Player Loves Curves Box Set #1-3 by Hope Ford



I still can’t believeI’m standing here arguing with my sister. I have to admit so far the trip has been worth it. I mean, I got to see Jasper Reilly… in the buff. That was enough action for me for one day. Now Sheena’s just about to push me over the edge. She’s the one that needed help. She’s the one that called me crying, all upset that she found out her boyfriend was cheating on her. And what do I do? I drop everything. I came across town, forty minutes from the house to come and save her. And even though Sheena says she’s fine now, it was just a misunderstanding and she may deny it now, I can see it, she needs help. Does she not see how toxic this “relationship” is? If she can’t see what a loser Carter Arnold is, then she’s blind.

Just one look at Carter Arnold and it’s completely obvious what a jerk he is. He’s talented and even a little handsome. Until he opens his mouth. I’ve seen him on television the few times I’ve watched the games and even then it was obvious he’s an arrogant man. Any time he’s done interviews it’s always about him, never giving any credit to his teammates. And yeah, I’d be willing to bet money that he did cheat on Sheena. He doesn’t seem like the faithful kind. But probably what bothers me the most and is sad about the whole thing is Carter is even more of a pompous prick than the last guy Sheena hooked up with. I can’t help but wonder where she keeps finding these guys. It’s like she’s an asshole magnet and she’s never going to learn.

The whole time Sheena’s yelling at me, Carter’s eyeing me. I try to convince her to come with me, but the more he ogles me, the more flustered I get. He’s so obvious about it, and he doesn’t even try to hide it. When I catch him licking his lips, it makes my skin crawl. The second time he looks down my body, I start to fidget. I’m not used to being around guys, especially like him, but I know I definitely don’t want to be on his radar.

Carter draws closer to me, but I force myself to stand still. I may not be experienced, but I know not to let a man like him get the upper hand. His gaze darkens the closer he gets. Sheena finally stops talking and looks between Carter and me, then gives me a dirty look.

He reaches for my hair, but I jerk away and the only thing he gets is a few stray strands of my ponytail sliding through his fingers. It doesn’t faze him, though. He leans down to my height and looks between Sheena and me. He takes a deep breath, almost like he’s smelling me, and I refuse to let myself cringe when he does it. Even before he opens his mouth I know he’s going to say something filthy. “Stay. We’re going to a party. And you could make a smokin’ hot trio.”

With that, I back away from him and don’t even try to hide the disgust on my face. Who does he think he is? Does he really think I would be interested in doing that… with him… with my sister? Gross! “You’re nuts if you think I would let you anywhere near me, you std carrying sorry sack of doo doo.”

“Trinity!” Sheena exclaims at me. “Stop.” She’s looking at Carter with fear in her eyes. Sheena’s been with users and cheats before, but I don’t ever remember her fearing any of her ex boyfriends. No, usually she’s the one that’s dishing it out.

I look at her and shake my head. Amazed, I can’t believe she’s okay with him asking me for a trio but she’s not okay with me calling him out on the trash he is. I turn back to Carter, ready to give him more lip when he crowds toward me again. “Why don’t you find a skank to share your cooties with and leave my sister and me alone?”

Before I can back away, he has his hand gripped around my upper arm and his face is scrunched up in anger. When he doesn’t say anything, I realize it’s rage that I see in his eyes. He stares me down and he’s taking deep breaths. I’m hoping that he’s trying to calm himself down, but I don’t think that’s the case because his hand tightens on my arm. I’m pretty sure it’s going to leave a bruise. I refuse to go down without a fight, but I’m no match for him. He’s at least a foot taller than me and probably sixty to seventy pounds heavier. I look at my sister, but she’s just watching Carter and doesn’t look as if she’s going to jump in and help me. I close my eyes and open them, giving him my best go to hell look. I’m just readying myself for the blow, because I’m pretty sure he’s about to hit me.

He starts pulling me, but I stand strong, not moving. The harder I resist, the harder he pulls. When suddenly a strong hand on my other arm stops Carter’s progress.

I turn, thinking maybe, just maybe my sister came to her senses. But that’s not the case at all. Instead, Jasper Reilly has his big hand wrapped around my arm and he’s staring down at Carter. His gaze is fierce as he looks at his teammate.

“Hold on there, Carter,” Jasper says. “Trinity is here for her sister.”