Dirty Toe Drag by Toni Aleo

Chapter Thirty


We missed the play-offs.

By two points.

I’m disappointed, even pissed, but I’m not surprised. If things could go wrong for us, they did. Not only did we lose Coach, our captain is still out with an injury, and our all-star goalie is gone. We’ve been plagued by injuries since the road trip started. Boon broke his toe and some bones in the top of his foot blocking a shot during our third away game. We lost two defensemen too, and then Aiden got food poisoning, missing two games. I’m fine and kicking ass, but I can only carry the team so much. Josef, our goalie, did his ninja goalie shit, but there’s nothing more to be done. We did our best; we fought and tried to rise above. But sometimes, your best isn’t enough, and that’s okay.

I’m proud to be able to say that. To know it’s true. Before, I would blame myself for my team’s shortcomings. I’d get pissed, drink myself to shit or fuck my way through a club, but not anymore. It hasn’t been easy, and I sure as hell haven’t enjoyed all the aspects of therapy, but even I can’t deny that it is working for me. I adore Noelle, and I’m so glad she isn’t leaving. Pretty sure Elli offered her a shit-ton more money since she is the best and helps so many of us.

Oh, Elli. I do feel bad and think it’s really unfair. I know that Elli and Shelli are pissed since this is the first time the Assassins haven’t made the play-offs with Elli as the owner. In her defense, she had one hell of a run before this year. Plenty of Cups, and I know we’ll come back stronger. Especially since rumor is Josef will be our goalie next year too. I’m excited to see the kid grow. He’s pretty awesome to watch. I do hate letting Elli down, though, especially when she fought so passionately for me.

It all blows balls for sure.

The only upside is we have a three-day break before a homestead of three games. Then the season is over. Since playing for the Assassins, I’ve never had my postseason start so quickly, so I’m a little overwhelmed by it, but then I know it means Stella and I will have more time for each other. We’ve already started planning trips, and now I can start buying plane tickets. It has sucked being away from her, but nothing seems different between us. If anything, like I told Noelle, I feel as if I’ve fallen even more for Stella.

She’s a stunner, for sure.

My stunning Stella.

Even being in the car with a very annoyed Boon and Aiden, I can’t keep this grin off my face. I get to see Stella tonight. She’s at work right now, and I thought about heading to Brooks, but I wanted to unpack, shower, and decompress a bit. The plane ride home was very depressing, with everyone beating themselves up. We’re an emotional team, a proud one, and we sure as hell don’t like letting Elli down.

I clear my throat as we turn onto Boon’s street. We always ride with Aiden to and from the airport. It’s our thing. Shelli and Posey usually drive together. I guess they all need their space after games. It’s understandable and probably healthy. I’m in the back seat, beside the future baby’s car seat. I’m using the cupholder for my slushie we got, much to Aiden’s dismay.

“So, a game of golf this weekend?”

I mainly ask the question to try to cheer everyone up. I don’t care to play since I hate golf, but I don’t like it when my friends are bummed.

Boon nods. “Yeah, I’m down.”

“For sure. I’ll set us up a tee time.”

“Awesome,” I say, happy with myself. When we pull into Boon’s driveway, I get out with him, helping him with his bags before hopping in the front seat after wishing him a good night. Posey is already home, standing in the doorway with a small smile on her face. She’s just as competitive as us, and she blames herself for the failure of our special teams. We had eight power plays the other night. Nineteen shots on goal. No goals. So ridiculous. I wave at her, and she waves back as Aiden pulls away.

“Fuck, I hate that we didn’t make it.”

I swallow hard, leaning on the armrest. “Yeah, sucks ass.”

“It does, and Shelli is annoyed and bummed. It just sucks all around.”

“It does. But upside, we get to start off-season early.”

He scrunches up his face. “I’d rather be playing.”

“Me too,” I say truthfully. But I don’t want to dwell on it. I’m trying to be positive. When my phone rings, I glance down to see it’s Stella. I grin as I answer. “Hey, baby.”

She squeals happily. “I’m guessing you landed?”

“Yup. On my way to my place.”

“Eek! Exciting. I swear, as soon as my shift is over, I’ll be there, food in hand and in need of a hug.”

I grin. “Can’t wait.”

“And a kiss.”


“Who am I kidding? Just be naked.”

I laugh. “I can make that happen.”

She laughs along with me. “I’m so excited! I love you!”

Man, she makes my heart skip a beat. “I love you too.” We say goodbye, and I don’t miss the rolling of Aiden’s eyes. “Shut up.”

Aiden scoffs. “I’m still adjusting. It hasn’t stopped being weird to me.”


“I don’t know. She’s my little sister. I struggle with her being in a relationship and being an adult. To me, she’ll always be little.”

I get that. “I promise, I’m good to her.”

“Oh, I know,” he says confidently. “It’s not that. I trust you, and seeing you two together shows me that.”

“Good. I’m glad.”

“I’m happy for you two.”

