Nanny for the Alien Lord by Tammy Walsh


She felt betterthan I ever imagined.

We were connected, as one.

I had only ever experienced that with one other person in the past, and that had been my wife.

The entire time I was with Belle, I never once thought about Lyssun.

Instead, she had become what she truly was:

A dearly loved one who had passed on.

Belle performed much better than I expected.

I had no idea what a human female was capable of, if they could even cater to the Yixx due to our large size.

I was pleased to find she could take all of me and hadn’t balked at the challenge.

She was hot, sexy, everything any red-blooded male would want.

We lay under the bedsheet smiling at each other, having enjoyed a second round of intense sex.

I ran a thumb over her cheek and chin and felt her soft body beneath my hands.

She might have been made of marshmallow.

“I suppose it makes sense,” she said suddenly and without preamble.

“What does?”

“That you should be a beast in bed. After all, you’re a beast at work, in business, and with everything else you do. Why should it be any different in bed?”

I pecked her on the lips and ran my fingers through her still-damp hair.

“I’ve been dreaming about doing that to you ever since we met. You taste like wild gheiis berries made ripe in the sun.”

Outside, the storm blazed, the rain falling in intense sheets.

I couldn’t think of anywhere else I would rather be than in bed with her right now.

But something intruded my thoughts and I knew I had to speak with her about it…

“Earlier at the zoo when we saw those jobless people, what did you think about?”

My question took her by surprise.

She hadn’t realized I’d noticed her looking at them.

“I thought about how easy it would be for me to be one of them,” she said. “If you hadn’t taken me on and given me this position, I would be one of them.”

It was as I expected.

Still, I wondered if it went deeper than that, if she blamed me and my company for her losing her job in the first place.

I’d always worked so hard to improve the lives of others, to help them to live more efficiently and upgrade to better, higher-paying jobs than the menial work that could be performed by a robot.

I never stopped to consider that people liked their menial jobs and didn’t want to change or do something else.

“I think Elken enjoyed the zoo today,” Belle said.

“Sure she did,” I said, pulling Belle toward me. “But I doubt she enjoyed today as much as I did.”

Belle chuckled and slapped me good-naturedly on the arm.

Her succulent body pressed tighter against me.

My cock hardened immediately and pressed into her abdomen.

I kissed her suggestively on the neck.

“Again?” she said. “I think you’re trying to wear me out.”

“That’s the goal.”

Belle responded in kind, pressing her lips to mine.

She reached a hand down to grip me tightly and began to jerk me off.

“Or maybe I’ll be the one to wear you out!”

“You’re free to try…”

She laughed.

“Men! Always the same!”

“I’m never like this.”

Belle rolled her eyes.

“Sure. Until you get with your other lovers.”


I turned her face toward me and spoke honestly so she knew I was telling the truth.

“I’m never like this with anyone else.”

“No one living, at least,” Belle said.

She said it playfully but I wasn’t sure how she really felt about me having been married before.

“Does it bother you?” I said. “Me, having been married before?”

“No. We all come with our baggage.”

“We don’t all still live with it on our shoulders though.”

“I think we do,” Belle said. “It’s not always visible to others, but we know it’s there, deep inside. That’s why we react the way we do to certain situations.”

Like how she reacted when I asked to meet her sister, I thought.

I was in two minds about bringing the subject up again.

We’d had an amazing day and I didn’t want to end it like last time.

My curiosity got the better of me.

“Is that why you don’t want me to meet your sister?”

Belle stopped jerking me off.

Her eyes switched between mine as if she could read one better than the other.

“I’m not going to try to convince you to let me meet her,” I said. “You’ve made your decision and I respect it. I’m just curious why.”

Belle pursed her lips and squeezed my cock.

“Do you want me to keep doing this or answer your question?”

“Can’t I have both?” I said, grinning at her.

“Greed isn’t an attractive quality.”

I nuzzled her ear, encouraged by her response.

“How can I be anything else with you around?”

“All right. How about this. I’ll answer your questions until the timer goes off?”

I frowned at her, thrown.


She squeezed me again.

I threw back my head and laughed.

“Do all human females have such senses of humor?”

“Why not pick a few more mistresses and find out?”

