Player Loves Curves Box Set #1-3 by Hope Ford



Walking nextto Jasper to my car, I keep looking at him out the side of my eye.

I slow my stride and take a glance at his tight jeans that are hugging his butt just right. When he notices I’m behind him, he stops to walk next to me.

“So do you have a boyfriend?” he asks me.

If I didn’t know better, I would think that he’s a little nervous waiting for my answer. But when I look at him, he smiles at me expectantly, almost as if he doesn’t have a care in the world. I know I need to tread lightly because I have no experience in these situations.

Instead, I change the subject. “So how was the game?” I ask him. “Did you win?”

With surprise on his face, he asks me. “Didn’t you watch it?”

I want to laugh at his question, but I don’t. I never come to ball games. “No. I only came to pick up Sheena. Baseball’s not really my thing.”

As soon as the words leave my mouth, I know I’ve probably offended him, but he doesn’t act like it.

He shrugs his shoulders. “My mom was the same way. She was never into baseball, but she always made it to my games.”

The way he’s talking about her in past tense fills me with sorrow. I know what it’s like to lose a parent. I want to tell him I’m sorry, but instead, I tell him softly, “Well, it’s nice she came.”

As if he’s lost in thought, he looks up to the sky and blinks his eyes a few times, then looks over at me.

He reaches out and touches my shoulder. “Well, if you ever want to go to a game, I can get you tickets.”

I nod, but I know that I’m never going to ask him for that. I’m sure he offers tickets to any and everyone.

I point to my lone car and start walking toward it.

He slows his stride even more. “So do you want to go out sometime?”

He doesn’t seem like he would be like Carter, but my experience with men is almost nil, so what do I know? I remember seeing him on the news after some big win he had and the way he handled it was impressive. Every time the reporter asked him how it felt to win the game for the team, he told them he didn’t. I remember it like it was yesterday, because his response stood out to me. He told the reporter that he didn’t win the game for the team. The team won the game, and he would be nothing without them. Just remembering that endears him to me a little more. But could it all be an act. Maybe he’s exactly like Carter but knows how to play the game. Shaking my head, I tell him, “I’m not like my sister.”

His forehead creases for a second like he doesn’t understand what I’m talking about and then he smiles. “That’s what I like about you.”

His big smile catches me off guard, and I almost trip over my own feet. He grabs on to my arm with one hand and his other goes around my thick waist. My body reacts and goosebumps shoot up my arm, and my body trembles. Holding me up, he pulls me toward him and I walk next to him for a few steps before I mutter thanks. At this point, I’ve only known him less than an hour and already he’s saved me twice. I want to bang my hand against my head in frustration. I’m not this girl. I’m independent and don’t ever depend on help from anyone.

But as soon as he releases me, I feel his absence. It’s like being wrapped in a nice warm blanket on a cold night and then someone tugging the blanket off of you. It was nice being in his arms, even if only for a second. I can’t push my earlier thoughts of him away. He’s so hot that I could melt like butter for him if he keeps looking at me like he is. He was great to stand up for me and a gentleman to walk me to my car, but there’s no way he’s not a player. He’s Jasper Reilly, for goodness’ sakes. I’m sure he could have any woman he wants, and for all I know he may just find a different girl every night. It’s hard telling and knowing that makes my chest hurt a little bit. I breathe out a sigh. There’s no way I could go and date a baseball jock right after I just warned my sister to stop doing that very thing. Sheena doesn’t make the best decisions, but I normally do. I usually think about and plan everything before I do it.

“You okay?” he asks me.

I nod my head, refusing to look at him. Even if he is interested in going out with me, I can’t do it. He’s not someone I would want to say no to; the attraction I feel for him is almost too much already. Heck, I can feel my body temperature rising just being next to him. But I don’t want to lose my v-card to some one-night stand, even if he is Jasper Reilly.

“This is me.” I point to my car, hitting the unlock button and opening the door.

I no sooner turn around to tell him thanks again, when he has me caged in between the open door and the car. One of his hands is on the door and the other on the hood of my car. He’s leaning toward me and I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself and hopefully still myself for what might be about to happen. When I breathe in, I’m filling my lungs with his manly, intoxicating scent and it makes my lower belly tingle.

“So are you going to give me your number?” he asks me.

Instantly, I shake my head side to side. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

He doesn’t lose the smile, but he tilts his head to the side. “Oh yeah, why’s that?”

I shrug my shoulders. “Uh, let’s see, I just saw how your friend back there treats women and I don’t want any part of it. Like I said, I’m nothing like my sister. I’m independent and I definitely don’t need a man, especially one that is only looking for a good time.”

His hands drop, along with the smile. He’s shaking his head, and I can see his eyes slant in disgust. “I’m nothing like Carter and we’re not friends. I wouldn’t be friends with someone like that.”

He digs his hands deep into his pockets and I blink up at him. It’s obvious I said the wrong thing. I shouldn’t compare him to Carter, just like I wouldn’t want him to compare me to Sheena. It bothers me that I’ve offended him and I’m just about to apologize when he takes a step back from me.

“Look, uh, Trinity, I’ll let you go. It was nice meeting you.”

Before I can even apologize, he’s already walking away.