My Heart’s Home by Kris Michaels

Chapter 20

Mercy sat down at the small, white tablecloth-clad table. The restaurant was new, and the wait staff was efficient. From her years working the front of the house, she appreciated the quiet professionalism of the waitstaff, and the rotation of personnel through the establishment was completed with quiet grace. Cam slid her chair in and took his seat.

"This is a beautiful place." The waiter appeared with a champagne bottle, which could only happen with advance coordination. "You called ahead." She smiled at Cam, who winked at her, confirming her suspicions.

When the waiter disappeared, Cam raised the flute and toasted, "To the end of one chapter of your life and the beginning of the next."

She met his flute with hers and took a sip of the chilled, sharp wine. "There were times I didn't think we'd make it."

Cam put down his glass and took her hand. "But you did because you and Destiny are survivors."

She nodded. "We are survivors." She'd realized that with the help of her counselor. That revelation had opened a host of new issues for her to deal with, but she was making progress. "The Mercy Cahill of the past no longer exists."

"She's changed." Cam nodded his understanding.

"I have. One of two good things to come out of that time."

Cam's brows furrowed. "What's the other?"

Mercy quietly laughed, "You."

Cam's face brightened immediately. "On that note, I was going to wait until dessert, but…"

He stood up and reached into his breast pocket before kneeling beside her chair. He opened a little black velvet box and extended it to her. "Mercy Cahill, I have Destiny's blessing to ask you. Would you do me the honor of marrying me?"

The ring glinted at her from the cushion as her hands covered her mouth. She looked from the ring to him and nodded. Tears filled her eyes, and he became a blur. She was enveloped in a hug and cried silently as Cam held her. She cried tears of happiness, of relief, and of thanksgiving.

She pulled away and swiped at her tears, finally saying the word. "Yes." Cam slid the solitaire onto her finger and kissed her softly. A gentle round of applause filled the intimate dining area. In surprise, she looked around and felt her face heat with embarrassment. Cam chuckled and kissed her one more time before he sat down. They held hands as they ordered and while they waited for their food.

His thumb caressed the top of her hand. "I asked Kelsey to arrange a small wedding on the beach in St. Thomas. Destiny will stay with her on our wedding night. I've booked us a hotel, but I can cancel it if you don't think she's ready or if you're not."

"I don't have a dress."

Cam shrugged and smiled. "Shopping trip for you and Destiny, I'll sit this one out. Bull can go with you."

"He doesn't need to go." Although they'd made short trips out and about by themselves, re-entering mainstream society wasn't as easy as one would assume.

"But he said he would be available if necessary. He took tomorrow off anyway to take Erik home."

"He likes his job." Mercy smiled.

Bull had been hired as a mechanic for one of the private schools to maintain their bus fleet. He was happy and now paying a small rent to Cam, who had fought tooth and nail but finally allowed Bull to pay him a nominal amount.

"He's in a good place." Cam agreed. "I like Clarissa, and I hope they get back together."

Bull and his ex-wife had made peace and were dating, slowly getting to know each other again. "She's been through a lot, and so has he." Mercy smiled. "But then again, so have we, and we succeeded."

"We have. Speaking of successes, congratulations on the job offer." Cam toasted her with his champagne.

She lifted her glass and took another sip of the wine. "I want to make an impact, to help them… the people everyone has forgotten or forsaken." Her heart hurt for the single mothers, runaway children, men and women without resources or ways to obtain help. The city's ability to handle the scope of the problem was hobbled by a misunderstanding of the homeless and perhaps the lack of empathy to help.

"You'll make a difference. I have faith in you."

She smiled at him. "And I love you." Cam's unwavering support was the cornerstone of her life, and that fact wasn't terrifying anymore. She trusted him. It had taken time to lose the fear of his love, of his intentions, of his actions, but she'd finally reached a point where she internalized the difference between her past experiences and her life with Cam.

* * *

Later that night, after making love to her fiancé, Mercy listened to the stillness of the night and Cam's steady breathing. The day flooded through her mind on a constant loop, and sleep appeared impossible no matter how tired she was.

