Dirty Toe Drag by Toni Aleo



I’m notsure why Shelli gave in to Aiden’s need for a strong name, but I do adore the name Roman Lucas.

As I hold my month-old nephew, I see only Shelli. He does have Aiden’s lips and maybe his eyes, but I might be wrong. I don’t know. I just know I love this little dude. I never thought being an aunt would be so awesome, but it is. I stroke his dark hair along his head, cooing at him, ignoring the busy room. I tend to do that when Roman is here.

“My God, Stella, these cupcakes are unreal.”

I look over to where my mom is stuffing her face with the honey cupcakes with mascarpone frosting and caramelized figs on top. I usually don’t like figs, but man, those suckers are good. My dad stands beside her, doing the same but with the root beer float cupcake in his hand.

“I honestly don’t know why you didn’t quit school sooner. I blame Audrey,” he jokes, and Audrey promptly elbows him in the chest.

“She wouldn’t let me tell anyone! She was confused.”

“She’s not anymore, thank God,” Mom announces, and Dad nods.

“And this doesn’t cost us a penny since Audrey has to pay her.”

When another elbow comes to his chest, they all three laugh as my heart soars. I don’t know why I was so scared. Like everyone said, my parents were nothing but supportive. Of course, they were annoyed that I didn’t tell them sooner so they could have saved some money, but overall, they only wanted me to be happy. And boy am I.

“I couldn’t ask for a better assistant. I’d pay her whatever she wanted.”

And she does, but I still work at the restaurant too. Only because I love it. My aunt gives me a wide smile with nothing but love in her eyes, and I realize how much she loves me. It’s the same love I have for Roman. I know Roman and I will never have a relationship like Audrey’s and mine, but I know for sure I’m going to be a way better aunt than Emery.

For one, I’ll stay out of jail.

I glance over to where my sister is stuffing her mouth with sushi. She stands with all the confidence in the world, along with no cares. Asher and Ally are still not talking to Emery, other than pleasantries. She doesn’t care one bit; she was only worried about getting me to Wes. I swear, I couldn’t have asked for a more deranged sister who would break in to my boyfriend’s house for me. She’s crazy, but she has good intentions…if they serve her. I apologized to Asher since she’d done it for me, but it didn’t matter. He was lectured by my parents and then Ally’s parents for a very long time. Everyone was upset they’d left them out. In my opinion, it was their choice and their moment. Who cares how they did it, only that they did it because they love each other and make each other happy.

No one was hearing me, though. Not that it matters now. Aiden and Shelli have a baby, and Asher and Ally are married. And thankfully, Emery escapes going to jail daily.

It is what it is.

As for me, I’m totally in love with the man of my dreams.

When Wes comes up, wrapping his arm around Emery, she beams up at him, and my heart explodes in my chest. I love their relationship. But boy, do I love him. I adore his resilience, his kindness, and his loving heart. He goes out of his way for everyone. When my dad needed help with the gazebo in the back, Wes volunteered before my brothers did. Whenever my mom needs something done at the restaurant, Wes is there. If I have to work the following morning after a sleepover with him, he comes in with me to help make cupcakes.

And that’s not all.

While the Assassins didn’t make the play-offs, he didn’t allow that to bring him down. He has spent five days a week this summer training to get better, faster, and stronger. He works the ice with Boon and Aiden, along with a lot of the other guys who didn’t go home for the summer. Things are still up in the air in regard to a coach, but the guys are staying positive. With an owner and general manager like Elli and Shelli, they really don’t have a choice.

Wes is also keeping up with caring for his mental health. I’m so proud of him for it, too. I’ve even started going to sessions with him. I wanted to learn how to help him cope if he has issues, but also, I wanted to make our relationship stronger. Love is the foundation, but I know from watching my parents, you have to complement your partner. I want to make sure I know how, and I want him to know I care.

We haven’t had any issues from his sperm donor or the scum of the earth, but Wes was pretty determined about moving. Noelle felt it would be the best for him, for his peace of mind. I agreed, and while it took a few months for us to find this beautiful gem for him, it was totally worth it.

With my mom’s connections in the wine world, she was able to score a spot at the top of the wait list for Wes. It cost her a catering party anytime the owner of the most prestigious gated community in Nashville needed a caterer for the next year, but even she said she wanted Wes to feel safe. In no way do I feel those criminals will ever bother him again, but I like that only people with his code are allowed entry, and even then, they also have to be on his list. While I’m not living here full time, I am on the “always welcome” list.

I guess he likes me…

When Roman screeches with a blood-curdling scream, I jump in fear, but then Shelli is right there. “Oh goodness. Someone is hungry,” she says, taking him and kissing his head. “Thank you for loving on him.”

“Anytime. Sorry my boobs don’t work,” I say, and she laughs as she heads to the back bedroom.

The house is one of the smallest in the neighborhood, with only four bedrooms, but with the help of Shelli’s aunt Grace, the house is totally Wes. He has a gaming room, an office, a hockey memorabilia room, and then his bedroom. It’s really nice. I sometimes want to move in with him, but we haven’t really brought it up. We’ve been so busy with finding the place, decorating it, and also traveling, that my moving in never really came up. I stay when I want, which is basically all the time. I don’t keep anything here. Just a trusty suitcase that I lug around.

