Troping Through the Snow by Alexa Riley

“It’s a romance,” I say without the slightest hesitation or hint of embarrassment. And once again Pretty Boy snorts. What is he, a pig?

“Who the hell reads that trash?” Noel and I turn our glare on him simultaneously, and he realizes his mistake with her. “I mean, other than women.”

I open my mouth ready to tell him the exact hole he can go fuck himself in, but Noel takes the high road and ignores his stupidity.

“I’d be happy to show you. It’s a little tricky to find it in the stacks.” Her smile to me is a little forced as she turns back to Pretty Boy. “Sorry, Mark, I can’t tonight. See you around.”

“Thanks,” I say as I walk over and join her before giving Pretty Boy one last look.

His brows are furrowed as he glares at the back of Noel, and deciding I don’t fucking like it, I step behind her to block his view. To my benefit, I get to see the big round ass she’s got in that dress, and I have to hold back a groan. Fuck, I have to look away because although her tits are perfect, that ass is quickly becoming my favorite thing about Troping.

“So are you picking up a book for someone in town? I don’t think I’ve seen you here before.”

She looks back and almost catches me staring at her butt before I quickly look up at the ceiling. Yeah, Gabriel, that's real natural.

“Um, no, it’s for me. I’m visiting.”

“Oh.” She stops and then looks confused. “We only lend to residents. I’m sorry—”

“It’s an extended visit,” I hurry to say. “I’m staying at the inn for a while, and I need a new book. Could I just come in and read while I’m here and not check it out?”

“You know that’s actually not a bad idea.” She grins and shrugs. “I don’t see why not, and as a fellow romance reader, I’d be willing to bend the rules a little.”

The way she says it is so cute, and it’s like she’s telling me a secret. Only when she winks, it must somehow throw her feet off balance because she starts to tumble over in the process.

“Careful,” I say as I reach out for her and grab her around the waist.

The moment my hands touch her lush hips, I want to dig my fingers in and hold on. All the blood in my body goes straight to my cock, and where it was excited before, it’s demanding now. I’m throbbing for her like I’m fifteen and not a fully grown man that’s always in control. Her bright eyes meet mine, and although I should have dropped my hands by now, my body stopped listening to me the second I walked in this building.

“Thank you.” Is it my imagination, or is she flushed and out of breath?

“My pleasure.” My tongue slides over my bottom lip as I think about exactly what my pleasure would entail, and her eyes don’t miss the gesture.

“Romance,” she says and then blinks a few times.

“That’s what I’m here for.” Forcing myself to stop mauling her, I let her hips go but otherwise don’t move. I’ll try and keep my hands to myself, but I’ll be damned if I’m giving her any more space than absolutely necessary.

“Books.” This time it’s like she’s talking to herself before she says it again. “Yes, romance books. This way.” Before I know it, she’s turning on her heels and walking entirely too fast away from me.

It takes me a second before I go after her to close the distance between us once again. While I’m doing it, I realize that this is the first time in my life that I’m chasing a woman.

And I have zero hesitation.



Holy snowballs. My heart is still fluttering along with a few other places. Having that man grab my hips sent me into a frenzy. What the heck is wrong with me? Of course I almost trip over myself when the hottest man I’ve ever seen is talking to me.

He probably thinks I’m an utter dork and that I need to get it together. Be cool, I tell myself. Not Tinsel cool, normal-ish cool. I can do this. I’ve read a million romance books, so I should know how to flirt. Is that what I’m going to do? Crap, I’m not sure I know how to do anything, and I’m running out of time. I’m almost to the romance section already.

“I don’t get a lot of men that ask for romance books,” I say, trying to make conversation.

“Judgment?” I stop suddenly and turn back to face him.

“Oh no. I ah…” I stumble over my words. That was the last thing I was trying to do. I actually thought that it was sweet he was asking for it.

“I’m teasing you, Noel.” I let out a small breath. Right, we’re both romance readers, so it’s a judgment-free zone.

“You know my name?” I don’t recall telling him, but I also don’t recall my name ever sounding sexy when someone said it either.

“I heard that asshole say it.”

I snort a laugh and quickly cover my mouth with my hand. Why can’t I giggle? I have to freaking snort? Do I always do that? Is that how I laugh?

“What? You're telling me he’s not an asshole?” A smile pulls at the corner of his lips, and I drop my hand from my mouth.

“He’s…” I trail off, unable to come up with another word that isn’t so harsh.