Dirty Toe Drag by Toni Aleo

Chapter Twelve


“I don’t knowwhy you guys are surprised. I am a winner, through and through.”

Boon gives me a dry look as he holds open the door to Brooks House for us. “Or you worked at a golf range through high school and picked up a few things.”

I shrug. “Or that.”

I laugh happily about my win over my friends as we walk in and toward our regular table we all sit at when we get dinner together at Brooks. Instead of coming to the table with us, Aiden goes to the back to say hi to his mom. Meanwhile, I’m trying to find Stella without looking like I’m trying to find Stella. Or anyone, for that matter.

Aiden’s asshole ass told everyone I had been on a date, so I got teased and questioned the whole time I was at Topgolf with them. It was annoying, but it did make the date more real. I couldn’t get the image of her sitting in the sun out of my head. I kept seeing her full smile, her thick lips, and those little dimples she has at the bottom of her jaw. Stella Brooks, the most gorgeous, insanely hot, and classiest chick ever, was out with me.

Wesley McMillan.

Basket case and hockey star.

And to top it all off, she told me something she’s never told anyone.

Still don’t know why she is so scared about being a cupcake-making person, but it’s cool. I’ll support whatever. I play with a rubber puck on some frozen water. I run into dudes for fun. I am in no position whatsoever to judge anyone for their career. Plus, being a cupcake-making girl is kind of sexy. Especially if she’s only wearing an apron…with frosting all over her. Yeah, cupcake-making girl is hot as fuck. Maybe she’ll let me watch. Taste a little off her.


“Wes, what the fuck is wrong with you?”

I blink to knock myself out of my little cupcake sexy time to see Aiden glaring at me.

“I’ve been talking to you for like five minutes.”

I make a face. “You have not. Shut up.”

He rolls his eyes as he sits down, and I sit across from him between Josef, our backup goalie, and Tanner Janto, the new guy we got from the Sharks. Cool dude, kinda quiet, but he has a wicked wrister. Also across from me are Boon and Jamey Kundas. Another trade and a big one. Tanner and Jamey were brought in to help us make the play-offs. We need more firepower, but I’m not convinced they can solve our issues. I’m a firm believer that our team is broken from the loss of Coach. We feel his pain, and I know Aiden is trying to use that to fuel us, but I miss the guy. I also miss Peca. I hate change. Apparently, this outing was to get to know the new guys. I don’t know why I’m always dragged along since I’m not even an alternate captain, but Aiden and Boon bring me anyway. Probably because Jayden Sinclair, our captain, is still hurt and I would complain if I weren’t invited. I have a serious case of FOMO. I don’t like being left out.

Everyone is looking at the menu. But me, I’m looking for Stella. “Know what you want?” Jamey asks me, and I nod.

“Yup. Steak Alfredo, the best thing here.”

He looks for it on the menu as Josef asks, “Do you come here a lot?”

“Every day that ends with Y when we’re in town,” Boon teases, and I nod proudly.

“Hey, I like good food.”

When a pair of arms comes around me, I will myself not to jerk just as I realize it’s Mrs. Brooks. I exhale hard out of my nose as I squeeze her elbow. “Hey, Mrs. Brooks.”

She takes my jaw in her hands, looking over my face. “I’ve told you two things, Wes. One, stop fighting. And two, you can call me Mom, hun.”

She has told me these two things. One, I don’t listen. And two, I don’t call anyone Mom. “I know. I’m sorry. How are you?”

“Better than you, I see,” she says, shaking her head. “How you pulled a date with that mug is beyond me,” she teases, and we all laugh along with her.

“Damn, dude. You’re such a mama’s boy!” I accuse, and Aiden just laughs. He knows it’s true. As his mom comes to the head of the table, he introduces her to everyone.

“It’s so nice to meet y’all. Remember, your meal is always on the house when you eat here because you’re family. Enjoy.”

Tanner looks over to Aiden as Mrs. Brooks heads off. I watch her, hoping she’ll reveal Stella to me, but no such luck as she disappears into the back. Then Tanner says, “Dude, your mom is hot.”

“Hell yeah, she is,” Josef says. “Do you need a new daddy?”

I snort with laughter as Aiden turns a dangerous shade of red. “I will kill you. All of you.”

More laughter follows, which is how it’s been for most of the evening. I always thought Josef was a cool kid, but what I didn’t realize is he’s actually really funny. Or completely clueless, and we just laugh at him a lot. Either way, I enjoy hanging with him.

“She doesn’t look like she had six kids,” Jamey says with a perked brow, and Aiden shakes his head.

