Player Loves Curves Box Set #1-3 by Hope Ford



One Month Later

I tryto peek over Reagan’s shoulder. There’s something on his phone that has his interest piqued. “What are you looking at?”

He brings the phone down and holds it in my face. “This. Baseball’s cutest couple got married last night in a private ceremony.”

“Aww,” I cry as I jerk the phone from his hand. “It’s my first wedding pictures and it’s on some tabloid site.”

He circles his arms around me. “Yeah, but look how beautiful you are. I can’t blame whoever for taking those photos.”

I lean up on my tiptoes and pull him down to meet me. “Oh, you’re smooth,” I tell him before I kiss him.

After the last month, Reagan and I have gotten closer and closer. I travel to the games I can, but if I can’t, he’s always calling me and talking to me every day and night. He asked me to marry him exactly one week after the whole Carter fiasco and I could have held off for a long engagement, but I knew then just like I know now, I love Reagan and want to be his wife.

We planned everything and then decided on a private wedding where it was only Reagan and me with our parents in attendance. I didn’t want a big to-do. I was ready to get on with the next chapter of our lives… being Reagan Kline’s wife.

“So are you happy, wife?”

I look out at the private beach in front of us. He reserved this bungalow so we could have privacy, telling me he wanted me all to himself. I slide my hands up his chest. “I don’t think I could be any happier, husband.”