Nanny for the Alien Lord by Tammy Walsh


I leanedagainst the door and pushed it to.

Experiencing incredible highs and disastrous lows were becoming something of a habit being around Tauas.

He could make me soar higher than an eagle and drive me deep into the bowels of the Earth—or planet Zev as the case may be.

In my usual humdrum experience, my emotions didn’t vary much.

They vibrated around the consistent levels of contentedness and zombie mode as I carried out my normal daily activities.

These seismic shifts were like riding a rollercoaster.

And I couldn’t get enough of it.

This was how it felt to be alive.

I dreaded to think what the kiss in the park might have led to if Elken hadn’t been around to interrupt us.

Maybe “dread” wasn’t the right word.

Maybe “excited” was more apt.

I needed to get a handle on myself, I thought.

I was his employee!

I couldn’t go around kissing my boss!

I needed to control myself from here on out.

But it wasn’t going to be easy, especially when I could still feel his lips on mine.

I moved into the front room where Abbie finished up yet another stunning dress.

It was pure white with frills like feathers on a bird’s back down either side.

The creative artistry Abbie displayed was incredible to me.

She could achieve anything when her imagination was allowed free rein.

She could turn a simple piece of cloth into something magnificent, the way an artist could do with colored liquid on his canvas.

“Hey,” I said.


Abbie spat the needles out of her mouth.

“Another day, another masterpiece,” I said.

I kissed Abbie on the top of the head and entered the tiny kitchenette.


“Tea,” Abbie said, focusing on her dress.

She turned her head to appraise it in ways I would never understand.

It already looked incredible to my eyes.

Abbie turned to me and cocked her head to one side.

“What?” I said.

“You’re singing.”

“No, I’m not.”

“You were a second ago.”


I tended to wear my emotions on my sleeves.

“You must be imagining things,” I said, but Abigail wasn’t fooled.

“You went to the park today with Tauas and Elken, right?”

Typical of Abbie to get to the heart of the matter so quickly.

“Yes,” I said.

“I take it you had a good time?”

“Not bad,” I said with a shrug.

I daren’t look at Abbie or I would grin like a fool.

She would then imagine things far worse than the innocent kiss that actually happened.

But it hadn’t been innocent, had it?

I saw the bulge develop in the front of his pants, and felt myself grow slick at the touch of him.

I wanted to do a whole lot more than just kiss.

No doubt my thoughts were being transmitted onto my face in real-time.

And Abbie the mind reader would be experiencing them right along with me.

Stay out of my head, bitch!

I took a sip of my coffee.

“What really happened that night at the ball?” Abbie said innocently.

Taken by surprise, I choked on my coffee and spat it over the wall.

“Now look what you made me do!” I said.

I snatched up a kitchen towel and began to wipe the coffee off the wall.

“A little coffee stain isn’t going to make much difference to this place,” Abbie said pointedly. “So? What happened?”

I ignored her and focused on drying the spillage.

“You might be okay living in a hole but I’m not,” I said.

Abbie continued to stare at me.

She expected an answer to her question and it didn’t matter what excuse I made.

“Nothing happened, except dancing and drinking and talking,” I said.

To Abbie’s eyes, my guilt must have been written in bright pink ink on my face.

She didn’t give voice to her thoughts and shrugged her shoulders.

“If you’re okay with living in denial, that’s fine with me.”

“I’m not living in denial!”

“Of course not you’re not,” Abbie said flatly.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

The water pipe behind the kitchen wall strained under pressure and thudded like the headboard of a very promiscuous couple.

Ordinarily, we would have ignored it as it’d long since become the ordinary background noise to this house, but this time it groaned louder, thumped harder, like a heartbeat ready to explode.

I shared a concerned look with Abbie.

It was pointless trying to speak as the thumping would only drown us out.

Finally, it slowed down to a more regular rhythm, then to silence.

“We have to get that fixed,” Abbie said. “Or one of these days we’re going to have an indoor pool.”

“With our next paychecks.”

But we both knew that wasn’t going to happen.

We wouldn’t have enough, and even if we did, there were other costs to take care of first.

Like food and utility bills.

Life was tough when you were constantly living hand to mouth.

There was always something.

I atewith Tauas and Elken every day after he brought pizza that first night.

Each day, he brought other “traditional” Earth food, from fried chicken to sushi to noodle dishes.

I enjoyed eating it all.

Abbie, as predicted, loved it too, but I was beginning to feel sorry for our hosts.

When Tauas escorted me to the front door, he handed me what remained of the fried chicken.

“You don’t have to only buy human food,” I said. “You can buy other types too.”

“I don’t mind. You’re happier eating human food and it’s very delicious. Plus, there’s lots more to try yet. There’s a kind of pasta with meat in it that Elken will really enjoy.”

That was nothing new.

Elken enjoyed all human food, although I suspected it was more because of its association with me than the actual taste.

Yixx food had an altogether different flavor: dry, spicy, and very very sweet.

Their food existed on the extreme fringes.

“Okay. But I’ll eat with you even if you order something else,” I said.

“Duly noted,” Tauas said with a grin.

Ever since we went to the park, I expected the awkwardness between us to ease, but it didn’t.

Sure, we were more relaxed in each other’s company, but those passionate kisses still hung over us like a cloud.

I couldn’t help but stare openly at his lips and peer up at his magnificent horns perched like a crown atop his head, and admire his strong square jaw that I wanted to trace with a finger.

Then there were the impressive muscles of his chest and narrow waist.

He was the whole package.

And it made me wonder about his package…

I blinked, coming awake from my daydream.

Tauas blinked too, apparently coming awake from his own seedy thoughts.

His cheeks colored in a way I’d never seen before.