I walk through the living room, greeting his friends and teammates. I hear Lake’s loud laugh from across the room. He stopped by Audrey Jane’s one day about two months ago, ate a cupcake I’d made, and proclaimed it “fabulous.” Then he quickly apologized, and we were immediately back to being besties. Today, it looks like he’s conspiring with Emery. Oh well, at least he can use his skills to redesign their jumpsuits when they go to jail.

When I feel someone staring at me, I look up to find Wes watching me. His eyes are dark and naughty as he looks me up and down. I’m wearing the shoes he bought me after our first date with some short dress shorts and a flowy, see-through top. He is looking yummy in a button-down shirt and khaki shorts. His hair is brushed to the side, and his jaw is covered in hair. It’s his summer beard, as he calls it. Says he’ll shave once training camp starts.

Praise God, that’s in only two weeks.

When his lips curve, I excuse myself and start for him. It’s insane how a single look can make me feel like the most special person in a crowded room, but I live for that look. We meet halfway, and he wraps his arms around me as I do the same to him. His lips capture mine, and I rise up on my toes, holding him close. I cup his jaw as he squeezes my hips in his grip. When he pulls back, I look up into his eyes.

“Are you having fun?” he asks, and I nod.

“It’s a great time.”

He smiles in agreement as he looks around. “It seems like everyone is enjoying themselves.”

I don’t look around, though. I’m too engrossed in him. “I don’t see anyone but you.”

His grin grows as he looks back down to me. “Rude. That’s my line.”

“Ha-ha,” I tease as he kisses my nose. “I see my sister is eating the platters you insisted on having.” We both glance over to where Emery is now lying on the bar in a food coma. “My mom is going to bitch at her.”

“She won’t accept fullness until she eats it all.”

“I know,” I say, shaking my head before I lean it against his chest. “And then she can’t move.”

He chuckles. “Well, I would take the blame since I promised that I would have sushi at all future events of ours, but it’s her fault that she ate so much.”

My brows come in. I glance up, meeting his gaze as he looks down at me, wrapping his hand around my ponytail. “This is a house party for you, not an event for us.”

“Or so you think,” he says, parting from me before taking my hand in his. “If I can have everyone’s attention.”

My heart kicks up in speed. What in the hell is happening?

The chatter in the room calms down, and everyone looks to Wes and me. When he grins down at me, I know I look like a deer in headlights. Surely he is not asking me to marry him. We have definitely not discussed that!

“I want to thank everyone for coming out and celebrating my new house with me.” Everyone calls out something supportive, but I am staring a hole in the side of his face. “I also want to thank Mrs. Brooks for her help in getting me this house. It’s everything I ever could have asked for.” I’m sure my mom is grinning at him, sending him a kiss or something, but I still haven’t moved. “But most of all, I want to thank my super, stunning Stella.”

Oh God.

Wes’s eyes hold mine as he squeezes my hand. “I have never in my life loved someone the way I love you. You continually love me, challenge me to be a good man, and you support me when I can’t even support myself. My life would be nothing without you, and I want to continue making amazing memories with you.”

I think I just shit my pants.

“This house wouldn’t be a home without you, which is why I hope you’ll accept this.”

As he reaches into his pocket, my heart stops dead in my chest. When he pulls out a gate opener, I perk my brow.

“I want this to be our home.”

I take the opener, looking up at him. “You’re asking me to move in?”

“I am.”

“In front of everyone?”

He grins. “Yup.”

I laugh as I take him by the shirt, kissing him hard on the lips. He grins against my lips, and my heart soars. Everyone laughs or murmurs something, but I’m lost in his kiss. As I pull back, I look down at the opener. “Man, I’ve been hoping to score one of these.”

He grins down at me, but like always, Emery has something to say. “She thought you were asking her to marry you. Stella, you may need to check your pants.”

I exhale slowly so I don’t yell at her as Wes laughs softly. When he wraps his arms around me tighter, kissing my nose, I melt against him. “Need me to check?”

“Shut up,” I whisper against his lips. “But for real, I thought you were.”

He grins. “Believe me, I wanted to.”

My eyes widen. “Really?”

“Yeah, but when I started to bring it up to your dad, he would cut me off, saying his chest hurt with angina. Shea Adler couldn’t stop laughing, and neither could your brother, so I decided I’d cool it a bit. To ease him into this since I’m pretty sure he still doesn’t like me.”

I beam up at him. “It’s because you’re a man.”

“Yes, but I’m your man.”

“Oh yes, all my man,” I agree against his lips. “So, do I get to know when this proposal will go down?”

He shakes his head. “Not at all. But until then, I do have something special for you.”

Confused, I take his hand as he leads me through the kitchen and into the garage. He guides me around our vehicles, and there it is.

A black tandem bike.

My heart swells in my chest, and I look up at him. My eyes are wide, my lips puckered out as I gaze up at him. “Our bike.”

He wraps his arms around my waist, kissing my jaw and then my shoulder. “For us to ride into our future together.”

I grin. “So corny.”

“And you love it.”

I sigh as I swoon. “I do,” I say then, looking up at him. “But you… I love you so much, Wes.”

His eyes dance with mine as he holds me closer to him, kissing my nose. “I love you so much more.”

We kiss, and my heart is so full.

When we part, he grins at me. “Want to take it for a spin?”


And we do just that.

Metaphorically, we ride into our future, making all the memories. And I couldn’t ask for a better man to do it with.

My worthy, wise, wacky, well-endowed Wesley.

Ha, who’s corny now?