Dirty Toe Drag by Toni Aleo

Chapter Fifteen


I’m on cloud nine.Truly.

There have been some highlights in my life. Winning the Cup back-to-back. Being drafted. My first NHL goal. But the thing is, all that has been related to my career. I have no personal highlights. How could I? My personal life is a walking fuckup that continues over and over again. I’ve never felt like I could have a good personal life. Even with past girlfriends, I never had a moment when I felt good about where I was or who I was with. With Jessica, we dated for a year, and I feel like I tried so hard to be what she wanted me to be. But I wasn’t enough, and she cheated. Then with Cora, I wouldn’t give myself to her, and she didn’t trust me. I know for a fact that I’m not the man I was when I was with them. Yeah, I’ve been around Nashville a time or two and had a number of lovers, but I want more for myself now. I deserve more.

I’ve spent so many years beating myself up and blaming myself for what happened to me. When I finally realized it wasn’t my fault, I fucked my feelings out. I drank them away. I tried relationships, but they weren’t with the person I was supposed to be with. I’m not saying I’ve found my soul mate, but come the hell on, I don’t think I could do better than Stella. She’s undeniably astonishing. She’s funny, she’s witty, she’s quick with the comebacks. She’s fucking gorgeous, and anyone who has a sister like Emery and has survived has to be incredibly strong.

I want to tell her about my past. I want to tell her why I’m in therapy, but I have to remind myself, it’s our first date. Well, second, if you count the coffee date. Oh, and yeah, I’ve pinned her to a wall and had my hand down her skirt and in her bra, but I’m not that man anymore. Nine months ago, I was wild and trying to cover up what happened when my dad showed up in Nashville. He’d sent me into a tailspin, and hearing Stella tell me she wanted more woke me up. I took my therapy seriously. I started to trust and be honest with my friends. I got my own place. I changed. I grew. And fuck, I hope Aiden is on board. I hope I can convince him I am better.

“The girl you had set this up for you is an ex?”

I lick my lips free of frosting. I don’t even know why this girl is trying to be in fashion. She and Aiden are right; cupcakes make life better. “Not really an ex, just a casual fling.”

She raises her brows at me, waggling them seductively. “Should I be worried? She did a great job.”

I scoff. “Believe me. Nothing to worry about. She’s just a friend, and I’m all about supporting small businesses. Hell, pretty sure I’m keeping Brooks House in business.”

“You eat free,” she says dryly, and I laugh.

“But your tips are always top-notch.”

She snorts. “True. I may need to start getting paid at my aunt’s cupcakery so I can buy new shoes,” she says with a sigh, and I feel terrible. I know it wasn’t my fault—the bridge was a little off-kilter and old as hell—but I still hate that she broke her shoe on our date.

“You’re not getting paid?”

She shakes her head. “Nope. I’ve been working for free, my choice, and she says it’s ’cause I don’t want it to be real. She’s right, but that may need to change.”

“I feel it should. These cupcakes are fantastic.”

“Thanks,” she says proudly. “I told her about you.”

“Did you? Damn, that’s Emery and your aunt. I hope I get to Aiden first.”

She grins. “You will. Audrey wouldn’t tell a soul, and Emery wouldn’t either.” She pauses. “But get your cash lined up, just in case.” I chuckle as she laughs, bringing her knees to her chest. She’s so beautiful. Her crop top shows off her belly, which is not as defined as I thought it would be. But then I realize that she doesn’t go to the gym; she makes cupcakes. And I, for one, am here for this. I love cupcakes, and I’d love something to squeeze when I’m slamming into her. She doesn’t have a bra on. I can tell because her nipples are visibly hard. Yes, I’m struggling with keeping my hands to myself. I think I deserve more cupcakes for that. Her hair is half down and half up in a playful, flirty way, but I have to say it’s the jeans that do it for me. I love how tight they are along her hips and thighs. It was a gift from God watching that ass as we biked through the park. Hot damn, I won the lottery with this one.

