King of Sloth (Kings of Sin #4) by Ana Huang

The library doors opened to a loud peal of laughter. Glares swung toward the entrance, where the newcomers quickly quieted, still grinning, but the interruption was enough to restore my rationality. It washed over me like a cold shower, wiping away the haze Xavier’s words had induced.

He was my client, and we were discussing business. That was all.

I took a tiny step back and forced a cool smile. “Spoken like a business graduate.” I examined the list again, hoping he hadn’t noticed my temporary loss of control. “Do you have a location idea and business plan in the works?”

Xavier’s eyes gleamed with amused knowledge, but he didn’t call me out. “Yes. The location will be tough to get, but Kai gave me some useful contacts.” He retrieved another paper from the table.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw the list.

There were only eight names, but they were the only eight that mattered for his purposes.

“This is…impressive,” I said, for lack of a better word. “Have you spoken to any of them yet?”

“Only the first one. We have a meeting scheduled in two weeks.”

The first and arguably most intimidating one. God. Every entrepreneur in the country would kill for a team like this. I knew Kai would pull through.

He’d been skeptical about Xavier, but I’d finally convinced him after pointing out what a great profile it would make for Mode de Vie’s annual Movers and Shakers issue.

“Also, thank you for talking to Kai for me.” Xavier’s face softened. “You didn’t have to do that.”

Just like that, a soft hum buzzed to life in my veins again. “You don’t have to thank me.” I deliberately avoided his eyes as I set the papers down on the table. “That was the easy part. Opening a club in six months in Manhattan? That’s the hard part.” “Don’t I know it,” he said with a rueful laugh. “But I have a plan, which is more than I had a week ago.”

“I’m glad.” My smile formed of its own accord. His father had forced his hand, but Xavier appeared genuinely excited about the project. Okay, maybe excited was pushing it, but he was committed.

“Anyway, I wanted to show you since this was your idea.” Xavier gestured at the remaining documents, which contained notes, scribbles, and ideas for the club. “If it weren’t for you…” His face softened further. “I don’t know where I’d be.”

The hum in my blood intensified.

I attempted a witty reply, but a strange haze permeated the air and robbed me of speech. It was different from the one earlier, when he’d been talking about the club. It was thicker, more potent, and I was suddenly, painfully aware of how empty the library had gotten.

Of how close Xavier stood.

Of how his body heat sank into my skin, urging me to step closer, just a little bit, so my chest pressed against his and I could discover for myself whether his hair felt as soft as it looked between my fingers.

It’s the alcohol. Never mind the fact I’d had my last drink two hours ago or that it’d become my default excuse. It was the only plausible explanation for why I was feeling these…things around Xavier Castillo, of all people.

“Sloane.” His quiet voice made my name sound like a caress. “Yes?” The breathlessness that escaped sounded nothing like me. It belonged to a stranger, the type who would succumb to dimples and broad shoulders and eyes the color of rich melting chocolate.

“You should leave.” A rough edge turned his words into a warning.

He was right. I should. It was late, and I had to finish writing my movie review, and…and…My mind blanked.


Another shiver ran down my neck when the distance between us shortened by another inch.

“Because it’s late,” Xavier said softly. “And because…” He trailed off when I licked my lips in a brief, involuntary movement.

His gaze latched on to my mouth, and my parched throat dried even more.

The world narrowed to this very moment, beneath the dim lights of the library, listening to our escalating breaths sync with each other.

And when he let out a tortured “fuck” and dipped his head, molding his mouth to mine, it didn’t even occur to me to pull away.

This was the world, and I never wanted to leave.

Logic and reasoning fell to tatters in the scorching tangle of lips and teeth. One hand grabbed my nape and pulled me closer; the other splayed across my back, burning through cashmere and skin to turn me boneless.

My mouth parted in a moan, and his tongue pushed inside, caressing mine in strokes so lazy and sensual, I couldn’t tell where one ended and the other began. He tasted like an addictive combination of heat and spices, and the warmth of his touch curled through my stomach, between my thighs, and traveled all the way down to my toes.

I didn’t know how long we stayed there, but it was enough for me to slide my fingers through his hair and confirm that yes, it really was that soft, and yes, he really did taste that good, and no, I’d never, ever come this close to unraveling.

I would’ve happily drowned in the embrace, but reality intervened as it always did, and we broke apart with a gasp for breath.

We stared at each other, our chests heaving. My lips tingled in the aftermath, and the air felt like ice water after the heat of our kiss.

A hint of red glazed Xavier’s cheekbones. I noticed with some embarrassment that his lips were swollen, and…