Dirty Toe Drag by Toni Aleo

Chapter Twenty-Eight


I runmy fingers along Stella’s side as she sits between my legs, leaning her back into mine. We were touchy-feely before, but after last night, I can’t keep my hands off her. I made love to her all night long. It was…it was… Shit, I don’t even know the word to use. It was everything I’ve ever wanted. I’ve never felt so complete in all my life. She loves me in a way no woman has ever loved me. Our bodies worked in unison, as if we were meant to be in bed together. I can’t get enough of her. I know I wanted her before, but now that I’ve had her, I honestly don’t know how I am going to survive an eight-game road trip away from her. It equals almost two weeks apart. I really didn’t even want to come out tonight; I wanted to keep her in my bed for the whole day, but I figured since it was her brother who asked us to, I should oblige.

Even if I’d rather have my head between her thighs, drowning in her sweet pussy.

I cup her thigh, and she looks over at me, her cheeks rosy and her eyes such a light gray, they’re almost blue. She isn’t wearing a lot of makeup, and the dress she has on is flowy with huge sunflowers all over it. Stella covers my hand with hers, kissing my bottom lip. Our gazes lock, and we just stare into each other’s eyes. If we weren’t with Aiden, Shelli, Boon, Posey with Zac on her chest, Asher, and Ally, I’d pledge my love to her, loud and proud. I don’t want to embarrass her, though, or have someone judge us. I love us. I love what we have. I don’t care what the lot of them think. I only care what she thinks, but I know it’s tense between her and Aiden right now.

“Y’all are adorable,” Shelli says, leaning back in her seat against Aiden as she sips on her orange juice. Everyone else has cocktails, minus my underage girlfriend. Like her sister-in-law, she’s drinking orange juice. While I don’t like to drink much, being at the White Limozeen rooftop bar, I felt I needed to try one of Dolly Parton’s signature drinks. It’s a pretty dope place, all pink and girlie. The girls all took photos before we sat down, while we men talked hockey. I take that back; Asher took pictures while Aiden, Boon, and I talked hockey. This road trip is going to make or break our chances at the play-offs. I’m having a hard time thinking about that or even worrying about it. My brain is clouded with all things Stella.

My girl grins at her sister-in-law, leaning into me. “I know.”

Shelli laughs as Posey nods. “I didn’t think it would work, but I like you two together.”

Ally nods. “Me too.”

Asher and Aiden don’t seem convinced, but they don’t say anything to the contrary. Aiden looks at his brother and asks, “When are you telling Mom you two are married? I almost let it slip the other day.”

“Oh my God, I did too. I feel we need to celebrate you guys, and Emery was bitching about sushi, so I said we’d have it. And then I stopped because Lucas, Jakob, and my dad were standing there,” Shelli exclaims.

Asher shrugs and Ally laughs. “I don’t know. We like that no one knows. It’s our little secret.”

“That everyone but your parents knows about,” Stella says, making a face. “You two need to say something before Emery outs you guys.”

“She’s right, and you know it,” Aiden adds, nodding.

“Mom should have stopped having kids after me,” Asher grumbles, and Aiden laughs as Stella glares.

“Excuse me. I am a blessing in your life.”

Aiden and Asher both scoff. “The hell you are. A pain is more like it,” Aiden says, and Asher nods.

“Put you and Emery together, and it’s absolute warfare,” Asher throws at her, and I have to agree.

“He isn’t wrong.”

She gives me a dark look. “That’s more Emery than me.”

Shelli giggles. “It’s both of you.”

“It is,” Ally and Posey say together, and Stella pouts.

I cuddle her in my arms, kissing her jaw. “You’re a blessing in my life,” I whisper in her ear, and she leans into me, a smile replacing the pout.

“At least someone appreciates me,” she throws at her family, and I can’t help but grin. The conversation quickly turns to the upcoming baby shower, just like Emery said it would. I’m so over it all, but nothing can upset me when I have my girl in my arms. She’s listening and contributing to the conversation since she is helping plan it. I didn’t know that until now.

Out of nowhere, Posey teases, “Are you two going to tell your parents you’re having a kid when that happens?”

Asher and Ally laugh. “That’s far in the future,” Ally says, and Asher nods.

“We want to enjoy each other first. Grow a little more.”