“What’s your favorite thing about playing hockey?”

I smile, confused by the change of topic, but I like it. “I love scoring.”

“I bet you do,” she teases, those brows waggling at me, setting me on fire. “What do you dislike most?”

“Playing friends from my past. Brings up bad memories.”

“That has to be hard. I hate seeing people from high school.”

“Exactly. But now that we’ve won the Cup back-to-back, people are kind of shitty. No one thought we could pull it out and doubted us from the jump. The guys weren’t even in the Cup final, and still, they couldn’t be supportive. Just real negative.”

“I don’t do negativity. I am all about positive vibes. You don’t need that.”

“Yeah. That’s what Aiden and Boon said. I depend on them a lot.”

“I can’t say much about Boon, other than he is the most amazing husband to Posey and an awesome father to Zac. But I know Aiden, and he is, hands down, the best guy a girl could ask for. He loves so hard and is so supportive. You picked a great best friend.”

“I know,” I say with a sigh. “Hopefully he won’t dump me when I tell him I’m dating his sister.”

Her lips quirk as her cheeks get the sweetest blush to them. “Well, I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.”

“Yeah,” I agree, and then I smile over at her when her hand lands in mine, threading our fingers together.

“I do have a question, though.”


“You do know I’m nineteen, right?”

I blink, confused. “Yes?”

“And you’re twenty-five?”

“Yes. Twenty-six next month.”

“What day?” she asks excitedly.

“The ninth.”

“Ooh! I’ll put that in my phone now.”

I take her phone before she can, laying it back on the blanket. “After you make your point about ages.”

She sends me a sheepish grin. “I just wanted to make sure you knew I wasn’t drinking age yet and that I am younger.”

“Okay. Am I supposed to care?”

Her grin grows. “No, but some do.”

“Not me. I don’t care about your age. I care how you make me feel.”

“How is that, Wesley?”

I lick my lips then, threading my fingers with hers. “Pretty damn good.”

“Just good? I feel pretty damn great.”

We share a smile. “Fine. Pretty damn spectacular.”

“Ooh, fine. Pretty damn perfect.”

“Wow, you beat me.”

“I know,” she says with a little tip of her chin. “Get used to it.”

She takes her phone back, and I pull out mine to send a quick text. Once I get the answer I want, I send some money through Venmo and tuck my phone in my back pocket. She takes a few photos, and I love the smile sitting on her face. It’s so blissful and happy. When she puts the camera on me, I throw up my hand. “Hell no. I look like shit.”

“Whatever. You do not, and you already took a pic on the bike with me. Also, I need that photo.”

I bring out my phone, sending it to her. “Because you were in the shot with me.”

“Fine,” she says, falling into my side. Her hair fans along my chest as she looks up at her phone. I lean my head on hers, looking up too as we both smile. “Another one.”

I kiss her temple, and I hear the click. “One more,” she says before tipping her head back and meeting her lips to mine. It surprises me, but I don’t miss a beat. I cup her jaw in my hand, melting into her. Her hand comes up over mine as I draw the kisses out of her. Or rather, she draws them from me. Hell, I don’t know. I’m basically in heaven. When we part, it’s only a breath away, so I kiss her top lip.

“I’ve been waiting for that,” she says softly, and I kiss her once more.

“Yeah, it’s been hard not to kiss the hell out of you every chance I get.”

“Why didn’t you?”

I kiss her nose. “I felt I disrespected you the first time.”

She shrugs. “I mean, I wasn’t innocent.”

“Sure.” I kiss her top lip. “But like you said, you’re worth more, and I want you to know I know that. I respect that, and I want this time to mean something.”

Stella’s eyes are hooded and breathtaking as she looks up at me through her long lashes. I love the gray of her eyes; they’re light in some spots but dark in others. When she grabs me by my shirt, bringing me down to her, I come willingly. And when our lips meet, everything inside me catches fire. Fucking hell, she drives me wild. Our kisses are sweet, soft, and savory. We take our time, our lips moving together in the purest way.