I should have turned and headed down the driveway, grabbed a pod, and returned home but was surprised to find I didn’t want to.

He peered down at me, glaring like a wolf at his latest kill, hungry for more.

I glanced over his shoulder to check Elken wasn’t there to see us and, without thinking or allowing any kind of anxiety to enter my mind, I slid forward, went up onto my toes, and pressed my lips to his.

This time, he was the one to jump with surprise.

He didn’t pull back and instead pushed forward.

I reached up and ran a hand over his twisted horns.

I was surprised at how smooth they felt, how strong.

He ran his hands down my waist but stopped short of my ass, although I thought he wanted to grab it in his large hands.

The kiss was as delicious as the other times, perhaps even more so at the thought the neighbors might be watching.

I didn’t care.

His tongue slipped into my mouth and meshed with mine.

When we finally parted, I traced a finger over his square chin.

Strong, powerful.

And boy, did I want him inside me.

“You should get going, Miss Belle,” he said softly.

He made no move to encourage me to part from him.

He didn’t want me to leave any more than I did, but I did as he commanded.

“Thanks again for the chicken,” I said. “Try to buy healthy. I think I’ve already put on a couple of pounds thanks to your choices of meals.”

“You could do with fattening up a little,” he said.

I waved a finger at him.

“I’ve worked too hard for this shape and I’m not about to let you ruin it!”

I turned and sauntered down the driveway, casting a glance over my shoulder to ensure he was watching me.

I was pleased to find he was.

The look of hunger in his eye grew stronger now.

Every night after that, when he escorted me toward the door, dessert was served soon after.

We didn’t always make it to the door though.

Sometimes it was in an adjacent room—the library, front room, his office…

There wasn’t a room we hadn’t christened with our kissing.

Our hands explored further each voyage, mine to his powerful chest, abs, and tight ass.

His to my breasts, my ass, and inner thighs.

My favorite place to make out was in the library.

We kept our ears open in case Elken came running down the hallway toward us.

The good thing about Elken was that for such a small person, her heavy stomping made the same raucous sound as a herd of stampeding elephants, alerting us to her approach and giving us plenty of time to part ways.

Tauas lifted me onto the desk and spread my legs apart.

My dress rose up my thighs exposing my underwear, but I didn’t care.

He might have been preparing to enter me but he wouldn’t do that with Elken alone in the house.

I saw the want in his eyes and felt the hardness of his cock against me.

He pulled me against him, his powerful arm wrapped around my back, pulling me in close.

He buried his lips on mine and nipped at the bare skin of my neck.

I wrapped my legs around his waist, interlocking my ankles so he couldn’t escape.

I wasn’t sure who had captured whom.

I ran my hands through his hair and along those magnificent horns of his.

He ground himself against me, and I placed my hand on his ass to encourage him to dig deeper.

I grew so wet my panties were always soaking wet afterward.

Tauas pulled back, breaking our kiss, and smiled at me.

“I was thinking…” he said.

“Here comes trouble.”

“You’ve met my closest family member but I haven’t met yours.”

His statement took me by surprise.

“You never mentioned meeting Abbie before,” I said, unhooking my ankles.

He noticed me relax but continued.

“I would just like to meet her. She means the most to you, and you, apart from Elken, mean the most to me, so I figured it was a good idea for us to all meet up sometime.”

I put a hand to his chest and gently eased him back.

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

“Why not?”

“She has special requirements.”

“What requirements?”

I hadn’t told him she was in a wheelchair as I didn’t expect this relationship to go further than it already had.

And I especially didn’t want a repeat of my ex-boyfriend who turned me—and my sister—down because of her affliction.

“What kind of special requirements?” he repeated.

“Nothing,” I said, hopping down from the desk. “Forget I said anything.”

I straightened up my clothes and he did the same.

That awkwardness between us reared its head higher than ever before.

“I should go,” I said.

“Wait,” Tauas said. “Don’t leave like this.”

“Like what? Nothing’s changed.”

“I like you, Belle. I really like you. If you don’t want me to meet your sister, that’s fine. I’m happy just seeing you.”

He ran a hand up my arm and I couldn’t deny it gave me goosebumps.

“I like you too,” I said. “But I’m here to do a job. We’re a week into our agreement already. Daynnis will return at the end of this week.”

“Elken really likes you too.”

“I know.”

“So maybe she needs two nannies and not just one.”

I snorted.

“That’s overkill.”

He drew closer to me.

“I want to keep seeing you. Every day. Tell me how I can do that.”

I wanted to keep seeing him too.

I spent half my day glancing at the clock, counting down the minutes when I could see him again.

But this was always meant to be a job, not a relationship.

It was getting too complicated.

I needed to think this over.

I wasn’t about to make any decisions on this right now.

“Let me get back to you on that,” I said.

He kissed my hand.

“Make sure you do.”

Elken’s thunderous footsteps reverberated through the entire house and headed directly for us.

“By the way, I was thinking about taking Elken to the zoo tomorrow,” Tauas said. “If you think it’s a good idea?”

“She’s your daughter,” I said. “But will your company survive if you take another day off?”

“My company can survive without me,” he said.

He leaned forward and pecked me on the cheek so gently for such a big creature.

“But I cannot function without you.”

Elken appeared at the doorway to the library but her footsteps continued echoing for a few more seconds.

She panted, her small chest rising and falling.

“My new painting dry!” she exclaimed. “Come see!”

“I’m coming now,” I said.

I glanced over at Tauas’s hand and wondered what it would be like to take it and show Elken how I felt toward her father.

How would she react?

It didn’t matter, I told myself.

It couldn’t happen.

Not ever.

I would never allow him to meet Abbie, and that meant our relationship could never proceed any further than it already had.

I would enjoy the kissing while I could, I decided.

And not a moment longer.