Terms and Conditions (Dreamland Billionaires #2) by Lauren Asher

It’s a shitty shot at him and his choice to stay here. I’m not proud of letting my anger get the best of me, but I can’t find it in me to stop. Not when I might lose out to my father of all people.

“Fuck you and fuck your walkthrough.” My brother slams his keycard against my chest before leaving out the door we came through. “Find your own way around the park, asshole.”

I tell myself that it is fine and how I don’t need him. That if I can’t secure a deal with Yakura by myself, then I don’t deserve the position of CEO to begin with. Those thoughts are the ones that push me to take two steps at a time.

It’s time I prove to myself that I have what it takes to usurp my father. It might not be an even playing field, but that will only make my victory all the better.

I let my father have his moment. Just like I anticipated, Yakura is moved by the story of my grandmother and her untimely passing before Dreamland ever opened its gates. My victory is slipping past my fingers with each of my father’s tugs on Yakura’s heartstrings. He is good at telling people what they want to hear. While I picked up on the skill after watching him pull the same trick on every person in his path, his mastery over people’s emotions is unmatched.

My father gloats as we make our way out of the castle. I’m grateful he waits to rub it in my face until Yakura excuses himself to use the restroom.

“You thought you could plan this impromptu trip without me finding out?”

“It’s not your deal.”

“I’m the CEO. Everything about the company is mine.”

I keep my balled-up fists hidden away in my pockets. “Except this one won’t start until I’m CEO.”

“Not if I can help it.” His smile is genuine, which is all the more infuriating. He thrives off my shortcomings.

“You didn’t even want this deal.”

“I didn’t until you thought you could blackmail me and get away with it. I’ll thoroughly enjoy ripping this project away from your fingertips, only to show you what a pathetic excuse for a CEO you would make.”

I was a fool for thinking I could make it through this process without Iris. There is no way I can manage my father’s manipulative strategies and Yakura’s needs at the same time.

I’m quick to pull out my phone, but I hesitate over the call button.

Are you really going to ruin her day yet again?

I don’t have much of a choice. Without her, I might lose the deal.

But if you steal her away again, you might end up losing all the progress you’ve made.

Screw it. If there is one person I can count on to fix this, it’s her.

“Calling your wife for help?”

I completely ignore him as I hold my ringing phone up to my ear.

He chuckles to himself. “You’re a pathetic excuse of a man if you need your wife to help save the day.”

He tries to goad me, but I refuse to go for it. I’m no less of a man because I admit I need Iris’s help. She is the one who understands Yakura best, and I’d be foolish to think otherwise. Even if it means stealing her away again.

She answers on the second ring. “Hey. I was just thinking of you while checking out a—”

“I need you.”

“What’s wrong?”

I instantly feel guilty for the worry in her voice. “Yakura and my father stopped by ahead of schedule.”

“Oh.” Somehow one word carries more disappointment than an entire speech.

I consider telling her to forget about it, but she doesn’t let me get a sentence out.

“Send me your location and I’ll find you.”



My shoulders drop as I end the call. I can’t ignore the guilt that hits me straight in the chest, knowing Zahra planned this whole day only for it to be ruined because of work.

Another plan has come and gone because of working for Declan. I know it’s not Declan’s fault his father pulled a stunt like this, so it makes me upset to even feel that way in the first place.

I can’t erase the growing pressure in my chest at the thought of cancelling another plan. I like Zahra. Cancelling on her feels like a repeat of how I lost countless friends—all while working for Declan.

It’s not his fault you don’t set boundaries. Cal warned you that something like this was bound to happen, but you stayed anyway.

If I was working for anyone else and they called me on a day off, I would say screw it. With Declan, I don’t have a choice.

I release a heavy breath. My feet drag across the pavement as I reenter the greenhouse.

Zahra waves me over. “Check this out. They’ve been waiting six years for this one to bloom. Six!”

I look at the Titan Arum with a frown. “I’m going to need to take a rain check on today’s plans. I’m so sorry, but something came up.”

Zahra’s smile drops. “Oh no, are you feeling okay?”

I shake my head. “I feel… Frankly, I don’t know how I feel.”

I’m disappointed about today. It feels like I’m falling into the same pattern as always.

“Can I help?”

“You can by telling me how I can get back to Dreamland. Seth showed up and I need to go help Declan before something happens.”