I grin, clicking off my phone. “Thanks. I’m pretty stoked with how things played out.”

Out of nowhere, he asks, “Should I be prepared for an engagement?”

I scoff, shaking my head. “Don’t get me wrong, I’d marry and knock her up—”

“Bro, gag. Come on!”

I give him a dry look. “Grow up,” I scold him. “I’d do it all right now, but I want to give her time. She could decide tomorrow she doesn’t want to be in a committed relationship anymore. And while it would crush me, I would understand. Who wants to be locked down at nineteen?”

“Stella.” My surprised gaze burns into the side of his head. “You know how she is. It’s really annoying. Ash and I thought we had it all figured out when we were each her age, but we didn’t. We were living on the edge and loving it, but Stella has always been three steps ahead of the game. She is one confident cookie.”

“That’s my favorite thing about her,” I admit. “Though, I wish she was confident in the whole situation with telling your parents about her career change.”

He nods. “Yeah, that surprises me. I think since she didn’t plan this, or want this initially, it’s hard for her to admit. She loves pleasing my parents. We all do, but Stella most of all. She thrives off making people feel good—well, not Emery. Those two…”

He’s so right, and I love that about her. I love that she is a pleaser, a supporter. It makes her who she is. “I love them together. It’s hilarious.”

“There is something wrong with you. You should be terrified of them.”

I grin. “Nope. I love them.”

Aiden looks at me like I belong in a mental institution, and he may not be wrong. I probably do, but here I am, living my best life. As we pull into my driveway, I grab my slushie and keys out of my pocket. “Text me the tee time.”

“Will do,” Aiden says as I start to get out. “Are you going to dinner tomorrow at my mom’s?”

“Yeah. I think Stella is going to tell them about the career change.”

His eyes widen. “Man, I hope so. I hate secrets, and Asher’s is enough.”

“I bet,” I say with a laugh as I grab my bags. “See you tomorrow.”

“See ya,” he calls as I shut the car door and gather my crap to head to my front door. When I realize I can’t carry everything, I set my suitcase and laptop bag down on the stairs before tucking my phone into my pocket and holding my slushie in the crook of my arm. “You got it?”

I look over at Aiden, who has stopped in front of my house, watching me struggle. “Yeah, asshole. Get out of here.”

He laughs as he waves before driving off. Jackass. I reach for my laptop bag, and just as I reach for my suitcase, I hear my name.


I go cold everywhere, and my heart jumps into my throat. Ice freezes in my veins as I look up to find my father at the end of my driveway.

He immediately holds up his palms, his gaze pleading with mine. “I only want to talk.”

Talk? I haven’t seen or spoken to this dude in years, and I’ll be damned if today is the day I start. “Get off my lawn.”

“I’m on the sidewalk, and I’ll stay here. I only want to talk to you, son.”

“I’m not your son.”

“Wesley, come on,” he pleads, his blue eyes burning into mine. He’s older, way older, and fatter than I remember. Time hasn’t treated him well, and I’m oddly satisfied by that. I’m glad that I’m thriving and it appears he isn’t. “I only need to tell you something.”

“I don’t want to hear it,” I say simply. “I don’t give a shit what you have to say.”

He doesn’t seem affected by my statement at all. Not that I’m surprised. He’s a selfish fuck for sure. “I understand that, and I know you owe me nothing—”

“How did you even find my place?”

He holds my gaze. “I followed your girlfriend here from her job, after seeing her on your social media.”

I make a face. “How did you know I had a girlfriend? And how did you get on my socials?” Before he can answer, I realize I don’t give a shit. “Never mind. I don’t fucking care. Fuck off.”

“I hired someone to get information on you. You approved them, and they got me the info I needed because I really have to talk to you.”

“What a fucking stalker. Go away,” I say as I start for the door. I guess I need to move out now.

“Wes, please.”

I ignore him, unlocking my door.

“I’ve been going to therapy for the last couple years, and I realize I did you wrong.”

I look over my shoulder, rage shaking me to my core. “Oh, really?” I ask sarcastically. “Do you realize that now? How awesome. So glad it took you this long to figure that out, and you did so great protecting me. Answer me this. Are you still married to her?”

He just looks at me, his eyes full of regret and pain. “Yes.”

“Then we have nothing to say to each other.”

“We both want to apologize. It was wrong what she did, and she’s been in therapy too. We want a relationship with you.”

I surprise myself when I actually laugh out loud. “Cold day in hell. I am good. Really good.”

As I throw my stuff inside, I wonder if Stella will want to get a place together. Before I can shut the door, though, I hear another voice.

“We’re sorry, Wesley. Please accept that.”

If I thought hearing my dad’s voice made my blood run ice-cold, that’s nothing compared to hearing her voice. My skin crawls, and instantly, I feel like that broken boy that she broke even more. I turn, unable to breathe or even think as my gaze settles on her. I never thought she was a good-looking woman, nothing like my mom, and I didn’t understand why my father loved her. Even before what happened. But now, I truly don’t understand. Not only did she molest me, but she has let herself go. It must not matter, though, because they’re standing hand in hand. A united front against someone they broke.