As we part, her lips curve, and she sighs happily. “This is, like, the best date ever, Wesley. Thank you.”

“Anything for you.”

Her lips curve into the brightest smile as she holds up a piece of cheese for me. I take it from her fingers, nipping her for good measure before I ask, “Are you going to post those?”

“I want to,” she says softly, looking through them, and I have to say the grin on her face makes my insides turn to goo. “But I want to give you the chance to talk to Aiden first. I don’t want him getting in his feelings.”

“For sure.”

But then I watch as she goes to Instagram and makes a post. It’s the perfect shot of us kissing, and she positions it to where the image is only of our hands and bodies. “Well, that’s smart.”


She writes the caption, and now I’m grinning like I just scored the winning goal.

When you’re young, they say you know nothing. But I know how he makes me feel: special.

I kiss her temple once more. “Funny, I was feeling the same.”

She looks up at me, and I notice she turns her phone off before throwing it down. She moves her fingers along my jaw, the swelling of my nose and eye. “Did you really have them rebreak your nose?”

I laugh as I kiss her hand. “I did.”

“That’s so badass.”

“Hurt like a bitch. I almost cried.”

She giggles. “That’s so manly.”

“I am a man’s man.”

“Yes, you are, Wesley.”

I lean in, both of us grinning before our lips meet. I never realized there is something special about kissing for the first time at the start of a relationship, but then, I never wanted a relationship like I do now.

* * *

Once we clean up,we ride the bike back to the truck. I’m a little nervous about leaving the setup, but Amber, my friend, is on her way to collect everything. The ride back is just as fun as the ride there. I feel like Stella has forgotten about the death of her shoes and is full of smiles and laughter. We stayed out way longer than I expected, but I don’t think either of us wanted it to end. She also never pulled out her phone again. She kept it off, and that surprised me. I know how much she loves her phone and posting and texting, but she gave me her undivided attention.

It was really nice.

When we get to the spot where the guy is waiting for the bike, she gets off before me, thanking him as I do the same. “I’m serious about getting a tandem bike.”

“I believe you.”

“And you’ll ride with me?”

I scoff. “You’re only riding with me. No one gets to watch your ass but me.”

She snorts with laughter as I grab her hand, threading our fingers together. She leans into me as we head over the bridge that broke her shoe. I notice that she flips the bridge the bird, and I laugh. “Want me to burn it?”

“Yes. Yes, I do.”

“I’ll get right on that. Got to get Emery so I don’t get caught.”

“Smart, smart man, Wesley.”

We laugh at that as we head to the truck. I help her in and get in myself before driving off. “So, I never asked what you have planned this week,” she says, and I exhale.

“I have my new therapist appointment this week, and I need to make a date with Aiden.”

“Oh yeah? You still want to do that?”

I nod. “Yes, very much so. As long as you want the same.”

“I do,” she singsongs. “And then we’ll go to the baby reveal together?”

“I am absolutely down for that since you’re my girlfriend and all.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Who said I was your girlfriend?”

“I did,” I say with a wink, and she laughs. “Or do I need to take you out again?”

She taps her chin. “Yup. I need more dates before I commit.”

I know she’s joking; I can see it all over her face. “Fine, can I take you to dinner tomorrow?”

“You can.”

“And then maybe you can teach me how to make cupcakes.”

“Ooh! Could I?”

“I want to if you want to.”

“I do! We’re doing a Harry Potter day. You can help with that.”

I know this isn’t going to go well, but I admit, “I’ve never seen those movies.”

She freezes, her eyes widening. “Yeah, I’m gonna need to fix that if you’re going to be my boyfriend. Harry Potter is very important in my family.”

“Okay,” I draw out.

“So, yeah. Let me know what night you have ten hours to commit to me, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and butterbeer.”


“Jesus. Do you live under a rock? I’m so sad.”

