My Heart’s Home by Kris Michaels

Chapter 12

Cam stomped his feet, trying to warm up. He waited for Captain Terrell at the building site, away from the small pile of wood scraps just in case someone from the Cottages was scrounging for something to burn.

Terrell walked out of the darkness and handed him a thermos. "Hot chocolate."

Cam smiled and unscrewed the top and poured himself a cup. "Thanks." He wished he could take some to Dezzy and Mercy, but…

"I brought some instant packets for you to take with you." Terrell handed him a handful of the white envelopes, and he shoved them in his coat.

"Thanks. Any word on Mitchell?" He took a sip of the cocoa and rolled his eyes. The FSR's were gone, and they were back to living off the sandwich line and the hot meals they received from the food trucks that still came once a week.

"He was seen downtown not far from here. Are you sure he's not in the Cottages?"

Cam sighed. "Captain, he could be, but if he is, he's damn stealthy. I watch. What did the judge say about another continuance?"

"No go. We either produce our witness on the third of January, or we cut bait on this very big fish. Faber is gloating in the media, taunting us. The asshole." Terrell's growl matched his facial expression, dark and fierce. The man shuffled his feet and stared at the snow as he spoke, "We can pull you in if you're done. No one will judge you. It's the coldest winter on record."

"Don't I know it." Cam chuckled and took another sip of the hot chocolate. "Thanks for the FSRs, by the way."

"Least the force could do. You still stocked on them?"

Cam grunted. There was no need for Terrell to know he'd shared the food.

"Was that a yes or a no?"

"That was an ‘I'll make it.’"

Terrell chuckled. "You made some friends and shared?"

"Wouldn't you?"

Terrell nodded. "I would, and I was hoping you would, too. Look, if we don't have him by Christmas, we're pulling you in along with the others. Your boss and I had a heart-to-heart. We'll find another way to bring Faber down. Three weeks more, and if there isn't any sign of Mitchell, we'll tie a bow on this shit and call it done."

He nodded. It was only a matter of time before the brass determined the operation was a bust, but damn it, he wanted to get the guy. "I'll be walking out with someone. Two someones, actually."

Terrell cocked his head. "Have you disclosed your assignment?"

"To them? No. To the FBI agent I told you about, yes." He took a large gulp of the cocoa and then another before filling his cup again.

"We checked him out. He's legit, and the FBI was less than forthcoming about what he was doing here."

Cam chuckled. "Which is exactly how he was. Fibbies are tight-mouthed."

Terrell narrowed his eyes. "That's right, you have the FBI academy under your belt, don't you?"

He nodded. "It was offered when I was in the service. I jumped on that."

"I would, too. Do you need anything?"

"No. I'll find Mitchell if he's at the Cottages."

"Never doubted it. Damn shame you applied to the DA's investigative branch. We could have used a man with your grit on the force."

Cam downed the almost scalding hot cocoa in two gulps before he handed the thermos and cup back to the police captain. "I like the investigation aspect, and I like being able to walk out, turn off the lights, and go home at the end of the day. Spent way too many sixteen-hour days while I was in the military to want that in my civilian life, too."

"Can't say as I blame you. I've got my twenty in, and I'm punching. Going to work with family and spend more time with my fiancée."

"Congratulations. Finding someone special isn't guaranteed."

"But you did. At the Cottages?"

Cam shoved his hands in his pockets. "I think so. She's had a hard life. Abused by her ex, who was a cop."

"Damn, and she doesn't know you're undercover?"


"That puts you in a bind when you tell her."

"She's worth the pinch. She and her daughter are… well, they're special."

"Don't let this shit get in the way of that, Freeland. I know what I'm talking about. If you feel like you need to tell her what is going on and you know you can trust her not to say anything, then do it. Trust your gut."

"Having any private time to talk or anything else is a rarity, but I get you, Captain." He appreciated the permission. He'd been considering telling Mercy for a while. Giving her something to hang onto until he could pull all of them out of the Cottages.

"Wait, Captain, there is something you could do for me." Since he knew when he was being pulled from the field, he'd need a couple of items tended to.

"Anything. Name it."

"I'm glad you said that."

Cam spent ten minutes discussing his plan with the Captain, and they worked over the fine details.

Terrell shook his hand. "Consider it done."

Cam watched the man walk away, and only when he was sure there was no one else, he stepped from behind the burned-out trailer and headed back to the Cottages and his girls. A smile split his face. Three weeks. Twenty-one days. Hopefully sooner, but no later than Christmas.