I’m not that boy anymore.

I am a man.

A man who is loved by an incredible woman.

I throw my keys down and place my slushie on the railing before stalking toward them. I can see the fear on their faces. I’m not in any position to be taken advantage of or hurt by them. I’m not scared of them; I’m disgusted by them. With the confidence that shines from within Stella, I hold my head up, maintaining eye contact. “I forgive you. But not for you,” I sneer, looking between them. “For me. You will always have to live with what you did to me, but you’ll never have that power over me ever again. I am successful, I am strong, and I am incredible. I am loved by a damn good woman. I have friends who are the family you two never were. I have everything I could ever want or need, and that’s because I worked for it.” When neither of them can muster up any words to say to me, I smack my hand into my chest. “I did it. Despite the pain, the abuse, and the mental fuckup you two caused me. I don’t need you. I never did. I am who I need.”

“Wes—” Sandi tries, but I won’t hear it.

“For so long, you two were my demons, but not anymore. I have defeated you. You are nothing to me. Nothing,” I stress. “Now, kindly go fuck yourselves. And don’t ever come near me again or call me.”

They say nothing as I turn, heading back up the driveway to my door. I hold it together, my shoulders back. But once the door is shut, I fall into it, crumpling to the floor. I take deep breaths in and out as I replay everything in my head. I never saw that happening. I never thought I’d get that closure, but I hate that seeing them, hearing their voices, has sent me back to a time when I had no way out. When I was trapped by their abuse. I’m proud of myself for standing up to them, but my heart fucking hurts.

I want to hide. I want to make myself disappear, but I can’t. My whole body is shaking. My heart bangs against my ribs, and my flight instinct is in full activation mode. Instead, I dig my phone out of my pocket and call Stella. Thankfully, she answers right away. I can hear the clamor of the restaurant as she asks, “Hey? What’s up?”

“Sorry to call at work, but my dad and stepmom were just at my house.”

She gasps, and then it’s quiet. “What the hell? Are you okay?”

“Stella, I told them off.”

“Oh, Wes, that’s awesome. Are you okay? How do you feel?”

“A fucking mess.”

“What did they say?”

“I didn’t give them a chance to say anything.”

“I’m sorry they were there, but I am so proud of you.”

“Thanks,” I say, letting out a long breath. “I can’t believe that happened.”

“It obviously had to. I’m sorry I wasn’t there to kick their asses.”

I smile. “I wish you were here.”

“Let me see if I can skip out.”

“No. I need to calm down before you come over.”

“Okay, but don’t ghost me,” she warns.

“I won’t,” I promise, shaking my head. “It’s crazy how he found me. He found your social media from me after paying someone to get the information, and then he followed you to my house.”

She makes a small sound of distress. “Well, that’s not creepy at all.”

“Exactly. Though, I don’t know how he even knew I had a girlfriend.” When I’m met with silence, I bring in my brows. “Stella? What’s wrong?”

She still doesn’t speak, and my heart kicks up in speed. With the smallest of voices, she says, “I need to tell you something.”

“What?” I ask, my heart pounding so hard, I can’t see straight.

She clears her throat. “He called your phone a couple weeks ago, and I answered. I yelled at him and told him to stay away from you.”

My stomach drops.

“I know I should have told you earlier, but I didn’t want to upset you or even bring him up—”

“You talked to my sperm donor?”

“I did. I’m sorry, Wes. I was protecting you.”

“You could have warned me. I could have been prepared for this!” I don’t mean to yell, but I’m freaking the fuck out. “I basically raw-dogged a confrontation with two people I thought I would never have to see another day in my life! I could have been ready for it or prevented it.”

“But, Wes, you did great—”

“It doesn’t matter. You kept that from me. I was under the impression we didn’t do that. Or, at least, I thought so with the way you acted about the cupcake career thing. Or am I supposed to be honest with you, but you get to pick and choose?”

“Wes,” she pleads. “That’s not the case at all. I am not like anyone from your past, and you know that. Do not shut me out because you’re freaking out. Yes, this was a huge ordeal you just went through, and yes, I was wrong. I should have told you as soon as it happened, but I didn’t think anything would come from it, and I didn’t want to upset you. Babe, you’ve grown so much. I didn’t want to fuck that up.”

I shake my head, unable to see her side at this moment. I’m too upset. “I can’t talk to you right now.”


“Don’t bother coming over.”

I hang up, despite her calling my name, and throw my phone across the room. As I cover my face with my hands, I realize my heart hasn’t slowed at all, and I don’t know if it will. The adrenaline from the confrontation is gone, and I’m left with fear and betrayal, in the form of my girlfriend withholding something from me. Something big. Something I needed to know so I could have avoided what just happened.

But Stella didn’t give me that luxury, and now I feel insanely lost.