Player Loves Curves Box Set #1-3 by Hope Ford



Since we’reboth covered in paint, Reagan stops and grabs a pizza and we take it back to my house to eat it. We find out we have more things in common, like pepperoni and banana pepper pizza. The whole painting experience has me completely on edge. My desire for Reagan is intense and my body feels like it’s vibrating just thinking about him. I never dreamed I would be comfortable doing something like that, but Reagan put me at complete ease. He made it fun and didn’t let me be insecure about any of it. I mean, it was obvious that he’s into my curves and the longer the night lasted, the more confident I became.

As soon as we get to my house, I leave him sitting in the living room to go take a quick shower to get all the paint off. It takes everything I have not to ask him if he wants to join me. But I don’t want to be too forward with him. So instead, I flip on the sports channel, hand him the remote, and leave him to clean up.

When I’m done showering, he does the same and I know that I’ll never shower again without thinking of him being naked in there. Finally, now that we’re both clean, we have the pizza box on the coffee table in front of us and we eat while we talk. I can barely eat anything. Whether it’s me being easy or not, I don’t care, I want to jump his bones, he’s so hot. Tonight’s date was just like foreplay and I’ve been wet since he first put the paintbrush against my skin.

We no sooner finish our food and he’s pulling me closer to him on the couch. I go easily, until I’m pressed up against his side and I can feel the heat of his body against my skin. His breath is hot against my neck as he asks me, “Tell me, did you have fun tonight?”

He puts an open mouth kiss on my neck right when I’m about to answer, causing me to moan. He pulls away and when I’m looking into his eyes, I tell him honestly, “I didn’t think I would. I’m not that comfortable with my body, but yeah, I had a great time.”

He looks surprised and his big hand cups the nape of my neck. “Your body is perfect.”

I snort right in his face and then put my hand over my mouth, embarrassed. Rolling my eyes, I tell him, “Yeah, right.”

He pulls my hands down until he can see me clearly instead of me hiding behind my fingers. “You know what you do to me, right? I mean, I tried to hide it, but you saw how my body reacted to yours, didn’t you?”

I have no words, so I just nod my head, remembering the big bulge in the front of his shorts that I tried to ignore earlier. His thumb strokes across my cheek. “Well, that’s no lie, honey. I can’t be around you without it being painful. Fuck, just seeing you does that to me.”

I pounce on him then, no longer able to hold back. His body, his words, his smile puts me over the edge and I’m willing to give him anything he wants at this point. I pull my shirt over my head and my bare breasts are there, right in his face. He stares at them before he opens his big palm and covers each of them, caressing them until my peaks are hard and aching. When he puts his mouth on my breasts and suckles me, my whole body feels it and I push my core down into his hard cock that is straining against the zipper of his pants.

When I reach for the zipper of his pants, he stops me. What the hell?

He must see the hurt in my eyes, and I pull my top back on quickly.

I try to lift off him, but he stops me by gripping my hips and holding me in place. He starts to explain, but I don’t want to listen to him. “Even though I want you so much, I don’t want to rush things. I like you too much to ruin what we have.”

Dammit!I scream in my head in frustration. He could have me right now, no questions asked. I’m so hot for him, I can barely stand the pangs of desire zooming through my body at full force.

His finger lifts my chin so that I’m looking at him. “I want you, Jackie. I don’t want you to doubt that. But I want to wait. There’s no rush. I’m not going anywhere.”

I want to argue with him, but I don’t. I’m already embarrassed that I feel like I’ve pushed myself on him, so I just nod my head and start to pull away. But he has other ideas and stops me from moving again. “Honey, you don’t get it. I’m not turning you down. I just want you to be sure when we go that far. We just met and I don’t want you to think I expect this from you already. I know it’s going to happen for us and when it does we’re going to light up the sheets. But I want you to be sure. Because when we do take it to the next step, I don’t think I can let you go after that.”

He’s so sincere, he makes my chest ache. I rub my hand over my heart and nod my head at him. I know he’s right. And there’s no doubt that he wants me, I can feel the proof of that pressed against me right now. “I get it.”

His hands are still digging into my hips, so I sit back down on his lap and he grimaces as I come across his hardness between his legs. I smile at him, knowing at least I’m not the only one hurting here.

He pulls my hair away from my face. “I want to see you again. I have practice tomorrow during the day but how about I pick you up tomorrow night?”

I nod my head at him. “Sounds perfect.”

When I walk him to the door, he has me pressed against it and my lips are on fire. He possesses me with every touch and every kiss. When things start to get heavy again, he pulls away from me, telling me he’ll see me tomorrow.

I wave at him from the doorstep. That’s fine. I can wait it out as long as you can, Reagan.