Player Loves Curves Box Set #1-3 by Hope Ford

Epilogue 2


Ten Years Later

“That’s it,RJ. You got this!” I yell from the sidelines.

Our nine-year-old son nods his head at me and puts the bat up on his shoulder. The bases are loaded and I can see the look in my son’s eyes. It’s the same look I get when the pressure is on. I hold my breath when the pitcher releases the ball and RJ loads his stance. At the exact right time, he hits the ball with the sweet spot of the bat. He doesn’t wait. He takes off running, just like I taught him. It’s not until he gets almost to second before he slows down, wondering what all the commotion is.

His mom is going crazy in the stands, jumping around and screaming. RJ just hit a grand slam. When he finally understands it, he slows his pace and starts jogging. He doesn’t gloat, he doesn’t act arrogant, but the look of pure excitement on his face is something else. Not only is it his first home run, but it was a walk-off grand slam. The other boys and I run out to home plate to congratulate him. As soon as his foot touches the plate, the rest of the team are lifting him up and cheering him on.

I give him a high-five and then walk over to my wife who’s now standing against the fence. “Did you see my boy?” I ask her.

“Your boy, huh?” She smirks at me.

I hold my hands up. “Fine. Fine. Our boy.”

“Daddy, Daddy, Bub did good.” Our little girl bangs her hands against the fence wanting to make sure she has my attention too.

I poke my fingers through the fence and her little chubby hand grabs on to me. “He sure did, baby girl.”

I smile at the two women in my life and tell them, “I’ll get the all star and meet you by the car.”

Jackie nods and I watch her walk away before heading back to the dugout. I have the boys clean up and then go down the line telling each player how they contributed to the game. I hate to keep the boys so long, but I always think it’s important to let each one know how important they are to the team. When we’re done, my son puts his bag on his back and I follow him to the car. “We better hurry. Mommy and Janie are probably tired of waiting on us.”

With my hand on his shoulder, I tell him how proud I am of him. I’m still the left fielder for the Mavericks. But when I’m in town, I’m helping to coach RJ’s baseball team. I know my time on the field is limited, but I already know when the time comes for me to put my cleats up, I’m going to be okay with it. I never dreamed I would say it, but I have just as much fun watching my son play as I do playing myself.

“Thanks, Dad,” he yells as he takes off running to his mom.

She catches him in a big hug and I stand back watching my little family. With smiles on their faces, Jackie and Janie listen to RJ tell them all about his grand slam. Even though the girls just sat through the whole game and saw it for themselves, they still listen to him tell the story in complete detail. I can’t stop the feeling of pride that rises in my chest. Not just for RJ, but all three of them.

My wife catches my eye over RJ’s head and she looks at me curiously before her smile gets even bigger. I always love to see her face light up and it always happens when she spots me.

I walk over to them and start putting everything into the back before we load up in the car. The kids are talking in the back, RJ going a mile a minute. Jackie squeezes my hand. “What are you thinking about, Reagan?”

I bring her hand up to my lips. “Thanks for waiting on me, honey.”

She looks at me with a smirk on her lips. “Don’t you know by now? I’ll always wait on you.”