Such a Pretty Face by Annabelle Costa

Chapter 39

It took over a month for Brody to give up.

At first, he put in a tremendous effort. Lots of calls and text messages and flowers delivered to my apartment. He even got me chocolates from my favorite online chocolatier in the whole world. I ate them, but I didn’t call to thank him.

Eventually, the attention petered out. He’d text me, but only once a day. Then once a week. And then there was a point when about three months had passed and I realized I hadn’t heard from him in close to a month.

It’s officially over between me and Brody.

You know how they say that a rebound helps you get over a guy? Well, my rebound is chocolate. And despite what Brody said that day in his apartment, there isn’t a thing wrong with it. Actually, chocolate is far better than a guy. Chocolate won’t give you genital herpes. Chocolate won’t break your heart. It gives you everything you want and expects nothing in return. Chocolate is just right.

It’s an enormous relief not to have to worry about my weight anymore, now that I don’t have a boyfriend. For the first time in my life, I’m not on a diet. I eat what I want, and I don’t let myself feel guilty over it. After all, it’s not like anyone is going to see me naked in the near future.

Unfortunately, giving up Brody meant I had to give up my friendship with Jess. There was no way I could still be friends with her—not when she’s marrying Brody’s best friend. Furthermore, I don’t want to explain to her why the relationship ended. I’m sure Brody would appreciate me not telling her what a liar he is.

About four months after Brody and I broke up, I get a call from an unfamiliar number. I pick up without thinking, and when I hear Jess’s clear, familiar voice on the other line, I almost cry with happiness.

Or hang up. One or the other.

“Emily!” Jess cries. “I miss you so much! I know it’s weird with Brody, but I miss you, girl!”

Even though I hate myself, I ask her warily, “Where are you calling from?”

“I got a new cell number,” Jess admits. “Some customer I worked with got my number and was harassing me so I had to change it. But I figured this was a good way to make you pick up.”

“I’m sorry, Jess,” I sigh. “I know I’m a bad friend, but I… I can’t be around you right now.” I add in a small voice, “I’m sorry.”

“Brody won’t even tell us what happened,” Jess says. “I mean, I know it must have been bad, because you guys were so crazy about each other.”

“Yeah,” I mumble, speaking around a lump in my throat. I get up off my bed and start hunting through my desk drawer for chocolate. All I find is an empty bag of mini Twix.

Jess is quiet for a minute. “Max and I sent out wedding invitations, and I’d like to send you one. Can I?”

“Brody will be there…” I say. I remember how excited I’d been about going to a wedding with a date. So much for that.

“Yeah, he will,” Jess says. “But it’s going to be huge. I can make sure you guys aren’t seated anywhere near each other.”

“Is he going with someone?” I ask.

Jess is quiet for long enough that I know the answer. “Look,” she says. “I’ll be honest. He did RSVP plus one. But… he’s not seeing anyone. I mean, I’d know.”

“Maybe it’s Sean,” I say hopefully.

“Oh no,” Jess says. “It’s not Sean. Sean is banned from any future events. Brody wouldn’t dare.”

“So it’s a girl then,” I conclude. I flip open the shoebox in my closet, which is my other hiding place. Empty. Damn. I need to remember to restock.

“Oh, Emily,” Jess sighs. “He’s not seeing anyone. Trust me.”

I don’t know if she’s right. But the thought of running into Brody at yet another dateless wedding is more than I can handle. I’m not going to that wedding. And I can’t be friends with Jess anymore either.