* * *

There wasn't anyone moving in the bitter cold, and by the time he made it back to his tent, snow had started to accumulate. He stomped off as much snow as he could before he entered the tent. It was dark and quiet except for Destiny's cute little snores. He took off his boots and rolled into his blankets.

"Where did you go?" Mercy's soft question rolled him over. He scooted closer to her and tucked his blankets around him. She edged forward and rested her head on his arm. The closeness added warmth, imagined or real. He had no idea but felt amazing. He leaned in for a kiss and let himself linger in her warmth.

"You taste like chocolate."

"I do." He shoved his hand in his pocket and pulled out a handful of the white envelopes. He leaned over and put them with the rest of the foodstuffs. "Hot cocoa."

"Where did you get it?"

"From a friend."

He felt her head tilt up and look at him. "Here?"

"No." Destiny snorted and shuffled beside Mercy. He chuckled as the girl's slight snore lifted again. "Let's try to get some private time tomorrow, and I'll explain. Nothing nefarious, I promise."

He could hear the tinny sounds of snow hitting the canvas of the tent. "Don't break my heart, Cam." Mercy spoke so quietly he wasn't sure if she meant to say the words aloud.

He leaned down and kissed the top of her head. "Your heart is safe with me."

* * *

Cam watched as Dezzy and Punt headed to the sandwich line. He and Mercy would go soon, but he needed to talk with her to prepare her for what was to come.

She sat with her knees drawn to her chest, her long, flame-red hair loose and draped over her shoulder. "What do you need to tell me?"

The woman looked like she was braced for a fist to the face. He smiled at her and reached out slowly to stroke her chin. "That I think I'm in love with you and your daughter."

Her eyes rounded an instant before that dazzling smile lit up the tent. "I think I love you, too, and I know Dezzy adores you." He pulled her into his lap and dropped for a kiss. She tasted like chocolate this morning. She and Destiny had split a cup of cocoa for breakfast. She pulled away and sighed, looking up at him. "Is that what you wanted to tell me?"

"Well, that was the most important thing. Everything else is inconsequential." He dropped for another kiss and let his hand thread themselves under her coat and shirt. He could count her ribs with his fingers as he moved to cup her breast in his hand.

Mercy moved away and reached into her pocket. She produced two condoms. "I stopped by the free clinic. They had these just sitting there."

"If we use those, we might not make it to the lunch line in time to get a bag."

Mercy smiled and took off her coat, lying beside the blankets. She lifted off the sweater she was wearing and looked at him. "I've gone without food before."

He shook his head. "You're too thin as it is."

She stopped and blinked. "Oh." Mercy reached for her sweater.

Cam put his hand on the yarn. "No, I didn't mean that in a derogatory sense. You are beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I just worry about you."

Mercy's doubt and fear evaporated. "Thank you, but we don't get much time together. Please, let's not waste it."

Cam didn't need to be asked twice. He leaned forward and kissed her as he undressed her, snuggling her under the covers before he stripped off her jeans and underwear. He shed his clothes and joined her under the covers, rolling on top of her. He gazed down into those green eyes. "I've traveled the world, but I've never seen anything as beautiful as you."

She smiled up at him. "If I'm dreaming, please don't wake me." He lowered to kiss her, to show her exactly how much she wasn't dreaming. The luxury of taking the time to explore her body rather than rushed and semi-clothed moments grasped when the opportunity presented itself was overwhelming. He didn't know where to start. He nipped her shoulder and watched as it reddened ever so slightly. He licked the spot and moved on, tasting, teasing, and trailing kisses as he traveled her body, memorizing the way she reacted to his touch. Because of her past and the way he felt about her, he caressed and asked, gently teased, and carefully moved them forward. The care he took when making love to her was something that satisfied him in an elemental way. His need for her, as intense as it was, would always take a back seat to showing her the grace, protection, and love she deserved.

He encouraged her tentative touches, whispered endearments when she trusted him, and let her know he was hers. He kept kissing her as he put on a condom and settled between her legs. He framed her face with his hands, and they held eye contact as he entered her. Her hot, warm body wrapped around him in a pleasure so intense he had to stop when he hilted inside her. Her hands traveled up and down his back, and a shudder of heated lust raced along his nerves. He dropped for a kiss and began to make love to her.

