The Billionaire’s Bride by L. Steele



Baron straightens, as the two of them continue to stare at each other.

"What the hell are you doing?" I step outside, shoving at Baron. "Get out of her face, man," I growl.

He glowers from her to me, then back at her. "This isn’t over, Ava." He shoves my hand away, then turns and stalks off.

Ava watches him walk down the path; her features wear a haunted expression.

"What did he say to you, Eve?" I demand. "Did he insult you, because if he did I—"

"No," she swallows, "it’s nothing." She brushes past me and walks inside the house.

I watch as Baron gets into his car, then turn and stalk back inside. "It didn’t seem like nothing to me," I mutter.

She places her bag on the couch and sinks down next to it. Her hair flows about her shoulders. It’s obvious her shoulders are tense.

Walking over, I stand behind the couch, push her hair to the side, then dig my fingers into her shoulder. Finding a knot in her muscle, I work at it until it loosens.

"That feels good." She leans into my touch. "Don’t stop, Ed."

I use my good arm and continue to massage her shoulders, alternating between the two, until the tension fades away and she’s pliant.

"Mmm." She closes her eyes and leans her head back on the couch. "Thank you, that was wonderful."

"The pleasure is all mine." I smile down at her relaxed features.

She opens her eyelids, gazes up at me from under her lashes. The curve of her lips, the relaxed set of her features, the sleepy look about her eyes... All of it pulls me in. I bend down until my face is poised over hers. She traces her gaze down my face, until it rests on my lips. She swallows and I close the distance between us until my lips are poised above hers.

"Ed," she mumbles, "we can’t."

"Why not?"

"Because we shouldn’t."

"Why not?"

"Because I told Baron that I wasn’t sleeping with him, or with you, until I arrive at a decision."

"Wait, what?" I scowl. "What did you say?"

She leans forward. "I am not having sex with either of you." She folds her arms about her waist. "Not until I’ve figured out what to do about all of this."

Walking around the couch to see her face, I argue, "That’s bullshit, Eve."

"Yeah, that’s what he said also."

"Stop talking about him when you’re with me."

She throws up her hands, "Is this what is going to happen when I am with either of you and I mention the other one? Seriously, you guys need to grow up." She stands up and begins to pace. "I am trying my best here, and neither of you is helping me out."

I fold my fingers into fists at my side. "Can’t say I blame him, though."

She pauses, then turns to face me. "What are you talking about?"

"You come home smelling like another man, and you think I am going to stand by silently and accept it?"

She pales, "It…it’s not like that, Ed."

"Oh?" I round the couch, and walk toward her, "Then how is it, Ava, explain it to me?" I take a step forward and she skitters back.

"It’s really not how it seems."

"Oh?" I allow my lips to curl. "Are you denying that you kissed him?"

Her gaze lowers.

"Thought so."

I move toward her and she stumbles back another step.

"Did he touch you, Eve?" I growl. "Did you let him press his lips to yours, thrust his tongue in between your lips, as he felt your shoulders, your breasts, the curve of your hips? Did he wind your hair around his fist and yank on it as he closed his mouth over yours?"

Her breath hitches, then her face pales. "Stop it," she snarls. "Stop it, Ed."

"Why should I?" I close the distance between us, and she slides back until her body touches the wall. She stiffens, looking around her, "Don’t even think about it," I warn. "Tell me what he did to you, Eve."

"Nothing," she snaps.

"You’re a liar." I lunge forward and she screams.

"Don’t come closer, Ed!"

"Why?" I allow my lips to curl. "Scared I’ll kiss you and then you’ll forget him?"

"This is not a competition," she snarls

"So, you keep saying, and you know what? I am fucking tired of it." I plant my hand on the wall next to her head and she freezes. Her breathing quickens. She darts her gaze from left to right and that’s when I push my hips into hers.

Her gaze widens; she tips up her chin and stares into my face. Her pupils dilate. I pin her to the wall and I know she can feel every last swollen inch of my hardness. Color smears her cheeks, she buries her teeth into her lower lip and blood rushes to my groin.

"See what you do to me, Eve?" I growl. "When I am in the same space as you, I can’t fucking keep away from you."

"Don’t, Ed," she whispers, "please don’t."

"Of course, you’d put the onus on me. You want me to take the choice out of your hands. Want me to show you what you’re missing, Eve?"

"Edward." She searches my face. For mercy? Fat chance of that. "I know this is not you speaking. This is your ego, your fear, that’s making you say these things to me."

"Ha," I scoff, "of course, you don’t want to believe the worst of me. You think, just because I was once a priest, that I’ll play by the rules. You think I’ll stand by and watch as he uses every opportunity to seduce you, to convince you to choose him. You think I’ll let it slide when he puts his hands all over you, then drops you home, knowing it will tear me apart to see him with you?"

"Ed, stop, please." She scrunches up her forehead. "You don’t know what you’re saying."

"You’re right."

"I am?"

I nod. "It’s time to stop speaking and show you how I feel, Eve."

Her gaze widens. She shakes her head, "Don’t, Ed. Don’t you dare."

I lower my head, place my lips close to hers, "Tell me you don’t want me to kiss you."

She swallows.

"Tell me you don’t want me, Eve."

"I…" She licks her lips, "I can’t."

"Ask me to kiss you."

She shakes her head.

"Do it, Eve," I growl.

She raises her gaze to mine, peers into my eyes, and in hers I see a pleading, a request, a need, confusion and lust. Arousal and uncertainty.

"Fuck." I lean my forehead against hers. "I want you, Ava. I need you. You know that, right?"

She nods.

"Then let me kiss you, let me feel your lips against mine. All the time I spent away from you, the only thing that kept me going was knowing that I was going to come back to you. Don’t deny me, Eve," I hold her gaze, "please."

She draws in a breath, squeezes her eyes shut, before opening them. "Okay." She nods.

"Okay." I rub my nose against hers. "Okay." I lower my lips to hers, brush my mouth over hers once. I lean back and she makes a sound of protest. My lips kick up. I lean my face into hers, press my mouth to hers again. I lick across her lips and she parts them. I slide my tongue over hers, and a moan tumbles from her mouth. I tilt my head, suck on her tongue, and she shivers. I deepen the kiss, licking into her mouth, dragging my tongue across her teeth, as I press my hips into her.

Her entire body shudders. I pour all the longing, all the frustration, the loneliness I felt when I was away from her... The helplessness at not being able sift through my emotions, knowing how much I missed her, despite knowing I needed time to figure things out… Still having to figure things out… The lust, the complete awe that I found her… I pour all of it into the kiss.

I press my body into hers so we touch at chest, hips, and thighs, until every part of me is imprinted on hers. I draw in her breath, share my own, then lick into her mouth again, and she pushes her hips into mine. I plant a thigh between hers, pressing down into the soft, luscious center of her, and a groan bleeds from her. She wraps her arms about my shoulders and holds on as she begins to ride my leg. I deepen the kiss even more, until it seems like we are sharing the same breath, until her breasts are flattened against my chest. I tilt my hips and press into her soft core, giving her the friction she so craves. She pushes up against the column of my thigh, digs her fingers into my shoulders and rubs her core against my leg, over and over again. Her body tenses, her shoulders jerk, her entire body goes rigid. That’s when I tear my mouth from hers, and stare into her eyes. "Come for me, Eve."