Nanny for the Alien Lord by Tammy Walsh


I couldn’t have felt better.

Not only was the launch of the new service bots going ahead as scheduled, but we might also end up being ahead of schedule!

Despite the naysayers telling us we couldn’t achieve a full intergalactic release, we were doing exactly that.

The shipments were already speeding throughout the galaxy under armed escort to ensure pirates didn’t get their hands on our merchandise.

After work, I had Elken, Belle, and Abbie to spend time with.

What could be better than that?

It was like having a real family and I was excited to return to them.

I moved through each of my meetings one after another, making decisions in record time with no delay or hesitation about where I wanted the company to go.

I sped through the meetings so fast, Freas moved my later appointments up.

Within two hours remaining until home time, I was ready for my next meeting.

Freas entered my office and said:

“That’s everyone!”

I’d finished a full two hours ahead of schedule.

“It is?” I said.

I didn’t even feel tired.

I had more energy than usual.

“Okay then!” I said.

I shut down my terminal, scooped up my jacket, and headed toward the door.

I took Freas by the shoulders and kissed her on each cheek.

She was taken by surprise.

“Thank you for your hard work,” I said. “I could never do this job without you.”

She was touched, her eyes swimming with tears.

“Now, get home to your husband, make love, have babies, and live a great life!” I said.

As I moved through the office space, Freas called after me:

“A fifty percent pay rise would make life even better!”

I turned but didn’t stop tracking backward.

“Hold that thought until your next contract negotiation!”

I might have been happier than usual but I wasn’t about to start shoveling money out the door!

I picked up a couple of large pizzas and every side order on offer.

Then I flew home and saw that the builders had already come and gone.

A series of cones outlined the fresh concrete to prevent anyone from stepping on it.

I brought the shuttlecraft in to land and carried the pizzas into the house.

“I’m home!”

I was immediately greeted by the most beautiful sound in the world.

“Daddy!” Elken squealed and ran at me.

I would have scooped her up and spun her in a circle the way she liked but my hands were already full of delicious food.

Elken wrapped her arms around my legs and placed her feet on mine.

“Holding on tight?” I said.


I stepped forward, swinging my leg forward so Elken could ride it.

She squealed with delight as I carried her into the kitchen.

I reached the dining table and deposited the food.

Elken took off like a shot.

No one else was in the kitchen, so I followed Elken into the front room.

A dozen mannequin dolls stood at regular intervals across the space, each wearing an exquisite dress.

Now, I know how to dress well, but it’s a whole lot easier for a male.

Pay enough for a sharp suit and you’ll look half decent.

For females, it’s a whole lot harder.

Even I could notice the incredible skill that’d gone into making these outfits.

Belle sat around the coffee table beside her sister, helping her pin paper to a new dress.

Elken helped too, although they only let her use plastic needles without sharp points.

“Where did these dresses come from?” I said.

“I made them,” Abbie said.

I approached the nearest one and recognized it immediately as the dress Belle had worn the night of the ball.

I touched it the way I had that night when we danced.

And kissed.

I couldn’t help but smile at the memories.

“You have a real talent,” I said.

“It’s nothing,” Abbie said.

“Have you thought about selling them?”

Abbie visibly bristled.

“No, not yet.”

A talent like this shouldn’t go unnoticed.

An idea sprouted and took root, expanding until it encircled all aspects of my life.

I filed the idea away for later.

“I brought pizza,” I said.

“You did?” Abbie said.

She dropped her work immediately and spun around to face me.

“Well, why didn’t you say so!”

She scooped Elken into her lap, who squealed with delight as Abbie wheeled past me.

Abbie met my eyes and then darted them in the direction of Belle, before slipping down the hallway.

No doubt Belle was grateful for all the good I had done for her and her sister.

I would inform her there was no need for her thanks.

I did it because I wanted to help them.

When it came to meeting her sister, I didn’t know what she was worried about.

Abbie was an enchanting woman.

I had no trouble conversing with her this morning.

You didn’t judge people by their appearance or handicaps they might have.

You judged them based on the way they were.

I felt as comfortable in Abbie’s presence as I did with her sister, Belle.

I trusted her with my most valuable possession—Elken—without a second thought.

Belle lowered the work she was doing but didn’t look up at me.

In fact, she hadn’t looked up at me since I arrived.

“Abbie and Elken seemed to be getting along very well,” I said.

Perfectly timed, Elken squealed with delight.

I had never known Elken to be so happy.

Belle nodded but didn’t say a word.

“I ordered your favorite topping. Hawaiian. And some of that delicious garlic bread you like so much.”

