Player Loves Curves Box Set #1-3 by Hope Ford



“Six dates.We’ve been on six dates and still no sex,” I groan into the phone. Even I can hear the sexual frustration in my voice. I’m too embarrassed to bring it up to him again, so I’ve called my friend Naomi needing to vent to someone.

I’ve never felt such pent-up desire before in my life and I don’t know what to do with myself. Naomi must hear the desperation in my voice because she tells me, “I’m coming over.”

Only thirty minutes go by and there’s a knock on my door. When I open it, Naomi is standing there with a carton of mint chocolate chip ice cream. I let her in and she goes straight for the kitchen, pulling out two bowls and spoons before taking it all into the living room. I just follow behind her because Naomi knows me well. Mint chocolate chip is my favorite and it makes everything better. Well, almost everything.

“So where is loverboy tonight?” she asks me as she starts dishing out the ice cream into bowls. Her honey blond hair is pulled into a ponytail and she has on her signature jean shorts and Converse. One of my favorite things about Naomi, besides the fact that she’s always there for me, is her outlook on life. She’s laid back and always tells me the truth, whether I want to hear it or not.

“He’s at an away game series. Tonight’s his third game and he’ll be back tomorrow,” I tell her, taking the bowl and spoon from her hands.

She sits cross legged on the other end of the sofa. “Okay, so have you heard from him since he’s been gone?”

I try to keep the blush off my face. “Uh, yeah, he usually texts me during the day while I’m at work and then he calls me after the games. We usually talk for an hour or two.”

Naomi sets the bowl down on the arm rest. “Okay, so does he say anything? He misses you? He can’t wait to see you?”

I roll the cold cream on my tongue and nod my head. “Yes, both of those things. And well, I know he wants me. Like, I’ve felt how much he wants me, but there’s no follow-through. I mean, isn’t that weird? Six dates and besides some heavy make-out sessions, he always pulls back. I mean I’m going crazy here.”

She laughs at me. “You know you sound like a guy right now.”

I can’t help but laugh too. “I know. I sound like some hussy in heat, but damn, Naomi, if you even knew. The man is h-o-t. And super sweet. I just don’t get it. How is this so difficult for me and he just acts like he’s fine?”

She points the spoon at me. “You know what you need to do? When he gets home tomorrow, invite him over for dinner and then serve it to him wearing sexy lingerie. Then you’ll know for sure if he’s into you, gay, or what his problem is.”

Remembering the feel of his hard cock pressed into my thigh, I blurt out to her, “He’s not gay, I know that.”

She picks up her bowl again. “Good. Then make it to where he has to go for it. Those breasts and that ass… he’s not going to turn you down.”

I can’t help but laugh at her antics. Naomi is a good friend. She always knows what to say to make me feel better.

I blush just thinking about Reagan coming home tomorrow. When I catch myself getting caught up in a daydream, I change the subject. “So what about you? What’s new in your world?”

She stuffs her mouth full of ice cream before leaning her head back on the couch. When she finally lifts her head, I can see the frustration on her face. “Well, to get my mom off my back, I let her talk me into going out on a blind date that she picked out for me.”

I about choke on my spoon. “What? Your mom that has been married four times. You’re letting her fix you up on a date?”

She’s instantly shaking her head. “Gah, I know, trust me I know, I may find a way to get out of it.”

I sit up straighter and this time I point my spoon at her. “No, you’re going on that date. You haven’t been out in forever. Just go. It’s not like you’re marrying the guy or anything. What’s one date going to hurt?”

She rolls her eyes. “You did hear me say it’s someone my mom picked out, right?”

I laugh and turn on the television to watch some reality shows. It’s our guilty pleasure and we usually get together to watch it on the dvr. “I heard that, but I still think you should do it.”

We hang out for a few hours and when my phone rings, I turn the ID toward Naomi showing her that it’s Reagan. She smiles real big. “That’s my cue to go.”

I holler, “Thanks for the ice cream” as she grabs her purse and waves at me from the door.

I hit the button on my phone. “Hey, Reagan.”

He sighs deeply into the phone. “Hey, honey. I’ve missed you.”

I keep the conversation with him brief. I can hear some of the guys in the background and don’t want to keep him long. However, I do make sure to invite him over for dinner the next night. After he promises he’ll be here, I tell him good night and as soon as I hang up, I work on my plan to seduce Reagan Kline.