Such a Pretty Face by Annabelle Costa

Chapter 42

Unfortunately, “as soon as possible” isn’t as fast as we’d like.

We decide to wait to have sex until my ankle is healed up, since we have enough complications without my big, swollen ankle being one of them. And then we have to coordinate things with Mike. On the night in question, he has to help Brody into bed and prepare him. The whole thing is stressful for so many reasons. I mean, it’s scary to be having sex for the first time. It’s annoying that a third person has to help. And on top of that, Brody has to take a pill a specific amount of time beforehand to get an erection. Everything about this is complicated and difficult.

But it’s also the most exciting thing I’ve ever experienced. And so worth it.

Mike answers the door when I show up. He gives me a huge smile. “We’re all set. Come on in.”

“Thanks,” I say. I look at him, unsure if he’s going to come with me to the bedroom.

“Brody says it’s okay for me to leave,” he says. “I’ll come back in a few hours, okay?”

I’m not entirely sure why he needs to come back, but I guess there are good reasons. I nod, and watch him leave. Then I head over to the bedroom.

I see Brody’s lower body up to his mid-chest is under the covers, and his arms are lying on top of the covers. He’s not wearing a shirt and I’m assuming he’s completely naked under there. The thought of it makes my entire body tingle. “Hey,” I say.

Brody rolls his head in my direction. “Hey yourself.”

I take a deep breath and move toward the bed. I slip my shoes off and climb into bed next to him.

“Aren’t you going to take your clothes off?” he asks me.

I chew on my lip. “I just… I feel funny about… you know, being naked.”

“Your body is really beautiful,” Brody says very seriously. “And Emily, I’m naked under here and there’s not much I can do about it. So I think it’s only fair that you’re naked too.” When he sees me hesitate, he adds, “You can dim the lights if you want.”

I leap out of bed and turn off the bedroom lights, leaving on only the bathroom lights. It’s a bit of a relief for both of us. I peel off my clothing and pull the covers off his naked body.

When Brody is on his back, the paunch in his abdomen is less visible and he’s otherwise fairly slim. He’s slim enough that all the places he’s missing muscles are extremely obvious. His forearms and hands are bony compared with his upper arms, and his legs are equally skinny. His knees are also slightly bent, like they’re stuck in a contracture, and his feet turn in towards each other. There’s a small tube coming out of his pelvic area, which Mike explained is his suprapubic catheter, but he’s clamped it so it won’t get in our way.

Brody gets this concerned look on his face. “Emily? You okay?”

“Yes,” I say. Even though I recognize that Brody’s body isn’t conventionally attractive, I still find him sexy. So sexy that I can barely breathe thinking about what’s going to come next.

“You still want to go through with this?” he asks me with a crooked smile.

“Yes, definitely!” I say. And I add, “I think you’re really sexy.”

“I’m not.” He shakes his head. “But I love the way you blush when you say it.”

I lean toward him, kissing him, pressing my body against his. He’s doing his best to touch me. I grope for his penis, which is still completely flaccid. I wrap my fingers around it, applying gentle pressure and friction. Slowly, it becomes firm in my hand. Firm enough? I have no idea.

Brody continues to touch me and kiss me, but I keep my hand on his penis, hoping it will increase in size as we fool around. It doesn’t. I think this is the best it’s going to get for now.

I position myself over Brody’s body, and I’m dripping wet now, anticipating feeling him inside me. I reach for his penis again to guide it, but I discover it’s gone completely soft in the minute I’d lost contact. Brody notices what happened and drops his head down on the pillow. “Fuck,” he says. “I hate my fucking body.”

I roll off him and now I’m not sure what to do. Brody assured me he’d had sex since his injury, but right now, it doesn’t seem within the realm of possibility.

“Linda used a rubber band,” Brody says, breaking the silence.


He takes a shaky breath and turns his head to look at me. “Once I’m hard, you wrap a rubber band around the base of my penis. That usually worked.” He adds, “I’ve got some rubber bands in the top drawer of the desk in the living room.”

I nod and make my way to the living room. It feels totally weird being naked in someone else’s apartment, but at least there’s no one else around. I snag a couple of rubber bands from Brody’s desk and bring them back to the bedroom. He’s waiting for me, his naked body uncovered, his brows knitted together.

This time when I get him hard, I’m ready with a rubber band. I tie it around the base of his penis as Brody watches me. Then slowly, carefully, I guide his penis inside me.

I’ve always heard that losing your virginity hurts. But it doesn’t. Maybe because I’m twenty-seven and I’ve probably broken my hymen through years of masturbating and vibrators. Plus, and let’s be real here, Brody is not huge. I’m not saying that in a bad way though. For a virgin, it’s perfect.

Having Brody inside me fills me with a good, warm feeling. I bounce up and down, increasing the friction. Brody can’t do much to help and it’s very hard on my thighs, so I end up slowing down. He paws at my breasts, which is sweet. I rub at my clitoris as he slides in and out of me slowly, and I realize I’m going to come soon. Brody’s body bounces below me as I increase my speed, accelerating toward my orgasm. I come hard, letting out a scream that likely echoes all the way down in the lobby. And then I collapse onto the bed next to Brody.

I pull the rubber band off Brody’s still erect penis, which quickly crumples. I press my body against his, hard enough that we might fuse.

“I can’t believe I took your virginity,” he whispers in my ear. He’s grinning like the cat that got the canary. “That’s so cool.”

“Is it?” I ask.

He nods. “Yeah, definitely.” He strokes my face with the back of his hand. “Any regrets?”

“No way.”

He smiles at me. “You are so sexy, Emily. I can’t even believe you’re my girlfriend.”

I look down at my naked body, with all the cellulite and rolls of fat. “You don’t really think I’m sexy.”

He snorts. “Hell yeah, I do.”

“I’m not sexy though.” I can’t help but say it. I’m not. Why does he keep telling me that I’m beautiful or sexy when I’m just so obviously not?

“Emily,” he says. “Look at me. I’m nobody’s idea of the sexiest man on Earth, to put it mildly. But I know you want me. If you could want to be with me, looking the way I do, why is it so hard for you to believe that I think you’re sexy?”

He has a point. Maybe he does find me sexy. Maybe to him, I’m more than a pretty face. Maybe I’ve got the whole package.

“I love you,” I say, my fingers sliding over his abdomen.

“I love you too,” he says. And this time, I believe him.