Player Loves Curves Box Set #1-3 by Hope Ford



I smilefor the camera and do exactly what I’m told to do. I don’t want to screw this up because I really don’t want to have to pose with the women still waiting on the sidelines. I keep glancing toward Holly and she may be looking at me through a camera lens but either way, I like it. I like her. She’s probably the only woman here that hasn’t asked me out or gone out of their way to try and seduce me. I can’t help but wonder if she even knew who I was before she researched me for the photo shoot.

Watching her work, I admire that she’s decisive and confident. If she hadn’t backed me up on the new shoot idea, I don’t know what I would’ve done. My agent would have lost his mind if I walked out of here. The fact that she went out on a limb for me makes me think even more of her. I know I want to get to know her.

“That’s a wrap,” Troy calls to the room. Instantly, everyone is in a bustle. I watch Holly start taking lighting fixtures apart and working. The other women, the ones I think are supposed to be helping Holly, walk over to me.

I try to go the other direction, but they stop me. “So we were wondering if you would like to go out… with both of us?”

I know I look taken aback. I’ve never had two women offer themselves to me as some kind of package deal. I look over at Holly and catch her staring but as soon as our eyes meet, she looks away and starts working again.

Shaking my head, I look at the two women. Maybe back in the day, I would have told them yes. But not now. That’s not what I’m looking for. “Sorry, ladies, I already have plans.”

I maneuver around them and go straight up to Holly. “Go have coffee with me,” I say to her. It’s not a question, although I probably should have posed it as one.

She looks surprised and I can see that she wants to say yes, but instead she says, “I can’t. I have to pack up.”

I’m about to offer to help when Troy comes over and pats her on the back. “You go ahead. They can finish up,” he tells her, pointing over at the other two women.

Surprise is evident on her face, but she collects herself quickly. I want to take her by the hand and walk her out of her, but I need it to be her decision. Finally, what seems like forever later, she nods her head. “Yeah, I’d like that.”

Walking next to her toward my truck, her scent fills my nose. She smells amazing. When I open the passenger door and she climbs in, I resist putting my hands on her hips.

I try to calm my heart as I get into the driver’s side and pull out toward the coffee shop. “Do you like coffee?” I ask her.

She scrunches her nose up. “Not really.”

I laugh then and it comes from deep within my chest. “Yeah, me neither.”

She giggles then and the sound is like a beautiful harmony in my ears. “Well, then why did you invite me to coffee?”

I turn down Main Street. “I didn’t think you would commit to anything more. We could go to the bakery? Or have dinner? Either is fine with me. I just want to spend time with you.”

She’s quiet and I pull over on the side of the street. We’re downtown and there are restaurants and a bakery within walking distance. I put the truck into park and turn it off. “So what will it be?”

She’s looking at my arms and I just remember that I never changed shirts. “You mean to tell me you eat sugar? Pastries? Cupcakes? And still look like that?”

I shake my head at her and get out of the truck to walk around and help her down. With her in my arms, it just feels right. I let her slide down my body and when her feet hit the ground, I finally answer her. “I like cupcakes. So bakery?”

The look on her face tells me that’s exactly what she wants. Still facing her, I grab on to her hand and lace our fingers together. It’s obvious she’s surprised by it, but I don’t let her pull away. I pull her with me toward the bakery.

As soon as we walk in, the sugary sweet smell hits us. We get in line and I stand behind her, pointing at the big cinnamon roll. When she doesn’t answer I look up and notice she’s staring at the two of us in the mirror beside the counter. It doesn’t occur to me that I’m quite a bit older than her until I see our reflection. I catch her gaze as she stares back at us and regardless of the age difference, I’m already hooked on her. I smile and she prettily blushes before lifting her lips in a beautiful smile. I can’t resist. I pull her hand up and kiss her knuckles, never taking my eyes off hers.

What has this woman done to me?

* * *


He’seasy to talk to, funny, kind, and down to earth. It seems that everyone knows him and he’s given out quite a few autographs since we sat down. But each time, he always turns it around, thanking them for being a fan.

“So, I knew you were big time, but I had no idea how big,” I tell him before taking another bite of the cinnamon roll.

If anything, his face turns red a little. He just shrugs his shoulders. “It’s fine most of the time. Sometimes women get a little out of hand; I’ve had a few stalkers. But my favorite is the kids that tell me they want to be me when they grow up. That’s the best.” He has a soft smile on his face and he looks a little uncomfortable, like he said too much, and changes the subject. “So, what about you? How’d you get into photography?”

“I’ve always loved taking pictures, even when I was a little girl. I just always knew it’s what I wanted to do. What about you? Did you always want to be a baseball player?”

He takes a drink of water. “Yeah. Since I was little. It was my dream.”

“Well, uh, you’re really good at it.” I can feel my cheeks tinge as I say it, but it’s true.

He leans forward and puts his hand on top of mine on the table. “So you’ve watched me play?”

I roll my eyes at him. “Of course I’ve seen you play.” But as soon as the words are out of my mouth, I blurt out, “But I’m not a stalker or anything. I mean, I’ve always thought you looked good, but I don’t…Oh my God!” I finish, covering my face with my hands. How embarrassing can I be? I pretty much sound like a stalker right now.

His laugh fills the room and he pulls my hands down from my face. “I know you’re not like them, Holly. That’s why I like you. You’re different.”

I think about his words. I’m soft spoken, but I’m not a coward, and I know I’m different in so many ways from his normal, so I can’t help but ask. “Those models were all hitting on you. My coworkers asked you out. They’re all beautiful. Why did you turn them down and ask me out?”

He brushes a strand of hair from my face. “Because I wanted to get to know you. Will you go out to dinner with me tomorrow night?”

His hand is cupping my jaw and I don’t even hesitate. “Yes.”