Terms and Conditions (Dreamland Billionaires #2) by Lauren Asher

He fucks me through my orgasm until I’m writhing underneath him again. When he finally reaches his climax, he releases a groan I feel straight to my clit. His hips don’t stop moving as he comes inside of me. He drops down on his elbows, careful not to crush me as he kisses me once before laying his forehead against mine.

Neither one of us wants to move and break the moment. So we stay there until he is forced to pull out, and part of his release spills out.

“Shit.” He seems starstruck as he swipes some of his cum and uses it as a lubricant against my clit.

I sigh as a tingle shoots all the way down to my toes.

“That has to be the sexiest sound I’ve ever heard.” His husky voice does something powerful to my libido.

I thought he would be done with me already, but he keeps touching me until I’m desperately reaching for him again.

The second time he enters me, his movements are slow, sweet. Loving. He apologizes for his earlier brutality with soft kisses and a reverent touch. I’ve never felt so loved in my life, and it has everything to do with the way he looks at me as he fucks me this time around.

He kisses my neck, shoulders, breasts, forehead. Not even my soul is left untouched as he whispers foreign words in my ear. I have no idea what they mean, but the way he says them sends goosebumps across my skin.

“Daisuki1.” His deep thrust makes me gasp.

“Szeretlek2.” He presses his lips against my forehead. My pulse flutters at the gesture, sending a rush of pleasure all the way to my toes.

“Ich liebe dich3.”

Our gazes connect. The way I shiver has nothing to do with his touch and everything to do with the way he looks at me.

I might not be able to recite foreign words like him, but I understand tone and body language, and whatever he says makes my heart feel so full, it might burst.

You’re falling for him.

For the first time ever, I’m not afraid of love. If this is what it feels like, I’m willing to try, consequences be damned.

1 Japanese: I love you.

2 Hungarian: I love you

3 German: I love you.



Of course, the one day that Iris takes off is the day everything turns to shit.

“We have a problem,” Rowan says the moment I pick up my ringing phone.

“What’s wrong?” I readjust my tie in the mirror.

“Yakura just showed up at my office.”

“Fuck.” I grab my wallet off the dresser and stuff my feet into my shoes.

“It gets better. Guess who came with him?”


“Father is waiting in the lobby with him. Get over here. Now.”

I don’t have a chance to panic as I rush out the door of my hotel room. I’m quick to pull up Iris’s number and call her.

It goes to voicemail, so I dial again. She picks up on the fourth ring which is unlike her.

“Hey!” She laughs at someone talking in the background. “Give me a second.”

Someone boos, and it sounds an awful lot like Zahra. I’m hit with a twinge of guilt. Am I really going to drag her away from Zahra so she can come help me pick up after my father’s mess? It’s not her fault he keeps screwing around with our plans. And to be honest, I don’t want her anywhere near him. Not because I don’t think she could control herself, but more so because I don’t want him to use her to get to me. He has already hurt her enough.

“Miss me already?”

I open my mouth to tell her about what is happening, but I stop myself. I think back to our honeymoon and her reaction to being forced into working on her day off.

I’ve spent three years of my life making sure you’re taken care of, even if it meant sacrificing my happiness to do so.

No, I can’t make her leave now. She has already sacrificed enough for me, and it’s not her fault my father won’t stop his attack against me.

I take a deep breath and accept my choice. “I was calling to check in on you. How is it?” I press the elevator button and wait.

“It’s like the Chicago Botanic Garden on steroids. They have fifteen greenhouses. I already got lost twice!”

She sounds so damn excited, and it solidifies my plan. I can’t rip her away from her day. Not when the only option I have is to throw her into a family feud she doesn’t deserve. It’s the last thing I want for her. My father has no limits when it comes to Iris, and I refuse to subject her to that kind of abuse after everything she has been through in her life.

“Sounds like we need to invest in that ankle monitor.”

“I wish you could be here.” The wistfulness in her voice makes me feel even shittier about today.

“I do too.” If I didn’t have a mountain of responsibilities, I could take the day off and spend it with her. A normal man would.

Except you’re not a normal man.

It’s better to get used to this kind of feeling now because it’s only going to get worse once I become CEO.

Zahra calls out Iris’s name.

“Zahra is asking if we are still on later for dinner with your brother?”

“Only because you manipulated me with sex to get it.”

“You weren’t complaining last night.”

“I’m saving it all for later.”