And then Posey looks at us. “Thoughts on kids?” I can tell she’s joking, but Stella rolls her eyes.

“I’m nineteen. There are no thoughts. While yes, we are in a committed relationship, full of all things naughty and loving—”

“Gag,” Aiden says, and she glares.

“Okay, child. Grow up,” she growls, which makes me laugh. “I’m young, and like you said, Ally, I want us to grow together. See the world first.” She meets my gaze, concern in her eyes. “Plus, we could get sick of each other tomorrow.”

I can’t say I’d knock her up now, can I?

“That won’t happen,” I promise, and she grins. “I haven’t really thought of all that, but I like your answer.”

Posey laughs. “I was only teasing, guys. No need to get deep with us.”

Aiden gives Posey a look. “You know good and well that’s how Stella is. Calculated and well-thought-out answers. She’s always been like that.”

“Always,” Asher says, meeting his sister’s gaze. “She has always known what she wanted and has had an explanation for everything. It’s annoying.”

“Which is why she is going to do awesome things once she’s done with school,” Shelli says with a grin. “How is school?”

I feel the uneasiness pour off her, and I hold her closer for support. “I finished with a 4.0.”

“Duh,” I tease, and she grins over at me. “Beauty and brains. My girl has it all.”

Everyone laughs and smiles at us, but I notice that Stella isn’t smiling. She lets out a deep breath, holding my wrists. She clears her throat and then looks over at me. “Like Asher and Ally, I would appreciate if no one said anything to my parents, but I’ve decided not to go back to school.”

My eyes widen as I hold her gaze. “Oh, we’re doing this now?”

She grins, and I love the look in her eyes. The determination. The confidence. When she glances away, I look at everyone, and they’re all confused.

Aiden is the first to speak. “What do you mean?”

“I’m going to work with Audrey, making cupcakes.”

Posey gawks at her. “Really? But you love fashion.”

“Things change.”

The silence is killing me, but then Aiden sets me with a look. “You cause this?”

I shake my head, but before I can speak, Stella says, “No. I’ve been working with Audrey for about two years now.”

“I wouldn’t do that to her, Aiden,” I insist. “But for your reference, she made the gender reveal cupcakes.”

Shelli beams. “Those were fantastic.”

“So damn good,” Ally gushes. “My favorites.”

Stella grins from ear to ear. “Thank you. I love doing it.”

“But you’re really good at fashion. I mean, you’re a walking fashion magazine,” Aiden says, but she shrugs.

“I love fashion, but I love making cupcakes more.”

“Wow. Okay,” Asher says, holding his sister’s gaze. “As long as you’re happy, I’m good. Are you happy?”

“Ecstatic,” she says, leaning into me, and I couldn’t be prouder. “But I am worried Mom and Dad will be mad.”

Aiden nods. “For good reason. They spent a lot on school and all.”

“I know,” she says slowly.

“But they’re going to love her, no matter what,” I assert, holding Aiden’s gaze. “They want her to be happy.”

Aiden nods almost immediately. “Oh, for sure. We all want that for you.”

Stella looks back at me, her eyes swirling with love and exhilaration. She leans her brow to mine, and I kiss her nose. “See?”

She nods, kissing my top lip. “Thank you.”

“You don’t need to thank me,” I remind her. “I would do anything for you.”

Her lips curve as she holds my gaze. “Anything?”

“Anything,” I promise, and when she moves her lips to my ear, my breath catches.

“I didn’t want to tell you at the house, but I have nothing on under this dress.”

Yup, I can’t breathe and am promptly hard everywhere.

My voice breaks as I ask, “Is that right?”

Nonchalantly, as if she didn’t just tell me she’s buck naked under that dress, she whispers, “Totally. And I want you to take me somewhere and be naughty with me.”

Oh, my cock jumps at the challenge. “That can be arranged.”

“I don’t think I believe you.”

I pull back, our eyes meeting as my lips curve. She knows I like a challenge, and I’m about to show her I can arrange anything to get what I want.

She’s what I want.

I clear my throat and lift her off me. “We’re gonna go look around.”