She slid out of bed and put on a robe, padding into the kitchen. She pulled down the instant cocoa mix and turned the burner on under the teapot. Destiny came into the kitchen as she was pouring the hot water into her cup. "Can I have some?"

"Sure. Can't sleep?" Mercy removed another cup and a packet of mix.

"Yeah. He's never going to get out of jail, is he?"

Mercy sat both cups down at the table and took a seat across from her daughter. "Never."

Destiny pulled the cocoa to her and stared at the cup. "I want to be a lawyer. One that puts sadistic bastards like Ian in jail." Mercy picked up her cocoa cup and stared at her daughter. Dezzy rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Sadistic bad guys. Better?"

"Much. Being a lawyer is a great idea." She watched her daughter's eyes light up.

"I know I got behind in school, but my grades are coming up. I'd have to go through four years of college and then three years of law school, plus pass the bar, which is supposed to be tough, but Doctor Allen says there are plenty of prep courses for that."

"So, you've been thinking of being a lawyer for a while?" She took a sip of her cocoa and watched her daughter.

"Yeah, since we met Mr. Cain the first time. Cam said I could look up the information on his computer, and he printed me out some articles. After that, I talked to Doctor Allen because he wants to make sure my goals are realistic. He thinks this is a great long-range goal."

Mercy rubbed her chest as her heart swelled with pride. "I think it is an admirable one, too."

"Did you know there is a junior college here in Hope City, and that I can take college-level courses while I'm in high school? Well, I can if my grades are good enough. Erik says he's taking advanced math, and by his senior year, he'll be taking his required math courses for college. He's so smart."

She hid a smile behind her cocoa, taking a sip and nodding her head as Destiny rambled on about Erik this and Erik that. A year ago, she wouldn't have dared to dream of her daughter having a normal life with a crush on a boy. As Dezzy talked with animation Mercy had only dreamed of, she moved her engagement ring with her thumb. Cam had given them more than a chance; he'd given them life.

* * *

Cam smiled to himself as he watched Destiny and Mercy. Everything was a new and wonderful experience for them. Mercy had never flown before, and both she and Destiny were terrified at takeoff that morning. Thankfully, the flight from Hope City to Atlanta was flawless, and the pilot's landing was smooth as silk. They had over three hours to kill before they needed to be at their gate, so he took them to the USO. His girls were his world, and he wanted to share a piece of himself with them. Also, the USO would be a way to introduce them to the life he used to lead.

They made their way to the third floor, and Cam smiled when he saw who was behind the reception desk. "Blessing Collier." Cam extended his hand.

"Chief Freeland, right?"

A surprised laugh forced its way out. "Yes, how in the world did you remember that?"

"I'm good with names, especially with those who happen to spend the night during hurricane conditions." Blessing leaned over and smiled at Mercy and Destiny. "Hello."

"Mercy, Destiny, this is Blessing. She was the angel who kept the USO open overnight when Hurricane Helen blew through. She's also the person who gave me the lead on my job at the DA's office."

Blessing's face lit up with a magnificent smile. "You got the position?"

"I did indeed. It was through that job that I met Mercy and Destiny."

Blessing glanced down, and if possible, her smile grew wider. "Is that an engagement ring?"

Mercy blushed but nodded. "We're going to St. Thomas to get married."

"Well, congratulations are definitely in order. Why don't you follow me to the back, and we can have a drink of something sugary and fizzy to celebrate? Oh, Chief, there is an airman, a combat controller, I believe, in the library. He's had a tough go of it. Do you think you could talk to him? I think he needs someone that speaks his language. I'll take care of your ladies."

Cam glanced from Mercy to Blessing. Mercy smiled at him, letting him know she was comfortable. He smiled back before he gave his attention to Blessing. "I'd be happy to talk to him. It's fortunate that we stopped in."

Blessing grabbed Destiny's hand, tucking it in the crook of her elbow, and began to walk down the red, white, and blue corridor. "Fortune tends to smile brightly on this little place and the people who pass through. I like to think of it as a resting point on the long road home."

To read more of the Long Road Home, click below!