“No, four. I have a brother and two sisters. My oldest sister is actually going to be our waitress. She’s in the back dealing with an order issue. It’s my wife that has all the siblings, a sister and three brothers.”

“Does your brother play?” Josef asks.

“No. He’s a jumbotron technician for us and the colleges around town. Shelli’s twin brothers play for the IceCats.”

“And Shelli is the general manager?” Tanner asks, and Aiden nods.

“Yeah. She just took that role in January.”

“And Posey is her sister and your wife and the special teams coach?” Tanner then asks Boon, and he nods proudly.

“Yup, that’s the missus.”

He nods. “Is that why you two are best friends?”

I scoff. “No. Boon was actually my best friend, but Aiden was ready to settle down in the husband and dad role, so they bonded, leaving me out.”

The new guys don’t know how to take that, but Aiden and Boon laugh. “And Wes is our overdramatic, needy best friend.”

“But word is, that’s changing. He is dating,” Aiden teases.

“And for Wes, that’s a big deal. He is the team whore.”

“Wow, rude,” I throw at Boon. “Also, I don’t know why you two are playing. Both of you were whores at one time.”

“I think it’s in our programming,” Tanner suggests, and I point at him.


“Not me,” Josef said. “I want a wifey. If I can get one, I have to keep her because I’m a weird dude.”

With that, laughter explodes from all of us, and suddenly, I catch a glimpse of her. It’s quick since she’s running, but I know it’s her. Her hair is up in a sleek ponytail, and she’s wearing a pair of dark pants with a black collared shirt. She’s rolled up her sleeves and added some gold jewelry around her neck to stand out. No one can match her style, and I swear she is more beautiful every time I see her.

I wipe my mouth and fix my shirt to make sure I look decent. With my mug fucked up, I know that’s hard, but apparently she still digs me. After she throws something behind the bar, she heads for us. Her eyes meet mine, and I melt. If I weren’t with her brother, I would fall to the ground and praise her, but I’ll save her the embarrassment and me the ass-beating. I think she knows it, though, because her lips curve up on one side and a blush fills those high cheekbones, and I’m a goner. It’s also getting really hard not to kiss her. Especially when she’s walking around with deep maroon lipstick that is both glossy and sparkly.

Truly, it’s hard.

“Welcome to Brooks!”

Aiden smiles proudly at his sister. “Guys, this is my little sister Stella. She runs the bar, so you’ll see her a lot.”

Josef holds up his hand. “I’m sorry, but can you get us another waitress?” Well, that’s awkward. Stella looks confused, but then our dorky new goalie says, “Because I didn’t come in looking my best, and I want to make another impression on you.”

She smiles kindly as Aiden snorts. “Shut it, Jo.”

Tanner can’t help himself. “Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?”

Boon is dying at this point. His laughter fills the restaurant, and the way Stella looks at me makes me chuckle. What the hell am I supposed to do? She isn’t mine.


“That’s enough, guys,” Jamey says then, before he holds out his hand. Stella places hers in his, looking between Aiden and me. “I apologize for these apes. My name is Jamey, I make eight figures a year, I own a boat and a lake house. I’ve been told I’m hung like a hor—”

Jesus Christ!” Aiden yells, and I can’t help but cackle as Stella takes her hand back very quickly.

“I’m surprised you lasted that long,” I throw out, and Boon nods, still laughing.

“Man, I hope you’re not having a girl. You won’t make it.”

Aiden glares at Boon. “That’s not funny.”

“It’s a little funny,” I say, holding up my thumb and forefinger. “Just a little, though.”

“I’m sorry, Brooks, but you can’t be related to an angel and not expect people to hit on her,” Tanner announces, and I kind of agree with him. But I’m not stupid.

Aiden holds up his palms, eyeing everyone. Well, not me. He thinks I follow his rules. “My sisters are off-limits.”

Stella’s smile tells me she doesn’t want to be off-limits. But only for me. I lick my lips, winking at her, and she giggles happily.

“You think this is funny?” Aiden snaps at her, and she shrugs.

“A little.”

Josef shakes his head. “For real, though. Is anyone in your family not good-looking?”

“Asher,” Stella and Aiden both say at the same time, and it must be an inside joke because they both start laughing.

“I would be a good boyfriend,” Tanner says, and Josef scoffs.

“She don’t want to date no guy that’s almost thirty. She would want me, a newly eighteen-year-old with all the promise in the world. You can mold me into whatever man you want. I’d let you. Choose me.”

Jamey laughs at the both of them. “She wants a rich man. That’s me. Choose me.”

