Sean said. “Do you have enough ammo?”

“Enough ammo for what?” she replied helplessly. “We don’t even know what or whom we’re dealing with. The last we heard, Seth was following Marge while David monitored the airport. The bad guys think Becca is dead. So what the hell could’ve happened to Tessa?”

Pulling her into a hug, Sean rested his chin on her head. “I don’t know. Honestly, I’m hoping she just snuck away to visit her family or something.” Since Tessa’s family believed she and her twin brother had both died in an accident, that would be a huge no-no.

“Seth could find her if she had,” Nicole pointed out.

He sighed. “I know.”

Richart suddenly appeared, his arm wrapped around his wife. As soon as Jenna stepped away, he teleported away again and returned with Krysta. Left. Came back with Étienne. Left. Popped back in with Sheldon. Then teleported once more to retrieve Étienne’s Second, Cameron. The immortals all wore wet coats, having been out hunting. The Seconds sported the usual black cargo pants and shirts but lacked weapons.

Staggering sideways, Richart started to topple.

Jenna leaped forward to steady him. “Honey?” Wrapping an arm around his waist, she steered him toward the kitchen. “Come on. Let’s get you some blood.”

Younger teleporters ran out of energy faster than the elders did.

Sheldon and Cam nodded to Nicole and Sean as they headed past them to join the others in the armory.

Sean released Nicole but kept an arm around her, needing her close.

Krysta eyed the two of them, her sharp gaze noting every point of contact. “Tessa’s missing?”

They nodded.

She looked up at her husband. “Let’s get some dry clothes and arm up for bear. We don’t know what we’re dealing with, and I want to face it with more than swords.”


The couple darted away.

Jenna and Richart emerged from the kitchen and followed the others, the latter walking a little steadier while he held a bag of blood to his lips.