I laugh. “Fine, fine. Let me fix it. Can we break it up across a few nights? I need sleep.”

She thinks that over. “Yes, ’cause I, too, love sleep.”

“Thank you,” I say as I turn off the interstate. “But by Friday, you’ll need to commit to me if we’re going to the gender reveal as a couple.”

“We’ll see,” she teases, and I love her grin. It takes up her whole face, and the sparkle in her eyes is magnificent.

“For real. Especially since the whole team will be there and we already know everyone thinks you’re extremely hot.”

She snorts. “I mean, they’re not wrong, but I’ve got eyes for one guy and one guy only.”

“Damn right, you do.”

“Though, he hasn’t seen Harry Potter, so…ya know?”

I laugh, “I’ll fix it!”

Our laughs merge as we drive, the radio blasting and my hand in hers. I could do this daily and really feel like I’m winning at every turn. When we pull up to her house, I get out and help her out.

“One second,” I say, running ahead and going to the spot at the side of the house where Tanner put the package.

When I turn back to her, her eyes light up. “Shut up.”

I smile widely. “I got in my feelings, and I didn’t want our first date tainted by the death of your favorite heels.” I hand her the bag from Saint Laurent, and her eyes widen. “I wanted to make sure you had a replacement pair.”

“How?” She drops her bag and opens the box, pulling out the exact shoe she broke at the beginning of the date. “How did you do this?

“I had my buddy go get them for you. Figured you need your favorite shoes from your favorite guy.”

She beams up at me. “You are full of it today. Claiming me, putting labels on us, and deciding who my favorite guy is.”

I grab her by her hips, bringing her in close, the box hitting my chest, but I don’t care. “Tell me I’m wrong on any of those counts, and I’ll shut up.”

“I’d rather not. But if you are going to shut up, it’s because you’re kissing me, Wesley.”

Fuck, the way she says my name makes me hot everywhere. I capture her mouth, running my tongue along her lips before she opens up for me. I want to throw the shoes aside to mold myself to her, but I don’t want to be responsible for a second pair. She cups my face with her hand before moving it to the back of my neck to deepen the kiss. I don’t want to part, but I can’t breathe. Even so, what a way to go. As we separate, I kiss her lips once more as she gazes up at me. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“No guy has ever bought me shoes.”

“I’m not some guy. I’m your guy.”

She giggles as her eyes sparkle. “You’re going to be the death of me, Wesley.”

“Well, I’m the one who has to tell your brother. Plus, your sister has my number, so you might be the death of me.”

“This is true.”

I kiss her smiling lips once more, and I don’t want to let go. I know I need to, though; I need a good night’s sleep. I have early morning skate, tapes, and then therapy tomorrow. I need to rest. I kiss her one more time before pulling back.

Her eyes are cloudy with emotion as she gazes up at me. “I can’t believe you did this.”

“I told you, you’re special.”

Her bottom lip wobbles, and I catch it with my teeth before kissing it. She molds her mouth to mine, rubbing my neck with her free hand. If I don’t stop kissing her, I’m never going to leave, and I need to. I have to mentally prepare for tomorrow. I kiss her softly before backing away a bit to look down into her beautiful face. “I don’t want to go, but I’ve got a long day tomorrow.”

“I do too,” she says, kissing my chin. “But I’d rather be with you.”

“You have no idea how much I’d rather have that too,” I say, kissing her nose. “But dinner?”


“Awesome. I’ll see you tomorrow, then.”

“Okay,” she says as I back away. I pick up her bag and hand it to her. “Thank you. Really.”

“You’re welcome. Bye, sweetheart.”

“Bye,” she says, and I love how she watches me leave. Even as I drive away, she stands there, all bright-eyed and grinning from ear to ear. She waves and then blows me a kiss, which makes me feel like I’m in a fucking romance movie, but I love it.

Fuck, I’m going to fall hard for her, and I don’t even know what Aiden will have to say about that.

Honestly, I don’t give two fucks what he says.

That girl is all mine.