Time stood still and yet somehow accelerated at the same time. Moments fractured into memories and sensations, driving them both higher. Sweat formed between them even in the frigid conditions. He watched as she climaxed, enthralled with the beauty of his woman. He let himself go and satisfied his need. He held himself off her, but just barely. The physical act was perfection, but this moment with her in his arms, completely relaxed and trusting him to take care of her—this was heaven on earth.

He dropped to his side and took care of the condom, then pulled her closer to him.

“You wanted to talk?” She slid her leg up over his and sighed contentedly.

He nodded and blew out a lungful of air. “The question is where to start.”

Mercy leaned back and chuckled, “At the beginning?”

He glanced down at her. “I’m not homeless.”

She blinked and then laughed at him. “Well, you kinda are.”

He shook his head and moved, propping himself up on his elbow. “First, I’m not a cop.”

Her brow furrowed and she mimicked his position, throwing the blankets over her shoulder to keep warm. “What’s second?”

“I’m here undercover.” She sat up and all the blankets went with her, causing him to scramble and grab his clothes. “Shit, it’s cold.”

She pulled the blankets around her. “It is about to get a lot colder. Explain how you’re not a cop if you’re here undercover.”

He lifted a finger to his lips. “Inside voices, please.” He’d heard Mercy say that to Dezzy when the girl got too loud.

“Not helping and not funny.” She ground the words out.

“Okay, I was assigned to a task force comprised of various entities. I’m an investigator for the District Attorney’s office, which makes me a peace officer, not a cop. I'm assigned to the Maryland Bureau of Investigations. I'm not a city cop.” She stared at him, waiting for him to continue, so he took the plunge. “I’m looking for a man that could put a nasty guy away for the rest of his life. Once I find him, we can go home. Or, at least, I want you to come home with me. You and Destiny.” He threw on his coat over his bare chest and sank beside her.

She stared at him. “So, I’m… what? Your cover?”

He shook his head slowly. “No, you are a very unexpected gift from God. I found you and Dezzy, and I never want to let go.”

Her eyes went round and got a wary look in them. “So, I don’t know you.” She pulled the blankets tight and bit her bottom lip. “This is all a lie?”

“No. You know me. You know the real me. I’ve never hidden anything from you except for my job. I couldn’t tell you.”

Her eyes lifted to him. “Why are you telling me now?”

“I met with my task force leader last night. He told me if I trusted you, then I could tell you.”

“Trusted me?” She parroted his words.

“I do, Mercy. I am in love with you, and I do trust you. If you trust me, by Christmas, you, Destiny, and I will be home, and we can start healing the wounds that bastard has caused.”

“Ian will find me.”

Cam snorted. “I dare him to do a damn thing. I’d love to put that loser in his place.”

Tears formed in her eyes. “Do you think this is a joke? He’s going to kill Destiny and me if he finds us.”

He moved forward and slowly brought her into his chest, hugging her. “You’ve trusted me to take care of you here. Ian can’t hurt you anymore. I have connections, and the DA’s office has pull. Legally, he can’t touch you. He should be prosecuted for what he’s done to you.”

She shook her head. “I… I… I don’t know what to do.”

He tucked his finger under her chin and encouraged her to lift her head. “If I could make a suggestion?”

She sniffed and shrugged. "What?"

“Forgive me for not telling you. I had my reasons.”

Mercy stared at him for a long moment. “I’ve already forgiven you.”

He smiled and then added, “Kissing me wouldn’t be a bad step either.” She puffed a laugh and leaned forward. He took her lips in a soft kiss. “Telling me you love me would be next.”

She smiled. “I love you.”

Cam pulled her to him and held her tight. There were muted sounds from the encampment but nothing that would keep him from this moment, no matter how damn cold… Shit. “Mercy, we don’t have to wait until Christmas. I could take you and Dezzy to my house tonight. You’d be warm and safe—”

She shot out of his arms. “No! No, I don’t want to be alone. I’m safe here. I know how to hide here. Ian would never find us. You wouldn’t be there, right? You’d be here?”

He took her hand and promised her, “You’d be safe.”

“We’ll be all right here until you can come with us. It’s not long until Christmas. That’s when you said you’d be done, right?”

“The latest I’d be done.”

Mercy grabbed his arm. “And then you’d get your DA to make sure Ian couldn’t touch us?” Her eyes shone with hope.

“Absolutely.” He’d fucking make sure that bastard was on every good cop’s radar, too.

“Then take us home when you’re done, Cam.”

“Are you sure?”

She nodded. “I’m sure. Wherever you are is where I need to be.”