The Game by Vi Keeland by Vi Keeland

I kissed her lips before climbing down her body ’till my face hovered between her legs. Then I reached up and clamped my hand over her mouth.

Bella’s eyes widened, and she started to say something I couldn’t make out because the sound was muffled. I lifted my pointer to my lips in the universal shhh sign, then lifted the hem of the T-shirt she wore and dove in without warning, licking and sucking every inch of her. When I was done and unclamped my hand, she looked drugged. Her eyes were hazy and hooded as she smiled drowsily.

“Thank God for long arms,” she breathed.

I moved in next to her and flipped us so I was on my back, and she was on top with her head against my chest. “Get some sleep,” I said. “It’s been a long twenty-four hours.”

“What about you?”

I nuzzled her closer. “I’m good. I have everything I need right here.”


* * *


The day I’d been anxiously awaiting—yet at the same time dreading—arrived two weeks later.

Things were going great. Talia was home from the hospital and recovering well, Wyatt now had three schools actively pursuing him with talks of football scholarships for college, and Christian and I had settled into a routine of staying at each other’s places a few nights a week without it terrifying me. I’d even called a real estate agent to begin looking at new apartments.

But today was the team’s contract-planning meeting—the day when coaches presented their plans for player renewals and cuts to corporate. Once approved, offers went out to the players’ agents within a few weeks.

When I arrived, at least twenty people were seated around the conference table in two rows, including the CFO, the GM, his offensive, defensive, and special teams coaches, the head of scouting, the director of personnel, the senior team doctor, our CEO and acting co-president, my sisters, our lead counsel, and a bunch of VPs and senior-level directors. The head of the table had been left open for me, but I thought it was important to show people I hadn’t been kidding when I’d said I planned to watch and learn this year. So I stood behind the chair and pulled it out for our CEO and my co-president. “Tom, why don’t you sit here so everyone can see you?”

Tom had been seated to my left. He smiled and stood with a nod. “Thanks, Bella.”

I sat listening and taking notes for the first few hours, none of which contained any surprises. The GM had recommended renewing three contracts that were up, putting one player on the trade list, and extending an option to another they wanted to keep, but he was considering retiring. Then we came to the one I’d been waiting for, the one most people had been waiting for—Christian’s contract extension.

As we’d done for the other players, the team doc first gave a health overview, followed by the CEO reviewing the current salary and bonus structure. After, the coaches would normally talk about other teams who’d expressed an interest in the player, as well as where the player himself might’ve voiced that he wanted to be in the future. This round was a little different.

“When it comes to Christian Knox,” the GM said, “I think we could save time by talking about the teams that aren’t interested in him. Now that he’s healthy again, I have no doubt he’s got another five years left, if not more. So I’d like to lock him down for that long.” He pointed to the binder. “If you look on page thirty-four, I’m proposing a number that will make him the second-highest-paid quarterback in the league, but he’d have the biggest guarantee number, which we know is important to the more senior players. His last contract had him as the eighth-highest paid, and I think he’ll be happy with the offer.”

Everyone around the table looked down and studied the numbers. I watched to see if anyone looked unhappy, but most hadn’t even flinched, though the number was bigger than I’d predicted. When I got to my sisters, Tiffany was staring right back at me.

An evil smile spread across her face as she raised her hand. “Tom, I have a question?”

He nodded. “Okay…”

Tiffany pointed down at the page while looking straight at me. “Does this bonus include payment for personal services to the owner?”

I closed my eyes.

“Excuse me?” Tom said.

“Oh, and Larry…” She turned to the team’s lead counsel. “How does that work? Since paying for sex isn’t legal in New York state, is the contract even enforceable?”

I felt like reaching over the table and smacking her, but I wasn’t about to stoop to her level. Though I needed to say something before my lovely half-sister continued. So I stood. All eyes shifted to me.

Clasping my hands together, I took a deep breath. “I think what my sister is not-so-subtly referring to is my relationship with Christian Knox. While I prefer to keep my personal life personal, perhaps it’s best that it come out.” I looked at my sister. “Christian and I are dating.”

“Pfft,” my sister sneered. “He’s using her so he can get a fat contract renewal. I see it worked.”

Tom cleared his throat. “I wasn’t aware of Christian’s involvement with Bella, but I’ll have you know that Bella and I have not discussed any of the recommendations I’m presenting today.” He looked at the coaches. “Have any of you discussed Christian’s contract with Bella or been influenced by her in any way?”