Player Loves Curves Box Set #1-3 by Hope Ford



I haven’t beenable to stop thinking about that hot as hell kiss from Shawn. I almost talk myself out of everything I’m feeling. In that moment, in his arms, it felt right. I felt like I was the one for him. Now that I’ve had the afternoon to think about it, I’ve talked myself down, wondering if I imagined it all. Maybe he’s not really that into me. But as soon as I hear his knock and open the door, his eyes travel over me like he wants to devour me. I can feel my heart begin to race. I didn’t imagine it. He does want me.

He made reservations at a new steakhouse downtown and we no sooner sit down before he admits to me that it’s hard for him to keep his hands off me.

He moves his chair around the table and sits right next to me. He has me against the wall and although we can see out to the rest of the restaurant, the walls are higher between tables, offering us privacy.

“So, uh, how was your day?” I ask him.

“Fine.” He reaches under the table and his big hand wraps around my thigh. My intake of breath is loud and he smirks at me.

With a shrug of his shoulders, he tells me, “I told you that I can’t keep my hands off of you. Is this okay?”

I scoot my chair closer to him. “I’m good with it.”

The way he looks at me so possessively should scare me, but it doesn’t. We order our steaks and baked potatoes and then talk. Getting to know him is enlightening because there’s so much we have in common. We both like to volunteer to help kids, our favorite food is Italian, and we both like baseball. However, when we find out that we both love watching old reruns of The Andy Griffith Show, we laugh at the coincidence.

We talk through dinner and normally I would be nervous, but everything seems so comfortable with him. When we are waiting on the check, he has his hand on my thigh again. My skirt, which reaches my knees, is bunched in his hand and he’s stroking his fingers along my bare skin. “Does it bother you that I’m older than you?”

It’s hard to answer him while his touch is teasing me. But I tell him honestly, “I haven’t even thought about it. Does it bother you?”

His hand moves further up my thigh and he presses his finger against the sodden material between my legs. Instantly, my legs part and he touches me more firmly. His lips touch my cheek and he whispers to me, “At first I thought I was too old for you. But I can’t resist you, Holly.”

He makes circles around my core and I lift my hips to meet his hand. He’s invading every one of my senses and I feel like I’m on overload. I bring my hand up to cup his jaw. “I like you, Shawn. And I want you, too.”

His nostrils flare and heat explodes in his eyes. He kisses me then, an all-devouring kiss that has my head reeling. He pulls away from me quickly and jerks bills from his wallet and tosses them onto the table. When he stands, it’s obvious how aroused he is, but he doesn’t care. He holds his hand out to me. “Let’s get out of here.”

* * *


As soon asI have her in the car, I start driving toward my house. It’s only when I get halfway there that I realize I never asked her if this is what she wanted. The woman drives me crazy and I can’t take it anymore. “Where do you want to go?” I ask her gruffly.

She laughs and her soft voice fills the cab of my truck. “You sure are driving like you’re on a mission and know exactly where we’re going.”

I chance a glance over at her and she has her hand on the dashboard. It’s only then that I realize I’m weaving in and out of traffic. I ease my foot a little off the gas pedal and force myself to relax a little. I reach over for her hand that’s resting on her lap and hold on to it. “Sorry about that. Yeah, I’d like to take you home. To my home. With me.”

Almost instantly, she says yes. The tightness in my chest goes away and I push my foot heavily onto the gas.

We get to my house in record time and after helping her out of the truck, I walk her into the house.

She’s so sexy. I could take her right now, standing in the foyer of my house, but she seems a little timid. With her hand in mine, I show her around. “Your house is beautiful, Shawn. You live here all alone?”

I look around the open concept of the living room and kitchen. The house is big, but that is what I liked about it. I always knew I would want a big family one day and this is the perfect house for it. “Yep, just me for now.”

She’s still looking around and I can tell she’s nervous. To try and calm her I come up behind her and wrap my arms around her. With her back to my front, I rest my chin on the top of her head. “Do you want to put on a movie? Or we can talk by the pool?”

She turns in my arms and looks up at me. I can see the indecision on her face. She kisses me lightly and when I try to deepen the kiss, she pulls back. Her face is troubled, but finally she puts her thoughts into words. “I don’t normally do this. Meet some guy and have sex with him the very next day.”

I shake my head. “It’s fine. We can wait. You’re worth the wait.”

That seems to reassure her and right when I’m about to pull away from her and put the television on, she stops me with her hand on my chest. “I don’t want to wait.”

I put my hands on each side of her face and hold her so that she has to look straight at me. “Are you sure? Because I promise you, I’m not going anywhere if you’d rather wait.”