“I just might do that…”

She hissed through her teeth and beat at my chest.

I roared with laughter.

She was like an angry little mouse.

I tried to kiss her, but she turned away.

My lips landed on her cheek, which I was fine with.

A kiss was still a win.

“So, how about it, stud?” she said, already jerking me off.

“Have we already started?” I said.

“I have.”

She had a wicked glint in her eye and built up speed.

“Fine,” I grunted. “Tell me about your sister, Abigail.”




She hesitated for a moment.

“I’m not sure I can tell you this while jerking you off at the same time.”

“Then don’t.”

She appraised me carefully.

“You want to know that much?”

“I do. Plus, you can do that to me later.”

Belle snorted, removed her hand from me, and licked my juices off her fingers.

Seeing her do that made me wonder if I’d made the right decision.

She crawled up to join me on the pillows and took a moment before she began.

“Seven years ago, we were involved in a car accident. So were our parents. I didn’t have a scratch on me. She lost the use of her legs and my parents… well, they weren’t so lucky.”

All joviality gone, I sidled up closer to her.

“Belle, I’m so sorry. I had no idea…”

“Of course you wouldn’t. Why would you? Abbie is in a wheelchair. She needs constant care. That’s why I have to go home every evening, to take care of her. She can do most things by herself but she’ll never be able to fully take care of herself. She always needs help.”

“And there’s no one else to help?”

Belle shook her head.

“We’re from a small family. No aunts or uncles. Even if there were, it wouldn’t feel right to foist us on them.”

Suddenly, everything snapped into place.

“I quit school to take care of her and with her expensive medical bills, I needed to find well-paid work.”

“Is that why you came to Zev?”

“Yeah. The Yixx pay a lot more for human carers than back home.”

“It must have been difficult for you,” I said, “for you having to always be there.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s tough living your life when you have someone else to take care of.”

Belle’s nostrils flared.

“What are you saying? That she’s a burden?”

“I didn’t say that. I’m just saying—”

“I know exactly what you’re saying!”

She scrambled to get out of bed.


When did this conversation lapse so quickly?

I climbed out of bed to reach her before she could dress.

“Belle, listen to me—”

“I never should have told you. This whole thing has been a mistake.”


She bent down to grab her underwear but I scooped it up first.

“Give it to me!” she snapped.

I tossed her panties to her, but before she caught them, I wrapped my arms around her and wrestled her into bed.

“Get off me!” she screamed. “Get off!”

I didn’t.

I held her in my arms, rocking her gently back and forth as she struggled—vainly—to escape.

“Let me go!”

“Not until you calm down,” I said.

“I am calm!”

“I’ve seen you calm. This isn’t it.”

She wailed and squirmed harder.

She wasn’t strong compared to me, but she was quick.

“I want to leave!” she cried.

“Not until you answer my questions. That was the deal, wasn’t it?”

She turned her head away from me.

“You don’t have to look at me,” I said, “but you do have to listen to me. What you told me earlier about your sister and the accident explains a lot but it doesn’t explain why you don’t want me to meet her.”

Belle still didn’t look at me.


“What?” she snapped.

“Why don’t you want me to meet her?”

“Because… Because…”


“Because you’ll dump me just like my ex did!”

Her body shuddered as she cried.

She wanted to cover her face with her hands but I was still holding her.

I released her and prepared to spring out of bed if I needed to.

She didn’t run.

She cried into her hands.

Unsure what to do, I pulled the sheet over her, then wrapped my arms around her as I had earlier during our lovemaking.

“Sh, sh, sh,” I said. “It’s all right.”

“No, it’s not all right!” she said. “No one should ever look down their noses at Abbie like that. She doesn’t deserve it.”

“I meant it’s all right that you’re crying. This ex of yours? First of all, he’s a fool for being your ex. If you were mine, I would never let you go. Second, I still don’t understand why I can’t meet her.”

“Because you’ll dump me the same way he did, and Abbie doesn’t need even lower self-esteem than she already has.”

“Hey,” I said, trying to look her in the eye.

She refused to let me.

“Look at me,” I said.


“Why not?”

“I look hideous.”

“You could never look hideous.”

