Risk Taker by Sonia Stanizzo


Firstly, I want to thank my loving family, Tom, Jaime, Ryan and Leah. They’re always so encouraging and supportive and my number one fans!

A special thanks to the members of the Romance Writers of Australia who always have an answer to my many questions. A huge thank you to my writing group, Paquita, Julie-Ann, Linda and Tracey for their help in getting this book ready. A huge thanks to TL Swan and her Facebook groups, Cygnet Inkers and S S Cygnets. The ladies in those groups are so encouraging. I’ve learned so much and gained the confidence I needed to tackle this adventure on my own. Special thanks to Michelle H, Becky C, Kristie Gai I and Patricia Ann. Your help has been wonderful!

Finally, to my amazing readers. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you reading my books. It makes my day! Thank you, thank you, thank you. xoxox