“This isn’t The Bachelor,” I say, but then I pause. “I’m going to bring that to marketing,” I say to Boon and Aiden. “The Assassins, Bachelor-style. That can raise a lot for charity, especially with these three thirsty idiots.”

Aiden nods. “That’s a great idea.” Then he looks at the new guys before pointing at each of them. “No, no, and hell no. Yes, she is classy and very pretty, but she doesn’t need a man. She is a successful, talented fashion designer, and the last thing she needs is some dude taking all her time. She doesn’t have any to begin with. She’s driven.”

Josef either doesn’t care or is ignoring our second-in-command. “Seriously, you can use me when you want.”

I think Aiden is about to grab Josef in a very dramatic Homer and Bart Simpson sort of way. I’m just sitting back, enjoying the show. But before Aiden can, Stella clears her throat, which draws all the attention. Mainly from me and the new guys. Boon is on his phone, probably texting Posey a play-by-play, and Aiden is trying not to kill people. “I appreciate all the kind advances, but I’m not interested. I’m actually very busy, as my brother has said, and I only make time for someone I truly see something happening with. Y’all are kind and sweet, but please don’t ruin your career by trying to get with me and my brother breaking limbs. He’s crazy.”

“It’s true,” Boon and I say together, but I don’t think that derails them at all. They’re still looking at her like the juiciest rebound and they’re ready to score.

I figure it’s time to save her. “Really, guys. I’ve tried, she’s shot me down, and I’m way hotter than the lot of you.”

Her lips curve up in the brightest smile. “I thought you turned me down.”

I scoff. “Stella, I may have been hit in the face a time or two, or eighteen, but I’d never be dumb enough to turn you down.”

Our gazes are locked and I feel Aiden glaring at me, but I wouldn’t dare look away. “So, are you saying I may have a chance with the great Wes McMillan?”

I feel everyone’s eyes on me, but then Aiden says, “We need a new waitress.”

Stella giggles and I smile. “Just name the time and place, sweetheart.”

“No. Don’t you dare. Mom!”

“You’re calling your mom on us?” I accuse, and he nods with no shame.

“Oh my God, grow up, Aiden,” she says, rolling her eyes. “What can I get everyone to drink?”

“I would like a water and also to let you know you’ve wounded me, Stella,” Josef says, and she gives him a forgiving grin.

“I apologize.”

“Him over me? He’s old.”

Her face warms. “I have a soft spot for guys who get beat up a lot.”

I snort at that as Josef nods. “Fine. You have a sister, though?”

I’m unsure how Stella and Aiden are even breathing with how hard they’re laughing. Even Boon laughs. I know her sister is a little cuckoo, but I don’t know why it’s so funny.

“Why are they laughing?” Tanner asks, and Stella is the one to recover first.

“Unless you have committed murder, she won’t be interested.” That must scare little Josef because he doesn’t ask for more information. Instead, Stella flashes everyone a winning grin and says, “Aiden, what do you want?”

“A new waitress.”

“I’ve got you down for a Bud Light Platinum. Boon, the same?”

Once she walks away with our drink orders, I text her.

Me: Trying to get us in trouble?

Stella: I like watching you squirm.

Me: You’re evil and so damn sexy.

Stella: You knew that going in.

Me: Yup, and I still want you.

Stella: Good, ’cause I’m taking my chance.

Me: So am I.

I put my phone down and find Aiden glaring at me. I jerk my head to the side in confusion. “What?”

“You got something going on with my sister?”

I eye him. “Define something.”

“You sleeping with her?”


“Have you?”

“No, I have not.”



“And you’ll tell me if you do?”

“I mean, not in the heat of the moment, but I can send you a text afterward,” I offer, and honestly, I don’t know why. I knew how he would react.

Stella comes over with our drinks, placing them down as Aiden asks, “Do you want to die?”

“No, not today,” I say simply, but then, just to mess with her, I add, “But maybe after Sunday.”

Stella almost drops my Dr. Pepper, but I save it, meeting her gaze. “Careful there, sweetheart.”

“Don’t call her that!”


“That either!”



“What?” I ask innocently. “She is a beautiful, lovely sweetheart.”

“And you’re about to be a dead hockey player.”

“Ooh, I’ll call Emery,” Stella jokes. “She’d love to watch a murder investigation of her brother.”


“Oh, shut up, Aiden. We’re playing around.”

The laughter at the table is unstoppable, and I almost feel bad that it’s at Aiden’s expense, but watching Stella laugh is like hearing the goal horn.

And as with the goal horn, I find I live for the sound of her laughter too.