“You won’t say that when you see me.”

“I can already see you.”

She took a deep breath, rubbed her eyes, and turned to me.

Her eyes were bloodshot and her face had turned pale.

“See?” she said. “Hideous!”

“You’re the most beautiful crier I’ve ever seen. The same way you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.”

“You would say that! I’m naked and I’m in your bed!”

“How else do you think you got in my bed in the first place? Because you’re gorgeous. Inside and out.”

She snorted but was pleased with my words.

“Look,” I said, “I’m not your ex. I don’t know why he said what he did but I’m never going to say it. Why would I? The Yixx are a relatively advanced species. We have these magical things called ramps and elevators.”

She laughed and wiped a hand over her snotty nose.

“It’s very easy to have them fitted if she comes to visit.”

“There’s no need to do that,” Belle said.

“But I would. For her. For you. I want to meet her and I think Elken would like to as well. She talks about you and your sister when you’re not here. If one day you decide it’s okay for us to meet her, I’m all for it. Name the time and place and we’ll be there.”

She cried for a little longer before cuddling up close to me.

She kissed me on the lips.

It tasted salty but I didn’t care.

I leaned forward and licked the tears from her cheeks.

“Ewwwwww!” she said, wiping her cheek. “I expected you to wipe the tears away, not lick them!”

I shrugged.

“What can I say? I find you irresistible.”

She smiled, but it froze to her features.

She was looking at something over my shoulder.

“What?” I said. “What is it?”

My attention darted toward the door in case Elken had entered the room.

Thankfully, she hadn’t.

“I can hear buzzing,” Belle said.

She shimmied out of bed, clutching the sheet close.

I let her take it, completely at home with being naked in front of her.

She approached her bag, dug inside, and found her communicator.

She checked the caller holo-ID and answered immediately.

“Abbie? What is it?”

Her eyes boggled and she peered over at me.

“Yes. I’ll come over right away. You just… Stay where you are. Get out of the house if you can. I’m coming over right now.”

The fear in her voice snapped me to attention.

“What is it?”

“It’s the pipes in our house. The storm made them burst. Water’s flooding the kitchen and the rest of the house. We should have gotten it fixed but we didn’t have the money.”

Belle dropped the sheet and scooped up her panties, getting dressed.

I did the same.

“I’ll take you in the shuttlecraft. You’ll get there faster.”

“It’s okay. I’ll take a pod.”

“For once, listen to me! I can take you over there directly. You’ll be there in no time.”

Belle hesitated before accepting my offer.

“What about Elken?”

“We’ll take her with us.”

It’d been another amazing day.

Why it they always have to be topped with disaster?

We hustledout and entered Elken’s room.

I nudged her awake.

“Elken? You need to wake up, baby. Something’s happened and you need to come with us.”

Elken grumbled something about her sketches.

Her eyes were still heavy and shut.

I scooped her up, blankets and all, and carried her down the stairs.

Belle took an umbrella from the stand and held it above us so Elken wouldn’t get wet.

We rushed over to the parked shuttlecraft.

We ascended the ramp and I placed Elken in the row of chairs at the back.

“Can you sit beside her?” I said. “Make sure she doesn’t fall off the sofa.”

Belle strapped herself in and placed her arms in front of Elken.

I climbed into the front pilot seat and prepped for departure.

“What’s your address?”

Belle told me and I input the coordinates.

I took off before the hatch door had shut properly and peeled away into the storm.

The rain lashed the small craft, smothering the windscreen.

I was breaking half a dozen laws but the authorities could bill me.

The most important thing was getting to Belle’s sister as quickly—and safely—as possible.

I arched high to avoid other traffic and sailed over the city.

When the alerts flashed onscreen informing me I was breaking a multitude of laws, I switched them off.

I took us down a narrow street.

Belle pointed out the windscreen at her house.

“That one, on the corner.”

I brought the shuttlecraft down as close to the building as I could.

The hatch door whirred open.

I exited the shuttlecraft with Belle at my side.

“Computer,” I said, “shut the door and initiate full security lockdown. No one comes in or out until I return.”

Except with me, there was no safer place for Elken to be.

