Troping Through the Snow by Alexa Riley

“You sure?” Tins breaks the spell, pulling my attention back to her and Joy. I have to fight to keep it there because I can still feel the man's eyes on me. Maybe I’m crazy, but it’s like the whole atmosphere in the room changed.

“Yeah, I’m sure.” I’ll have to talk to Mark at some point, but I’m surprised he’s here. There was no spark between the two of us. In fact, it was more awkward than anything. At least that’s what I thought.

“All right, but let me know if you change your mind. I think old Marky is going to be shocked you don’t want him.”

Tinsel is right because the man is cocky. I thought college would have changed him, but I think it only made him worse.

“Maybe he should date Donna,” Joy suggests tartly, making me laugh because I had that same thought.

“Those egos couldn’t share a room.” Tins grabs another cookie before hooking her arm into Joy’s. “We need to talk,” she tells her sister-in-law as she pulls her away, and just then Mark approaches.

“Noel,” he says, leaning against the counter. “You really don’t look anything like you did back in school.” His eyes roam over me, and I want to pull my sweater tighter around my body. He mentioned that a few times last night, and I’m pretty sure he thinks it’s a compliment.

“Hey.” I force a smile onto my face. I might read a lot of romance, but I have no clue how to have this conversation. Especially with the handsome man in all black staring right at me.



The library sits near the center of town and it’s truly a beautiful old building. There’s a historical marker out front, and when I pull the door open, even I am impressed by the space. It’s art deco style, and the stained glass lets colored lights dance across the old wood and brass that adorn the walls. It’s like something out of a museum as I step inside and take a look around.

There are lots of children and families in the kids section to the left, and there’s someone on a stool reading stories to them. Have I just been transported into a Hallmark movie? Everything is decorated for Christmas, and there’s even a stack of books made to look like a tree. I smell hot cocoa, and there’s a display with the cookies and boxes so that you can eat them here or take them with you.

In the center of the library is a circulation desk with a few people nearby. There’s a man up ahead that goes and leans on the counter, and when he’s out of the way, I see her.

I would know her anywhere, not because I’ve seen her picture or even spoken to her. It’s like something inside of my chest warmed up, and there’s a pull I’ve never felt before. My muscles tense, and I narrow my eyes as I take a tentative step forward.

Are there magnets in here? How am I moving without telling my legs what to do?

Noel sees me and quickly looks away but not before I see the flush on her cheeks. She glances at me quickly, and I wonder if by some chance she’s experiencing the same emotions. Impossible. She has no idea who I am or what I’m doing here. To her I’m probably just another tourist, even though I’m the only tourist wearing all black.

I can’t hear what the man in front of me is saying so I inch closer, desperate to remove the distance between us.

“So yeah, I think you should come out with me tonight. You can watch me study.”

My feet freeze as I glare down at his casual form practically leaning over the counter to get close to Noel. Is he blind? Everything about her body language is saying to back the fuck off. Her shoulders are hunched, her arms are crossed, and if that wasn’t enough, the look on her face is close to secondhand embarrassment. Is this the asshole from last night? Is he so fucking full of himself that he’s here demanding she watch him study?

“I, um, think I’ve got some things to do at home tonight,” she says, and an idiot could see she’s lying.

“Perfect. I’ll come over and—”

Oh hell no. I’m more irritated than I have any right to be, but I’m here to make contact with Noel and figure out what the fuck I’m going to do about her. Well, that and other things I’m not ready to admit even to myself.

“Excuse me.” My deep voice is pitched low, but it’s like gravel on silk in a place like this, and everyone nearby turns to look at me. Even Pretty Boy on the counter.

When Noel’s eyes meet mine, this time she doesn’t look away. Oh no, she stares her fill as her eyes travel down my body and back up. Go ahead and look, dollface, I’m doing the same.

She’s got on a navy blue dress that’s tight across her chest and waist. The little white sweater she’s got on with it has snowflakes for buttons, and they sparkle in the light. Her red hair is down today, and her curls are unruly, yet somehow they look silky soft. I want to put my hands in it and hold her close, but even as my mind conjures up those images, I push them to the side. One thing at a time.

“Can I help you?” Noel’s voice is like caramel, and I want to pour it all over me.

“I need a book,” I say, and then Pretty Boy snorts.

“Yeah, I think they have a few,” he’s quick to say before turning back to Noel. “So like I was saying. How about seven—”

“What kind of book?” Noel talks over him, and I take all the pleasure out of his annoyance as I smugly step up to the counter beside him.