Dirty Toe Drag by Toni Aleo


Another book, another win.

Luckily, I’m finding me once more, and I am so beyond thankful for the constant support of you, as my reader, and my team. Lisa, Franci, and Heather, thank you for being the best team a girl can get. My amazing betas, my writing would be nothing without you. My family and friends, I am so thankful to have y’all in my life and for the endless love you give me. Thank you, everyone.

I am trying to be more social on social media, but the toxic nature kills me. I am working on me and learning once more who I am. Growing and thriving. But believe me, my love for all of you is unmatched. I am so thankful for you.

I hope you loved Wes and Stella. I enjoyed writing them so much. I love this world I get to live in. I am so excited for the next three books—Owen, Evan, and Dart—and then this super-crazy idea I have. Not sure if I’ll pursue it, but I am stoked.

I honestly can’t thank you enough for standing beside me and supporting me. I am a very blessed lady.

Thank you.