No one really asks any questions, and with our fingers tangled, I pull her along with me. What she doesn’t know is that I saw a dark hall that had a family bathroom down it. Since there are no families here from what I’ve seen, we’re about to make use of it. Her giggles run down my spine as I quickly get us to my desired location. Once there, I look around, and as I thought, no one is there. I push the door open, bringing her in behind me, and I lock it as I push her against the door. Her eyes are bright with excitement as I clutch her hips in my hands and devour her gorgeous mouth, my knee coming between her legs. I pull at her dress, cupping her bare bottom as I press myself against her, her thighs squeezing my knee. She moans against my lips, and I smile as I part them ever so slightly.

“Told ya.”

Breathless, she says, “I feel like you had this planned.”

“Oh, my sexy Stella, I always have a plan to be deep inside you.”

I take her mouth with mine once more, moving my hand to the front of her body, finding her wet center, before plunging my fingers between her lips. She arches off the door, gasping against my mouth as I flick my fingers along her clit. I move them lower, curving them into her as she comes off the door even more, gently crying my name. I lick her lips, her jaw, sucking her chin into my mouth as I fuck her with my fingers, getting so hard all I see is white spots. She reaches between us, undoing my shorts, and with my help, she pushes them down to my ankles along with my boxers. I remove my fingers from her and guide my cock inside her, pinning her knee into the door so I can go deeper.

I still when I realize I don’t have a condom. “Fuck, no condom.”

“This plan was flawed.”

“Massively. Fuck, I’d say my pull-out game is strong, but it’s you.”

She licks my lips, unable to hold back a smile. “Let me know when you’re almost there.”

Her eyes say it all, and I am so down for it. “Fucking fuck, you’re going to destroy me, aren’t you?”

She waggles her brows at me. “That was the ultimate plan all along.”

Yup, I’m a goner. I thrust into her, lost in her eyes, and she holds on to my shoulders as each thrust lifts her off her feet. She arches against the door, biting her lip, and it only turns me on more. My body starts to tremble, my knees go weak, and my cock is throbbing at the sight of her, all wanton and mine. I pull her dress down in the front, taking a boob in my mouth as she fingers my hair, gripping it and fighting back her moans. I feel her body tightening, her pussy is sucking me like a vacuum, and as she explodes around me, I fight back mine. I want her to fully get hers. She is so wet, so perfectly mine, but I don’t think I can hold off anymore.

“Almost there,” I warn, and she opens her eyes, meeting mine.

With this look of pure desire, she says, “Stop.”


“Stop.” I do as she asks, and she removes me from her body. I don’t have time to complain before, with my cock in her hand, she drops down, crouching below me and taking my cock into her mouth.

The door is nowhere near enough support for me.

I might go through it.

I press my palms into it, watching as I disappear into her mouth and to the back of her throat. She watches me through her lashes as she fists my cock and sucks me to no end. Her tongue swirls around my head before she sucks me deep in her mouth. When she moves her hands between her legs, fingering herself as she sucks my tender skin, I don’t know how the hell I am still alive. I start to thrust into her mouth, and she takes it. I hold on to her hair, tangling it in my fingers as I guide her mouth up and down my swollen cock. She takes me by the hips, her thumbs biting into my skin, and everything goes white.

I thrust hard into her mouth, snarling hard as I unload in her throat. She sucks me as I come, and I jerk against her, unable to handle it. She runs her tongue up my shaft, kissing the head of me before I can even open my eyes. When I do, though, I see this gorgeous, incredible girl below me, smiling like a little vixen.

“You’re dangerous,” I mutter, and she giggles.

“You knew that going in.”

I did.

I take her by the back of the neck, bringing her up and to my mouth. I kiss her hard, wanting all of her as she wraps her arms around my neck. When I lift her up, she wraps her legs around me, and I lean her into the door, kissing her over and over again.

She kisses my bottom lip, then my top, before whispering, “Will you be there when I tell my parents?”

I run my nose along her cheekbone. “Of course I will.”

Her eyes dance with mine. “I love you, Wes.”

I cup her neck, moving my lips against hers but not kissing her. “I love you, and fuck, I don’t want to leave you.”

She sighs. “Yeah, not looking forward to that.”

I gaze into her eyes. “But we’re good.”

“So good,” she agrees, kissing the tip of my nose. “But don’t be surprised when I FaceTime to masturbate for you.”

Talk about knocking the air out of my lungs. I take her face in my hand and kiss her hard, though we both start to smile midway through.

Because we know this is good, and while it’s going to suck to be apart, nothing will keep me from this girl.

Not even my demons.