Belle nodded, got to her feet, and dusted herself off.


I wasn’t sure how I should respond.

Clearly, something was wrong but I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what it was.

“I had your things delivered today. I assume everything turned up? If they didn’t, I can call the removal company—”

“Everything’s here,” Belle said shortly.

She moved to pass me.

I raised an arm to stop her.

I sensed drawing her close wasn’t a good idea.

“Is everything okay?”

“Sure. Why wouldn’t it be? Excuse me.”

She pressed against my arm to move past, and I let her go.

When she reached the doorway, I opened my mouth to ask what was wrong but thought better of it.

I felt I should have known what the problem was, but as I ran the situation over in my mind, I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what it might be.

I turned and followed Belle, enjoying the sight of her ass as she turned and disappeared into the kitchen.

She was still as sexy as hell, no matter how upset she was.

I took my seat at the kitchen table, thankful Abbie and Elken jabbered on.

It filled what otherwise would have been an unbearable silence.

Belle made every effort not to look at me.

What had I done that demanded such a reaction?

The pizza might have been delicious but I couldn’t taste it.

I barely managed to finish even half a slice.

Most of my attention was focused on Belle.

She smiled but it was tight and distant as she helped Elken with her meal.

Once we finished eating, Belle was quick to clean up.

Then she took Elken upstairs for her bath and put her to bed.

I was left alone with Abbie.

We were both silent a moment.

I wanted to ask her what the problem was, but until now, hadn’t had the opportunity.

“She’ll get over it,” Abbie said.

“Get over what?” I said softly. “What did I do wrong?”

“For the past seven years, it’s only been us. Us against the world. Suddenly, you swoop down and sweep us off our feet, helping us.”

“Isn’t helping someone supposed to be a good thing?”

“It is,” Abbie said with a nod, “unless that someone isn’t used to getting help.”

Abbie placed a hand on mine.

“She’s been mother, father, sister, and best friend to me for the past seven years. Without her, I never would have survived. I know that for a fact. I never could have pulled through, never mind survive those first few months. Now, she gets your help, and she doesn’t know how to handle it. Give her some time and she’ll come to terms with it.”

I shook my head.

“I never thought helping someone could be so difficult.”

Abbie smiled and wheeled away from the dining table.

“A woman’s mind can be a cold and inhospitable place, especially if you’re a stranger to those shores. But trust me, she’ll come back to her old self in no time. Now, I’m going to go test out my new elevator. Thank you by the way, for all your help.”

It was nice to hear the word of thanks, even if it didn’t come from the lips I had thought it would.

“It’s nothing,” I said.

Abbie wheeled out of the kitchen and left me to my thoughts.

That night,I took a shower, my mind still humming with unwanted thoughts, and climbed into my cold and lonely bed.

I usually enjoyed crawling into bed after a long and exhausting day at work.

Today, I was more exhausted than usual, a kind of emotional exhaustion that left not only my bones and muscles tired but my brain too.

Trying to understand the female mind was a lot harder than I thought.

A woman’s mind can be a cold and inhospitable place, especially if you’re a stranger to those shores.

That was damn right.

It was just as I was drifting off to sleep that I heard my bedroom door creak open.

Through a slit in the curtains, illuminated by moonlight, I picked out Belle’s mesmerizing form.

I sat up immediately and watched as she approached.

“Belle? What are you doing?”

Without a word, she shut the door behind herself, crossed the room, climbed under the bedsheets, and immediately pressed her lips to mine.

Shocked and taken aback, but unwilling to end this moment, I gave myself to her.

Her lips were passionate and hungry, and she was quick to reach into my pants and take me in her mouth.

I was already hard as a rock, and within five minutes, she had juiced me up enough to climb on top, pull her silk nightie up to her hips, and slide me inside her.

She rode me, slowly at first, gasping as she took me.

Gradually, she built up speed, riding me mercilessly.

I rubbed at her hardened nipples through the silk dress.

Abbie had been right.

Belle had forgiven me for whatever ills she thought I had done to her.

I watched, transfixed, as she drove herself harder onto me, drawing herself to all-new depths.

Unable to take any more, my hands wrapped about her hips and thrust her onto me.

I came powerfully inside her.

We labored for breath for a moment, savoring the exquisite feeling of joining as one.

“That was amazing,” I said. “I didn’t think you were going to come to me. I thought—”

She smiled politely and extracted herself from me.

She pulled down her nightie, stepped from the bed, crossed the room, opened the door, and left.

A woman’s mind was a strange shore, Abbie had said.

She was right.

They appeared to be a great deal stranger than I had ever imagined.