Such a Pretty Face by Annabelle Costa


One Year Later

I have lost three-hundred pounds. As it turns out, I really do have a pretty face. Pretty enough that when I was walking down the street a few months ago, a modeling agent saw me, and begged me to sign up. Back then, I needed to be in the plus-sized category, but now I’ve moved on to regular modeling. I just booked my first magazine cover!

Yeah. As if.

Okay, I didn’t lose three-hundred pounds. I’m not a model—plus-sized or otherwise. (Is it just me, or are most plus-sized models the same size as the average woman?) I lost seventy-five pounds though. And put on twenty. Evening out to a very respectable fifty-five pounds lost. I’m proud of myself.

Brody is proud of me too. Every night, the two of go around his block twenty times. I used to be winded after five times, but now I can do twenty, no problem.

As for eating… well, I still like to eat. That won’t change any time this century. But I’m trying to stick to somewhat smaller portions. I gave up soda and I only drink water now. My blood sugars have been great and I’ve been able to go off of the medication. It helps that I haven’t felt anxious or depressed all year, so I haven’t felt the need to binge. One of the most important things I’ve done is to start seeing a therapist to talk through my problems. It’s helped a lot.

Also, I started taking singing lessons again. Okay, I’m not going to be the next Adele or Lizzo or Kelly Clarkson. But I don’t care. I love it. It’s almost better than therapy.

Of course, the most important thing of all is Brody. Without him, I never could have kept off the weight. He says he loves me at any weight, but he doesn’t want me to have diabetes and get sick. So I make an effort for him. We eat healthy together, and I’ve given up alcohol on his behalf.

I’m never going to be skinny. I’ll never even be average weight. I’ll always be a big girl. But my goal is to be a healthy weight. For me.

I’m so much healthier. I don’t get out of breath as easily. I sweat less. My vision has cleared up. And I feel better. And right now, I’m doing something I never thought I would do. I’m taking a romantic vacation with my boyfriend to Niagara Falls.

We’ve been dying to take a trip together, just the two of us. We went to Maine together for Max and Jess’s wedding, but Brody’s mother came along to help out. Then a few months ago, we took a trip to Atlantic City, but Ford and Abby came along, so Ford could help me if I needed it. Strangely enough, I introduced the two of them and they hit it off. When I officially move in with Brody, Abby will probably move in with Ford.

But Brody and I have been dying to go away together with no one helping. So Maggie spent a lot of time training me to do everything I would need to do. There’s a lot involved in Brody’s care, but I’ve become an expert. Like the second we arrived in the hotel room, I immediately checked to make sure the lift we rented could fit under the bed. (It did)

And now we are together at the Horseshoe Falls, where thirty-five million gallons of water pour over the edge every single minute.

“This is amazing,” Brody says, as he stares up at the waterfall. His reddish-brown hair is tousled by the wind and he’s got on his sunglasses.

I pull at my shorts, which have been riding up my butt for the last twenty minutes. Some things never change. “Do you want to get closer?”

We look at the crowd at the railing in front of the waterfall. A year ago, I definitely wouldn’t have tried to get closer. But I’ve gotten braver.

“Nah,” he says. “It’s a great view. And I’m close to the best view of all.”

I swipe at Brody’s shoulder and grin at him. Another thing that’s changed is his comments about how sexy he thinks I am don’t embarrass me anymore. I love it. I know he isn’t full of shit when he tells me I’m sexy—he means it.

He turns back to look at the waterfall. “Christ, something like that makes me feel grateful to be alive.”

“Yeah,” I say. “I know what you mean.”

Both of us have come close to dying because of our bad habits. Brody much closer than me, but I was on my way. But he rescued me from the brink. I’m so grateful to him. And I’m grateful to be alive, staring out at this beautiful sight.

“This year…” He pulls off his sunglasses so he can look me in the eyes. “This year has been the best year of my life.”

I smile. “It has?”

He nods. “All because of you. I didn’t realize how unhappy and lonely I was before you came along. You’re like the missing piece. And… I don’t want to ever be without you.”

My heart is suddenly pounding in my chest. What is he saying?

Brody digs around in the pouch in his wheelchair. He pulls out a little blue velvet box.

Oh my God.

“Emily,” he said. “Will you marry me? Please?”

His proposal has attracted a bit of attention. People have turned to watch us. Some of them even seem to be filming us, but the hell with them. All that matters at this moment are me and him.

“Yes!” I cry. “Of course! Yes!”

Brody wants to get the box open on his own. It takes a bit of work on his part, but when he pops it open, I gasp at how beautiful it is. It’s not huge or extravagant, but it’s perfect. When I take it out of the box, it fits my finger perfectly.

I lean in to kiss him, and it’s every bit as good as the first kiss we had, way back in that restaurant when I finally agreed that we were definitely on a date. I love this man so much. I’m going to spend the rest of my life with the sexiest man I know.

The End