I rushed toward the front entrance with Belle, who didn’t even stop to tell me I didn’t need to come inside with her.

Even from outside, I could tell the building was in much need of repair.

As we entered, a wash of water rushed down the steps and flooded the front yard.

“Abbie?” Belle called out. “Where are you? Abbie?”

“In here!” Abbie yelled.

Belle took after the voice and I followed on her heels.

Abbie sat huddled in the corner in her wheelchair.

The floor was so warped and misshapen that one corner stood higher than the rest.

Belle hurried over and embraced her sister.

“Are you all right? Are you hurt?”

“I’m fine,” Abbie said. “Just a bit wet.”

She shared a nervous smile with her sister.

“We’ll head to a hotel and get this sorted out later,” Belle said.

“My ass you’ll go to a hotel!” I interjected.

Abbie turned to peer up at me, seeing me for the first time.

“Is that your boss?”

“The one and only,” Belle said witheringly.

“I should get a job where you work,” Abbie muttered.

“I have a big house with plenty of empty bedrooms,” I said. “You can come and stay with me.”

Belle shook her head.

“Out of the question. We’d prefer to stay at a hotel. We don’t know how long this might take to fix.”

“All the more reason for you to join us,” I said.

Belle’s jaw stiffened and she glared at me.

Abbie placed her hand on Belle’s arm.

“He’s right. We don’t have the money to stay in a hotel. Anything we save should go toward fixing up the house.”

“We shouldn’t accept charity,” Belle said. “Not from anybody.”

Okay, ouch.

So that hurt.

I was just “anybody” to her?

Didn’t today mean anything?

I put my emotions to one side and focused on doing what was best for the both of them.

“Come stay with me and Elken. You can stay with us until this problem’s fixed. You can go to a hotel later, if you want. But for now, stay with us.”

Belle didn’t like it but what other choice did she have?

“Fine,” Belle said, her tone harsh. “But only for a couple of days. Then we’ll leave, whether we’ve got this problem fixed by then or not.”

I gave a curt nod and approached Abbie.

Belle blocked me.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m going to carry your sister and her wheelchair into the shuttlecraft. The floor is too bent and twisted for her to get out.”

Belle eyed me warily, scared I might harm her sister.

She must have known I would never do anything like that.

Didn’t she?

She eased back, hesitant about letting me touch Abbie.

Luckily, Abbie was thinking clearer.

She took my hand and shook it.

“I’m Abbie. Pleasure to finally meet you.”

It was the traditional human form of greeting.

I shook her hand in return.

“Tauas. Pleasure to meet you too.”

“I think that’s enough,” Belle snapped.

I took the weight of the wheelchair, braced it, and hefted it up.

Abbie was surprisingly light.

I carried her through the doorway.

Belle strode alongside us with the umbrella extended overhead to protect her sister from the rain.

Just as she had done with Elken earlier.

Always the guardian, I thought.

The shuttlecraft’s hatch door whirred open and we scaled up it.

“Well, this is cozy, huh?” Abbie said of the craft’s interior.

Elken murmured in her sleep.

“And this must be little Elken,” Abbie said. “Isn’t she adorable?”

I turned to Belle.

“I’ll leave it to you to introduce them,” I said.

“Where are you going?” Belle said. “You have to fly us out of here!”

“Somebody has to shut off the water before it floods not only your home but your neighbors!”

I marched back down the ramp, somewhat irked by Belle’s response to my helping her.

I entered the flooded house again and quickly found the burst water pipe.

It spewed from the wall above the cabinets in the kitchen.

I slid my hands into the hole and ripped the flimsy material away.

If I’d known Belle was living in such conditions, I would have offered to let her come stay with me sooner—not that she would have accepted.

The pipe had burst, the water spurting in a mad rush.

The rest of the pipe was rusted and looked like it would give way any moment too.

I shook my head.

They were lucky it was only a minor leak.

If the other pipes gave way, it could have caused the whole building to collapse.

This house didn’t need renovation, it needed demolition!

I was going to help Belle whether she wanted it or not.

In fact, I knew she didn’t want it but she was going to get it anyway.

I made a hasty call on my communicator.

“Ofor?” I said. “I need to ask a favor of you…”